Someone who's actually taken on the left & won. Our next president (I hope)

you're the one trying to tell me that voters won't care that a candidate for president doesn't have a bachelor's degree.

They don't. If a chimpanzee could run for president, there would be people who would vote for it.

i'm the one telling you that people will want their president more qualified than the guy running the local enterprise car rental.

And what makes you think your opinion of Scott Walker is authoritative? Obama was a "constitutional scholar" and has done more to eviscerate it than uphold it. The people determine whether Scott Walker should be the nominee, not his lack of college education. If think that's a major issue, I feel sorry for you.
Walker's lack of formal education isn't a problem. His failure as governor of Wisconsin is, though.

Its going to be a huge problem. Here is why. A great number of independents (Republicans will either stay out of it or vote for him depending on the voter) have kids with BA, BS, BBA, etc or higher. They will look at a person without a degree and think that their son or daughter is better educated than someone running for President?

I'm not saying it's fair or even a good barometer to use but many will use it.
I posted this earlier in another thread. good review for voting for him

VOTE OUT that nasty progressive/Democrat party from our lives come 2016

Six Reasons Why Scott Walker Will Be Elected President
Today he makes it official.

By Aaron Goldstein – 7.13.15


Shortly before Scott Walker was re-elected Wisconsin’s Governor for the third time in four years, I made the case that if Walker prevailed Republicans should nominate him as their presidential candidate right then and there. Since January, Walker has been at or near the top of most public opinion polls of preferred standard bearers for the GOP in 2016, and today he officially launches his White House bid, making him the 15th Republican to join the field. While this field is quite crowded, I believe it will soon become apparent that Scott Walker stands out head and shoulders above the rest. Here are the six reasons why I believe Walker will not only win the GOP nomination, but be elected President in November 2016.

1. He’s Part of the Middle Class (or He Actually Shops at Kohl’s and Sears)

It was after Walker spoke at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January that his popularity began to soar outside of Wisconsin. As much as anything else, I think what resonated with the crowd and those who watched the speech on C-SPAN or online is when he spoke about shopping at Kohl’s:

But years ago as newlyweds I made a critical mistake. I went to a Kohl’s Department Store and I bought something for the price it was marked at. Right? My wife said to me, “You can never go back there again until you learn how to shop at Kohl’s.” So now if I’m going to pick up a new shirt I go to the rack that says it was $29.99 & I see it’s marked down to $19.99. And then because I’m well trained I got that insert from the Sunday newspaper and I took it up to the clerk with my Kohl’s credit card and get another 10 or 15% off. And then I watch that mailer because, man, Tonette shops there a lot so I know I’m going to get another 10 to 15% off. And if I’m really lucky I get that flyer with 30% off.

Somehow I don’t think Ann Romney ever told her husband that he had to learn to shop at Kohl’s. Not that there’s anything wrong with being wealthy. But when money is no object it can be difficult to understand that most of us are subject to the mercy of money. The fact is, the lives of most Americans are centered around the fact we don’t have enough money. Mitt Romney couldn’t grasp this in 2012 and I don’t believe most of the current Republican field gets it either by virtue of their prosperity.

In late April, the New York Daily News tried to make an issue of Walker’s credit card debt with Sears. William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection responded to the report in the Daily News in this manner:

ALL of it here:

Read more at Six Reasons Why Scott Walker Will Be Elected President The American Spectator

And with the 18-27% interest he is paying on the Khol's card, the % of savings is non-existent.
Way to go Scott.
The good thing about having to run against Scott Walker is that for every vote he gets the GOP in Wisconsin, the GOP loses a vote in Ohio. Any state where Unions are still any sort of a force will not go for Walker so the GOP can kiss Ohio goodbye if Walker is atop the ticket. Florida becomes more blue than red as well with the high number of union retirees in the State. I would also forecast Arizona will be closer as a result. I think the Democratic Party is ready to put Arizona in its column anyway. For the same reason, I think this is the year.
you're the one trying to tell me that voters won't care that a candidate for president doesn't have a bachelor's degree.

They don't. If a chimpanzee could run for president, there would be people who would vote for it.

i'm the one telling you that people will want their president more qualified than the guy running the local enterprise car rental.

And what makes you think your opinion of Scott Walker is authoritative? Obama was a "constitutional scholar" and has done more to eviscerate it than uphold it. The people determine whether Scott Walker should be the nominee, not his lack of college education. If think that's a major issue, I feel sorry for you.
yes, the people decide, and his lack of formal education will be part of that decision. you can't possibly think that his lack of a degree is a positive for him, can you?
remember folks, they did this same to a WOMAN Sarah Palin. knocked her down for her education. this is a party who has NOTHING good to ever run on. so vote them out and they can stew amongst themselves with marches, protesting's like we had to watch during the Bush Administration

go Walker/Cruz
Can anyone name anything about Scott Walker that would identify him as anything other than your standard issue cookie cutter establishment Republican,

or is that his appeal, afterall?
remember folks, they did this same to a WOMAN Sarah Palin. knocked her down for her education. this is a party who has NOTHING good to ever run on. so vote them out and they can stew amongst themselves with marches, protesting's like we had to watch during the Bush Administration

go Walker/Cruz

It's being done to Walker as proof that you fatasses were full of shit when you tried to characterize criticism of Sarah Palin as some sort of anti-woman nonsense.
Which just goes to show that Walker is liked, even among the liberals of that state.

Actually, it just goes to show that Wisconsin is a swing state.

Walker survived recall largely due to the issue being about a single issue. The people of the state agreed with him on that issue, and so the recall failed. I don't really think that demonstrates much about the man's qualifications either way.
Walker's lack of formal education isn't a problem. His failure as governor of Wisconsin is, though.
i don't know. i realize i'm not a republican voter, but it bugs the hell out of me. i have to believe there are some republicans out there that still value a formal education.

In other words, you're an elitist, just like most other Democrats. In a time when Democrats decry the availability of high education due to its prohibitive costs, and when the Democrats demand higher pay for jobs not requiring a higher education so that people can raise a family working those jobs, they want to denounce Walker's qualifications because he does not have said education.

And this is the typical batshittery that constitutes the Democratic mind of today.
remember folks, they did this same to a WOMAN Sarah Palin. knocked her down for her education. this is a party who has NOTHING good to ever run on. so vote them out and they can stew amongst themselves with marches, protesting's like we had to watch during the Bush Administration

go Walker/Cruz

It's being done to Walker as proof that you fatasses were full of shit when you tried to characterize criticism of Sarah Palin as some sort of anti-woman nonsense.

Or Obama criticism was some sort of race nonsense.


That would be my preferred ticket. Of course it's very early but Walker is the only candidate that stands out to me.

Unless Trump stays high in the polls, I would like to see a Walker/Fiorina ticket. He has the executive experience and her former employment has placed her at the same table with many foreign leaders. She has that experience. They are both true conservatives.
Walker's lack of formal education isn't a problem. His failure as governor of Wisconsin is, though.
Wisconsin voters disagree with you. They had the chance to oust him & chose not to.

Not really sure what that means. In Ohio, Kasich won reelection by an almost 2 to 1 margin. I even voted for him, but it wasn't so much because I thought he was fantastic; the Dems just put up a lousy candidate to run against him, so he was the better choice given the option. I'm not so sure Walker would be reelected again, although I'm sure it would be close either way.
Well that settles it. All the previous attacks on me for my opinion are justified because of your anecdote

What? I can't state my opinion? Get a spine.

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