Someone who's actually taken on the left & won. Our next president (I hope)

it will matter. it might not to the uneducated, like yourself, but it will matter to others.

And then you attack me! Gorgeous! If this is all you have to attack him with, you're gonna get your asses kicked.

If you compare Walker's accomplishments with the lack of accomplishments by Hillary, Sanders, or Biden, there's no comparison.

Nobody on the Democratic side has anything to brag of, nor do they have any qualifications. 2016 is going to be a massacre. The gnashing of teeth and wailing will be monumental.
all of the illegals. We don't need them. as far as how many lazy?
Lets make it all of those sucking off the taxpayers that while doing so are not looking for work and are not going to school,
if you are getting benefits without trying to get off of them. Do the country a favor and die.
So since you have the numbers, how about you tell me how many are not abusing the taxpayer.

You are upset by all the lazy people. You must have an idea about how bad the problem is. How much do these lazy people cost us?

We are looking for the number of adults who can work, but don't because they are lazy or are satisfied with living off of taxpayers.

How fucking many?
right around the 12 million mark right now.
let them die.
and to be honest, we would all be better off if they lose access to the free library computers. then we wouldn't have to read garbage from non working losers like you.
Is it possible for a tax sucking liberal to communicate without swearing?
instead of trying to cause issues, don't you think it would make more sense for you to be here thanking those that go to work so you can mooch?

12 million? Please provide the source for that number.


I could buy you, by the way. Please....know your place.
Pretty bold of you to assume you could buy me. This is indication that you really are welfare scum.
It was assumed by how protective you seem to be over the free stuff the taxpayer is buying.
So, in light of that, you should really kiss not only my ass, but the ass of most people here that are paying the taxes that provide you with the ability to access the internet.
how about you come up with some figures (and not from some liberal site) that proves me wrong.
get your life coach to help,, no, dont, the life coach is obviously failing you now.

You are rambling. I've asked for your source. Do you have one?
can you disprove me welfare boy?
You're probably referring to the liberal-biased Marquette poll. Those are the same pollsters who predicted he would lose in both gubernatorial elections, and predicted that he would be recalled.

You lie. Stop lying.

Residing in Wisconsin, I would happen to know about things like that.

So how long have you lived in this state?

That doesn't mean you're not a liar.

Marquette Law School Poll finds Walker leads Barrett in Wisconsin recall Marquette Law School Poll

Now fuck off you horrible person.

Why shouldn't I lie to you left-wingers? That's a tactic you people have honed to perfection and believe me, I'm going to use every one of your tactics against you people from now until 2016.
When you catch me in a lie we'll be even. Until then you are a useless cluster of feces that should seriously consider giving up your space to a decent human being.
Hes not a liberal, so your assumption that he is a useless cluster of feces that should consider giving up his space for a decent human being is a lie.
In all fairness however, I will concede that you just mistook him for a common liberal.
it will matter. it might not to the uneducated, like yourself, but it will matter to others.

And then you attack me! Gorgeous! If this is all you have to attack him with, you're gonna get your asses kicked.
according to you that's not an attack.
interesting that you felt it was when directed at yourself.

walker's lack of education coupled with the way he's handled education in his state to me is a liability.
You are upset by all the lazy people. You must have an idea about how bad the problem is. How much do these lazy people cost us?

We are looking for the number of adults who can work, but don't because they are lazy or are satisfied with living off of taxpayers.

How fucking many?
right around the 12 million mark right now.
let them die.
and to be honest, we would all be better off if they lose access to the free library computers. then we wouldn't have to read garbage from non working losers like you.
Is it possible for a tax sucking liberal to communicate without swearing?
instead of trying to cause issues, don't you think it would make more sense for you to be here thanking those that go to work so you can mooch?

12 million? Please provide the source for that number.


I could buy you, by the way. Please....know your place.
Pretty bold of you to assume you could buy me. This is indication that you really are welfare scum.
It was assumed by how protective you seem to be over the free stuff the taxpayer is buying.
So, in light of that, you should really kiss not only my ass, but the ass of most people here that are paying the taxes that provide you with the ability to access the internet.
how about you come up with some figures (and not from some liberal site) that proves me wrong.
get your life coach to help,, no, dont, the life coach is obviously failing you now.

You are rambling. I've asked for your source. Do you have one?
can you disprove me welfare boy?

Where did you get the number?
right around the 12 million mark right now.
let them die.
and to be honest, we would all be better off if they lose access to the free library computers. then we wouldn't have to read garbage from non working losers like you.
Is it possible for a tax sucking liberal to communicate without swearing?
instead of trying to cause issues, don't you think it would make more sense for you to be here thanking those that go to work so you can mooch?

12 million? Please provide the source for that number.


I could buy you, by the way. Please....know your place.
Pretty bold of you to assume you could buy me. This is indication that you really are welfare scum.
It was assumed by how protective you seem to be over the free stuff the taxpayer is buying.
So, in light of that, you should really kiss not only my ass, but the ass of most people here that are paying the taxes that provide you with the ability to access the internet.
how about you come up with some figures (and not from some liberal site) that proves me wrong.
get your life coach to help,, no, dont, the life coach is obviously failing you now.

You are rambling. I've asked for your source. Do you have one?
can you disprove me welfare boy?

Where did you get the number?
see if someone will put a nickel on your head, you keep repeating yourself without ever reading.
12 million? Please provide the source for that number.


I could buy you, by the way. Please....know your place.
Pretty bold of you to assume you could buy me. This is indication that you really are welfare scum.
It was assumed by how protective you seem to be over the free stuff the taxpayer is buying.
So, in light of that, you should really kiss not only my ass, but the ass of most people here that are paying the taxes that provide you with the ability to access the internet.
how about you come up with some figures (and not from some liberal site) that proves me wrong.
get your life coach to help,, no, dont, the life coach is obviously failing you now.

You are rambling. I've asked for your source. Do you have one?
can you disprove me welfare boy?

Where did you get the number?
see if someone will put a nickel on your head, you keep repeating yourself without ever reading.

Your entire world view is based on your desire to stop feeding all the lazy people. But you haven't bothered to find out how many of them we have. That must be a weird feeling.
it will matter. it might not to the uneducated, like yourself, but it will matter to others.

And then you attack me! Gorgeous! If this is all you have to attack him with, you're gonna get your asses kicked.
according to you that's not an attack.
interesting that you felt it was when directed at yourself.

walker's lack of education coupled with the way he's handled education in his state to me is a liability.

You won't vote for him anyway, so what are you blathering about.

Paul Allen, Bill Gates and many others didn't go beyond high school. It isn't a prerequisite in running or even being elected President.

If you have practical knowledge, life experience and common sense, you are good to go. He did well in Wisconsin.
do you have any further education or degrees?

What does that matter to you? See, you're just making my point! You can't attack on the issues, just his education!

That's all they can so, seeing as how nobody can defend their own candidates. I'm still waiting to hear about all of the Democratic candidate's accomplishments and one thing that qualifies them to even be in the running.

Walker's lack of formal education isn't a problem. His failure as governor of Wisconsin is, though.
Wisconsin voters disagree with you. They had the chance to oust him & chose not to.

Not really sure what that means. In Ohio, Kasich won reelection by an almost 2 to 1 margin. I even voted for him, but it wasn't so much because I thought he was fantastic; the Dems just put up a lousy candidate to run against him, so he was the better choice given the option. I'm not so sure Walker would be reelected again, although I'm sure it would be close either way.
Walker's lack of formal education isn't a problem. His failure as governor of Wisconsin is, though.
i don't know. i realize i'm not a republican voter, but it bugs the hell out of me. i have to believe there are some republicans out there that still value a formal education.

A college education is not the ultimate measure of a man's useful intelligence.

If education is confined to college campuses then all of us are condemned to live our lives in complete and laughable ignorance. To those who seek knowledge, the whole world is a classroom and the quest for knowledge involves one's total lifetime.

I have an MBA and JD (Juris Doctorate). Do those without degrees think that makes me smarter than them? Of course not! Look, gang, I have posted enough words on this thread for all of you to assess my intellectual capacity. If I were to be judged fairly I am certain that most of you would say I am smarter than some posters and not as smart as others. I would be expected to know more about accounting than those who do not have an MBA and more about law than those who do not have a JD. But outside of those fields – and most knowledge lies outside of those fields – my college education gives me no advantage.

Most of the knowledge I possess has come from independent reading and listening to others. I know as much about the HIV/AIDS hypotheses as the greatest virologists/retrovirologists on the planet. I know this subject so well because for decades I have read and understood the writings of these world-renowned experts. I also know a lot about the Bible and this not a topic taught in business or law school. Learning is a process of observing, reading and listening continuously and intently. You can adequately judge a man's cerebral acumen just by listening to him speak. I cannot begin to express how much I have learned from others on this site and I thank each one of you.

Conclusion: There are wise men without college diplomas and fools with such testimonials. A college degree signifies only that a person has studied a particular and very limited field. The person I would want to lead my country would be one who has dedicated his entire life to learning a broad range of subjects and has the analytical skills to process all available information to make good decisions. He would also realize his limitations and be able to appoint competent experts in areas where his own knowledge is lacking. I don't know about you but I have heard some famous college graduates say and do some very stupid things.
To those who seek knowledge, the whole world is a classroom and the quest for knowledge involves one's total lifetime.

And there goes ogi's argument. I don't have a college education either, but I study the wealth of knowledge provided my by the internet, and by my world.
You lie. Stop lying.

Residing in Wisconsin, I would happen to know about things like that.

So how long have you lived in this state?

That doesn't mean you're not a liar.

Marquette Law School Poll finds Walker leads Barrett in Wisconsin recall Marquette Law School Poll

Now fuck off you horrible person.

Why shouldn't I lie to you left-wingers? That's a tactic you people have honed to perfection and believe me, I'm going to use every one of your tactics against you people from now until 2016.

When you catch me in a lie we'll be even. Until then you are a useless cluster of feces that should seriously consider giving up your space to a decent human being.

You've been living a lie for your entire life. Liberalism is nothing but but one enormous lie, itself. I don't know why you even bother to hide it anymore. You consider yourself a "decent" human being? What's all that blood on your hands, abortionist?

That's how a liar defends himself? lol, keep talking. I'll make you eat the above post on a regular basis,

bon appetit.

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