Something is seriously wrong if all of the intelligence agencies

Something is seriously wrong if all of the intelligence agencies
agree that there was interference in an election and the Attorney General (FBI's boss) casually dismisses questions about whether there was any discussion about Russian involvement in said election.

They stole the election and this is a fugging coup.

Truth will out! Lock them Up America!
Hillary Clinton tells us she is recovering from a mild case of pneumonia, but less than half of American voters believe her idiotic explanation of why she appeared to faint leaving a 9/11 commemoration after being PUSHED into a waiting Limo and rushed away!
And you talk about the GOP lying? What are you smoking?

Seriously, the enemy attacked the fundamentals of US democracy and you are more concerned about a woman fainting from over heating 9 months ago...
It's easy to see how the current fake administration has become the enemy of our intelligence agencies. They ALL provide the same intelligence and he wants to fire their leaders for it. They need to oppose anything Trump does going forward, he is not acting in America's best interest and neither are any of the brown-nosers he appointed like KKK Sessions.
Seriously, the enemy attacked the fundamentals of US democracy and you are more concerned about a woman fainting from over heating 9 months ago...

Funny how when Obama interfers with foreign elections and when Democrats collude with Russia to interfere with US elections it's ok.

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