Sometimes I wish Trump would shut the Eff up

He stated the inconsistencies in the accusers tesitmony.

he was literally quoting the report from the woman who was interviewing Ford last Thursday.

I see ntihg wrong with that.

Dimms will move the goalposts and vilifiy no matter what....who gives a squirt of piss what they think.


Now if this were Obama making the comment, nothing would be said other than he was reviewing the inconsistencies in the vast right wing conspiracy against him.

What Republicans are suppose to do is what "W" did. Just remain silent during your term when they rail insults and threats against you. Then when Obama takes office because you were to daft to defend yourself and your party, refuse to comment negatively on him because that is just what former Presidents do out of respect for the position.

But when Trump gets in office, criticize him at every turn like "W" has done.

He's not following script.

Someone stop him!
"Now if this were Obama making the comment"......however, Obama never made such a comment.....ever......
Trump has spent his entire life trying to destroy innocent people without ever having to be held accountable for his actions. The GOP loves him for it, and has spent years protecting him from any accountibility.


You are funny.

and i don't block you just for the humor.

Youbelieve Kavanaugh raped Ford, huh?

Specifically, why?
Because he’s like Trump. 2 prolific rapists.

Kavanaugh has not even been accused of rape dim wit.

So who did Trump rape? The only whining I hear from the Left is that he paid his whore to keep quiet.
Why shouldn't he mock her? She had no answers to anything but knew damn sure it was Kavanaugh.

What a farce.

She's not on any ballot, the Dems are the true political enemy and that is who Trump should focus all his energy on for the next month. When he mocks Ford he gives the anti-Trumpers more ammo to attack him with. Forget her, she's already old news. Instead, Trump needs to hammer the Dems at every opportunity on a whole range of issues.

She's a willing tool of the Democrats.
He stated the inconsistencies in the accusers tesitmony.

he was literally quoting the report from the woman who was interviewing Ford last Thursday.

I see ntihg wrong with that.

Dimms will move the goalposts and vilifiy no matter what....who gives a squirt of piss what they think.


Now if this were Obama making the comment, nothing would be said other than he was reviewing the inconsistencies in the vast right wing conspiracy against him.

What Republicans are suppose to do is what "W" did. Just remain silent during your term when they rail insults and threats against you. Then when Obama takes office because you were to daft to defend yourself and your party, refuse to comment negatively on him because that is just what former Presidents do out of respect for the position.

But when Trump gets in office, criticize him at every turn like "W" has done.

He's not following script.

Someone stop him!
"Now if this were Obama making the comment"......however, Obama never made such a comment.....ever......

Obama took sides to arguments all the time. Take the time when his law professor friend was locked out of his house and was arrested by the police. Obama went before the country and accused the police of racism, something he later recanted when he learned the facts.

Then there was Ferguson. He implied that law enforcement and the judicial system were racist, while white police officers were being assassinated all over the country. Meanwhile, when Islamists attack American citizens he refuses to utter the words, "Islamic terrorist" with the thinking that it would generate hate towards Muslims

Then there was the kid shot by Zimmerman. The courts let him go but Obama condemned him and said that his victim would look like his son if he had one, which was another racist comment. Again, but doing so, Obama implied that law enforcement and the judicial system are racist, thus inciting more violence on the streets.

Sickening. The blood of those white police officers are on the hands of Obama and those who voted for him.

Just vote "D" if you want more race war street violence like the good old days.
He stated the inconsistencies in the accusers tesitmony.

he was literally quoting the report from the woman who was interviewing Ford last Thursday.

I see ntihg wrong with that.

Dimms will move the goalposts and vilifiy no matter what....who gives a squirt of piss what they think.


Now if this were Obama making the comment, nothing would be said other than he was reviewing the inconsistencies in the vast right wing conspiracy against him.

What Republicans are suppose to do is what "W" did. Just remain silent during your term when they rail insults and threats against you. Then when Obama takes office because you were to daft to defend yourself and your party, refuse to comment negatively on him because that is just what former Presidents do out of respect for the position.

But when Trump gets in office, criticize him at every turn like "W" has done.

He's not following script.

Someone stop him!
"Now if this were Obama making the comment"......however, Obama never made such a comment.....ever......

"If I had a son, he'd look like Treyvon Martin."
Trump has spent his entire life trying to destroy innocent people without ever having to be held accountable for his actions. The GOP loves him for it, and has spent years protecting him from any accountibility.


You are funny.

and i don't block you just for the humor.

Youbelieve Kavanaugh raped Ford, huh?

Specifically, why?
Because he’s like Trump. 2 prolific rapists.

Kavanaugh has not even been accused of rape dim wit.

So who did Trump rape? The only whining I hear from the Left is that he paid his whore to keep quiet.

He was....GANG RAPE by that chick who went to 10 gang rape parties before deciding to stop going to gang rape parties because hse might be gang raped.
He ain't helping the cause by running his mouth like he does so often. I like his policies and the way he's got the economy moving again (please, no bullshit about Obama having anything to do with it), but the guy just doesn't know when to lay off some people. Can't help himself I guess, he is who he is.

From CNN:

" Speaking at a campaign rally Tuesday night, Trump cast doubt on Ford's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by mocking her for not knowing the answers to questions such as how she had gotten to the high school party in the 1980s where she says Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, an allegation he has repeatedly denied. "

In this case, he gives some people a little political cover to vote against his guy and that's dumbshit stupid. Shut the fuck up Mr. President, bitch about the Dems all you want but don't attack the woman who is accusing him of sexual misconduct. True, there's no evidence that he did it, but nobody knows for sure that it didn't either.

"Sometimes" ??

Rump is as usual trying to have it both ways. First he pushes Kavanaugh. Then he says Ford is credible and sincere. Then he mocks her. He appears to be trying to sabotage his own nominee. What he's really trying to do is denigrate them both for the capital crime of Not Being Numero Uno.

The other day a reporter started to ask him, "IF it turns out Kavanaugh is lying.... " and she never even got to finish the question because self-absorbed Orange Mango Mussolini immediately jumped in (after all she's only a woman) and started talking about Numero Uno and how Numero Uno never drank, in a question that had nothing to do with Numero Uno, because he's incapable of any level of thought that is not about Numero Uno. The question never got addressed at all because it devolved into yet another pointless parable about Numero Uno.
Trump has spent his entire life trying to destroy innocent people without ever having to be held accountable for his actions. The GOP loves him for it, and has spent years protecting him from any accountibility.


You are funny.

and i don't block you just for the humor.

Youbelieve Kavanaugh raped Ford, huh?

Specifically, why?
Because he’s like Trump. 2 prolific rapists.

Kavanaugh has not even been accused of rape dim wit.

So who did Trump rape? The only whining I hear from the Left is that he paid his whore to keep quiet.

He was....GANG RAPE by that chick who went to 10 gang rape parties before deciding to stop going to gang rape parties because hse might be gang raped.

Well there ya go, hang'em high!

Sounds legit to me, so there ya go.
Fuck that lyin' ass bitch.

I'm glad he ridiculed her. She should be ridiculed. She should be facing such an incredible backlash of scorn that she kills herself.

What she did was inexcusable, and I hope she gets prosecuted for her lies.

Actually what's 'inexcusable' is that post you just plopped out your ass.
Trump is a motor mouth SOB but he is our motor mouth SOB

And apparently it takes an SOB to take the crap that the Left dishes out.

How many conservatives who are of fine character do you think will want to sit on SCOTUS now?

Who wants to go through this?

That is the objective here, go after people of fine moral character and only appoint Dims to SCOTUS who never get challenged about anything.
He ain't helping the cause by running his mouth like he does so often. I like his policies and the way he's got the economy moving again (please, no bullshit about Obama having anything to do with it), but the guy just doesn't know when to lay off some people. Can't help himself I guess, he is who he is.

From CNN:

" Speaking at a campaign rally Tuesday night, Trump cast doubt on Ford's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by mocking her for not knowing the answers to questions such as how she had gotten to the high school party in the 1980s where she says Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, an allegation he has repeatedly denied. "

In this case, he gives some people a little political cover to vote against his guy and that's dumbshit stupid. Shut the fuck up Mr. President, bitch about the Dems all you want but don't attack the woman who is accusing him of sexual misconduct. True, there's no evidence that he did it, but nobody knows for sure that it didn't either.
Trump's amoral base eats that shit up.

Trump has spent his entire life trying to destroy innocent people without ever having to be held accountable for his actions. The GOP loves him for it, and has spent years protecting him from any accountibility.
Bwaaaaahhhaaaaahhhaaaaa...Before President decided to run for the office of the President, all the lovely Democrap politicians were swooning for the Don's money. What changed?
How easy you brain dead liberals forget things....
The footage is here, and much different from their description
I Know When Donald Trump is Mocking Someone
He ain't helping the cause by running his mouth like he does so often. I like his policies and the way he's got the economy moving again (please, no bullshit about Obama having anything to do with it), but the guy just doesn't know when to lay off some people. Can't help himself I guess, he is who he is.

From CNN:

" Speaking at a campaign rally Tuesday night, Trump cast doubt on Ford's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee by mocking her for not knowing the answers to questions such as how she had gotten to the high school party in the 1980s where she says Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her, an allegation he has repeatedly denied. "

In this case, he gives some people a little political cover to vote against his guy and that's dumbshit stupid. Shut the fuck up Mr. President, bitch about the Dems all you want but don't attack the woman who is accusing him of sexual misconduct. True, there's no evidence that he did it, but nobody knows for sure that it didn't either.

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