Somewhere in Texas a pickup awaits...


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Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Holder takes on Texas over voting laws after court ruling
Published July 25, 2013

Attorney General Eric Holder speaks at the National Urban League annual conference, Thursday, July 25, 2013, in Philadelphia. (AP)
In a move that drew the ire of Texas officials, Attorney General Eric Holder's Justice Department asked a San Antonio-based federal court to force Texas to get permission from the federal government before it can make any additional changes to its voting and election laws.
The challenge to Texas' authority comes after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a portion of the Voting Rights Act. The high court’s 5-4 decision invalidated a rule that singled out certain states, like Texas and North Carolina, and forced them to get Justice Department approval before changing their election rules.
The Voting Rights Act was a major turning point in black Americans’ struggle for equal rights and political power. The court did not unravel the law itself, but questioned the validity of the allegedly outdated criteria used to select which states would be singled out.
Following the decision, Holder had publicly pledged to aggressively use his department’s power to block or halt any new state laws it views as discriminatory. He took his first step in that direction on Thursday.
Holder, during a speech to the Urban League in Philadelphia, said that based on evidence of racial discrimination presented last year in a redistricting case in Texas, "we believe that the state of Texas should be required to go through a preclearance process whenever it changes its voting laws and practices."
The DOJ submitted the court filing later in the day.
Texas officials blasted the intervention.
"Once again, the Obama Administration is demonstrating utter contempt for our country's system of checks and balances, not to mention the U.S. Constitution. This end-run around the Supreme Court undermines the will of the people of Texas, and casts unfair aspersions on our state's common-sense efforts to preserve the integrity of our elections process," Gov. Rick Perry said in a statement.
Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn accused Holder of trying to go around the high court. "This decision has nothing to do with protecting voting rights and everything to do with advancing a partisan political agenda," Cornyn said.
But Holder, in calling for the court action, said that in Texas, there is a history of "pervasive voting-related discrimination against racial minorities."
It is the department's first action to address the voting rights law following the Supreme Court's decision on June 25, "but it will not be our last," Holder said.
In the Texas case, the department is not directly intervening but was filing what's known as a statement of interest in support of the private groups that have filed suit.
A three-judge panel in San Antonio has been looking at Texas voting maps since 2011, when the court threw out boundaries drawn by a then-GOP supermajority in the statehouse.
Under the direction of GOP Gov. Rick Perry last month, the Legislature ratified those interim maps as permanent over the objection of Democrats, who still believe the maps are biased and underrepresent minorities.
The requirement to obtain "pre-approval" from either the Justice Department or a federal court before making changes to voting laws is available when intentional voting discrimination is found.
Holder also said: “Despite the court's decision, I believe we must regard this setback not as a defeat but as an historic opportunity for Congress to restore and even to strengthen modern voting protections."
"Even as Congress considers updates to the Voting Rights Act in light of the court's ruling, we plan, in the meantime, to fully utilize the law's remaining sections to ensure that the voting rights of all American citizens are protected."
The attorney general called the Voting Rights Act "the cornerstone of modern civil rights law" and said that "we cannot allow the slow unraveling of the progress that so many, throughout history, have sacrificed so much to achieve."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Read more: Holder takes on Texas over voting laws after court ruling | Fox News
Holder is all hat and no his boss.

Even a democrat judge will find for Texas on this one. This is another political hack trick. It seems to be all the Obama Administration does. We just have to ride out 3.5 more years of Marxists style class warfare. Then began a moral and social recovery.
I don't get the "pickup awaits" part.

That's where you hogtie a darkie and then attach the rope to yer trailer hitch and drag him around town.

Speaking from experience huh?

I've always thought you were a racist puke. Now it's confirmed.

I wuz just 'splainin deltex's way a thinkin, 's'all.

The GOP is all about hatin on fags, kikes, negroes, spics, ragheads, and broads, ya know.

Just look how frequent and how popular topics about them all acting badly are.

when has an AG ever been more of a racist?

when has any administration ever been more racist?

welcome to Zimbabwe

Ya we were probably more rascist than now for the vast majority of our country's existance. People were bought and sold for over a hundred years in the USA before during and to a lesser extent after the Civil War. I spoz many of you don't think of slavery as "rascist". I do. Many if not most Americans were clearly rascist well into the 20th century and even now there are obviously some that still cling to a rascist mentality.

I'm rascist. I truly believe that Irish are the best variation in human developement. If you do not agree with me ..SUCK IT!!!
That's where you hogtie a darkie and then attach the rope to yer trailer hitch and drag him around town.

Speaking from experience huh?

I've always thought you were a racist puke. Now it's confirmed.

I wuz just 'splainin deltex's way a thinkin, 's'all.

The GOP is all about hatin on fags, kikes, negroes, spics, ragheads, and broads, ya know.

Just look how frequent and how popular topics about them all acting badly are.


when has an AG ever been more of a racist?

when has any administration ever been more racist?

welcome to Zimbabwe

Ya we were probably more rascist than now for the vast majority of our country's existance. People were bought and sold for over a hundred years in the USA before during and to a lesser extent after the Civil War. I spoz many of you don't think of slavery as "rascist". I do. Many if not most Americans were clearly rascist well into the 20th century and even now there are obviously some that still cling to a rascist mentality.

I'm rascist. I truly believe that Irish are the best variation in human developement. If you do not agree with me ..SUCK IT!!!

I'll drink to that!
Holder, during a speech to the Urban League in Philadelphia, said that based on evidence of racial discrimination presented last year in a redistricting case in Texas, "we believe that the state of Texas should be required to go through a preclearance process whenever it changes its voting laws and practices."


The gerrymandering and voter ‘ID’ laws alone justify the filing.
when has an AG ever been more of a racist?

when has any administration ever been more racist?

welcome to Zimbabwe

Ya we were probably more rascist than now for the vast majority of our country's existance. People were bought and sold for over a hundred years in the USA before during and to a lesser extent after the Civil War. I spoz many of you don't think of slavery as "rascist". I do. Many if not most Americans were clearly rascist well into the 20th century and even now there are obviously some that still cling to a rascist mentality.

I'm rascist. I truly believe that Irish are the best variation in human developement. If you do not agree with me ..SUCK IT!!!

hopefully no one forces you to drink whiskey and Guinness you poor thing
Holder, during a speech to the Urban League in Philadelphia, said that based on evidence of racial discrimination presented last year in a redistricting case in Texas, "we believe that the state of Texas should be required to go through a preclearance process whenever it changes its voting laws and practices."


The gerrymandering and voter ‘ID’ laws alone justify the filing.

how is it discrimination against minorities as Holder claims?
Holder, during a speech to the Urban League in Philadelphia, said that based on evidence of racial discrimination presented last year in a redistricting case in Texas, "we believe that the state of Texas should be required to go through a preclearance process whenever it changes its voting laws and practices."


The gerrymandering and voter ‘ID’ laws alone justify the filing.

Nope. Gerrymandering and Voter ID bullshit are not exclusive to the Deep South, and so the Deep South should not be singled out for special handling. Their bullshit should be handled in court the exact same way everyone else has to deal with this crap.

Holder is wrong.

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