Sony Hack Reveals Hollywood Filled With Spoiled Brats And Racists


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I guess none of this is surprising. Hollywood is full of spoiled brats. Nothing to see here. What we probably didn't know, thanks to their donations to Democrat causes, is that some that are in the most powerful positions in the movie making business are also racists.

You can get a good feel for what a person is really like when you hear their private conversations. The NBA has successfully removed an owner simply because he said something in a private phone conversation that some would call not politically correct.

He was made an example of.

Anyone who doesn't knuckle under to the left gets their most private thoughts exposed. These are dangerous times we live in. You can't even think the wrong way it appears.

The following story doesn't appear all that bad, but all it would take is for the powers that be to give the media a nudge in the right direction and these people's lives are ruined:

Sony hack: Execs make racist jokes about Obama; A-listers slam those publishing leaks
By Hollie McKay

Published December 11, 2014


LOS ANGELES – It’s a plot that keeps thickening.

More incriminating personal information was leaked Wednesday following the unprecedented Sony Pictures hack, this time in the form of emails between top producers and executives belittling a number of major stars and projects, and even making racist jokes about President Barack Obama.

In one email exchange, Sony co-chairperson Amy Pascal -- a prominent Democratic party donor and Obama supporter -- asked movie producer Scott Rudin ahead of a fundraiser what she should ask the President "at this stupid Jeffrey (Katzenberg) breakfast," to which Rudin quipped "would he like to finance some movies."

"I doubt it. Should I ask him if he liked DJANGO?" Pascal responded, Rudin then retorted: "12 Years."

It goes on.

"Or the butler, or think like a man?" Pascal continued, to which Rudin wrote: "Ride-along. I bet he likes Kevin Hart."

Hart was also called a "whore" by another executive in another leaked exchange for requesting more money.

In other exchanges between Pascal and Rudin, Angelina Jolie was called a “spoiled brat,” and unflattering comments were made about everyone from Tom Cruise, David Fincher, Aaron Sorkin, and Adam Sandler.

Rudin issued a statement to Deadline apologizing for the emails, which he said were written in haste.

“I made a series of remarks that were meant only to be funny, but in the cold light of day, they are in fact thoughtless and insensitive — and not funny at all," he stated. "To anybody I’ve offended, I’m profoundly and deeply sorry, and I regret and apologize for any injury they might have caused.”

Because of the leaks, Sony executives are no longer corresponding via email but through text messages in an effort to avoid further information exposure, a well placed studio source told FOX411. It is being internally suggested that the studio may now have to pay its top-tier talent three times what they would have otherwise paid as “damage control” to lure them back.

“This is a relationship business and there is a lot of concern about what this does to future projects,” said the source. “But money always wins in the end. The consensus is if Sony can pay big they’ll return to the roost.”

The Jolie diss served as particular embarrassment for the company, with one source noting that Sony "is like a pariah" to A-list talent now.

However, crisis communications expert Gene Grabowski anticipates that for celebrities like Jolie and Sandler, who are the first to be slammed in the leaked emails, the damage — if any — will be fleeting.

“Calling movie actors spoiled, marginally talented brats is tantamount to calling members of Congress hypocritical windbags,” he said. “Everyone already knows such things to be true; it’s just so entertaining to hear people say it out loud.”​
Sony hack Execs make racist jokes about Obama A-listers slam those publishing leaks Fox News

Sony s Hacking Nightmare Gets Worse Employees Medical Records Revealed - Bloomberg

Should Eric Holder decide to shake them down, I'm sure Sony can just write a big check to the Democrat Party and all will be forgiven.
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This is quite hilarious. We will see how it plays out...but it does point out hypocrisy on both sides. I am not sure which hypocrisy is gonna be worse...the liberal media not going after these douchebags or the right calling it racist and demanding action be taken.
This is quite hilarious. We will see how it plays out...but it does point out hypocrisy on both sides. I am not sure which hypocrisy is gonna be worse...the liberal media not going after these douchebags or the right calling it racist and demanding action be taken.

I doubt that the right is going to start acting like self-serving Democrats over this.
This is quite hilarious. We will see how it plays out...but it does point out hypocrisy on both sides. I am not sure which hypocrisy is gonna be worse...the liberal media not going after these douchebags or the right calling it racist and demanding action be taken.

I doubt that the right is going to start acting like self-serving Democrats over this.
I don't know...FNC is airing the story every 15 minutes and demanding that action be taken.
They already have pundits on, calling it extremem racism. We will see! Should be interesting. I find it all to be hilarious.
I don't really care what some stupid Hollywood rich pick thinks about other rich picks in Hollywood.

And not to excuse anything that was said or typed but since when do we condone hacking? This type of hacking is essentially theft.

As to the comments about Obama it just shows the "party over country" mentality.
I don't really care what some stupid Hollywood rich pick thinks about other rich picks in Hollywood.

And not to excuse anything that was said or typed but since when do we condone hacking? This type of hacking is essentially theft.

As to the comments about Obama it just shows the "party over country" mentality.
This type of hacking is a declaration of war by N. Korea and should serve as a notice to everyone that cyber warfare will shut down this nation if we ever go to war.
I don't really care what some stupid Hollywood rich pick thinks about other rich picks in Hollywood.

And not to excuse anything that was said or typed but since when do we condone hacking? This type of hacking is essentially theft.

As to the comments about Obama it just shows the "party over country" mentality.

More to the actual point is if this was.......oh, Ted Cruz saying this.......

Remember Trent Lott?

Everything liberals are about is nothing but double talk, lies and hypocrisy.

Hollywood specializes in Political Correctness, which is phony and strategic hypersensitivity.

Since PC is not sincere, it's no surprise that these folks can be quite the opposite in "real life".


Yeah, hypocrisy which is what people like me say here, pretty much every day. Oh, and it is not limited to Hollywood. It extends to ALL of those who see Hollywood types as true prophets and are greatly influenced by their stances.

Meaning every single liberal.
This is quite hilarious. We will see how it plays out...but it does point out hypocrisy on both sides. I am not sure which hypocrisy is gonna be worse...the liberal media not going after these douchebags or the right calling it racist and demanding action be taken.

I doubt that the right is going to start acting like self-serving Democrats over this.
I don't know...FNC is airing the story every 15 minutes and demanding that action be taken.
They already have pundits on, calling it extremem racism. We will see! Should be interesting. I find it all to be hilarious.
Pundits that call for that sort of thing usually turn out to be liberals.
I don't see any conservatives doing that because they aren't in positions of power in the media and in our universities. They don't practice this constant barrage of destruction.

College president forced to apologize after saying 'all lives matter'

Kaitlyn Schallhorn Reporter @K_Schallhorn on Dec 09, 2014 at 10:31 AM EDT

  • Smith College President Kathleen McCartney sent an email to all students saying "all lives matter."
  • Six hours later, McCartney apologized.

The president of Smith College was forced to apologize after she sent out a campus wide email saying “all lives matter” instead of the rally cry of Ferguson protesters—“black lives matter.”

In the original email, obtained by Campus Reform, Kathleen McCartney used “all lives matter” in the email detailing the “struggle” and “hurt” the Smith community was experiencing following the non-indictment of Officer Darren Wilson, who fatally shot teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

“We gather in vigil, we raise our voices in protest; yet we wake again to news of violence that reminds us, painfully, of the stark reality of racial injustice,” McCartney wrote.

McCartney also announced the college’s plan to institute a new Chief Diversity Officer to support programs and conversations to advance social justice.

However, it was the subject line that had Smith students up in arms. Students took to social media to chastise McCartney, blaming her skin color for her lack of understanding.

“No, Kathy. Please do not send out an email saying ‘All lives matter.’ This isn't about everyone, this is about black lives,” Sophia Buchanan, a Smith student, said on Twitter.


“[P]eople are upset because...[K]athy (and other white people) clearly doesn’t understand the importance of holding black lives central to the conversation,” one student wrote on an anonymous online confessional. “Black lives can’t be central to the conversation if the word black isn’t even in the title.”

Six hours later, McCartney apologized in a separate email to the student body, according to the Daily Hampshire Gazette. McCartney alleged that she was not aware the term "all lives matter" could be used by some on social media to supposedly counter the "black lives matter" movement.

Besides apologizing, McCartney also planned a vigil and prayer for Monday afternoon to memorialize Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice. According to the Daily Hampshire Gazette, 130 people attended the vigil.

Sophomore Cecelia Lim told the news outlet that McCartney should have apologized.

“It felt like she was invalidating the experience of black lives,” said Lim.

The Daily Hampshire Gazette reports that around 50 students marched across campus and blocked traffic in a protest Sunday afternoon.

Smith College, is a private women's liberal arts school located in Massachusetts.

College president forced to apologize after saying all lives matter
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This is quite hilarious. We will see how it plays out...but it does point out hypocrisy on both sides. I am not sure which hypocrisy is gonna be worse...the liberal media not going after these douchebags or the right calling it racist and demanding action be taken.

I doubt that the right is going to start acting like self-serving Democrats over this.
I don't know...FNC is airing the story every 15 minutes and demanding that action be taken.
They already have pundits on, calling it extremem racism. We will see! Should be interesting. I find it all to be hilarious.
Pundits that call for that sort of thing usually turn out to be liberals.
I don't see any conservatives doing that because they aren't in positions of power in the media and in Washington. They don't practice this constant barrage of destruction.
I hope you are right...I am so tired of the racial nonsense being used as a political tool by pundits on both sides. True conservatives need to quit playing by liberal rules...that is the only way we can stay above the nonsense fray and keep the true racists away from the GOP and true conservatism.
This is quite hilarious. We will see how it plays out...but it does point out hypocrisy on both sides. I am not sure which hypocrisy is gonna be worse...the liberal media not going after these douchebags or the right calling it racist and demanding action be taken.

I doubt that the right is going to start acting like self-serving Democrats over this.
I don't know...FNC is airing the story every 15 minutes and demanding that action be taken.
They already have pundits on, calling it extremem racism. We will see! Should be interesting. I find it all to be hilarious.
Pundits that call for that sort of thing usually turn out to be liberals.
I don't see any conservatives doing that because they aren't in positions of power in the media and in our universities. They don't practice this constant barrage of destruction.

College president forced to apologize after saying 'all lives matter'

Kaitlyn Schallhorn Reporter @K_Schallhorn on Dec 09, 2014 at 10:31 AM EDT

  • Smith College President Kathleen McCartney sent an email to all students saying "all lives matter."
  • Six hours later, McCartney apologized.

The president of Smith College was forced to apologize after she sent out a campus wide email saying “all lives matter” instead of the rally cry of Ferguson protesters—“black lives matter.”

In the original email, obtained by Campus Reform, Kathleen McCartney used “all lives matter” in the email detailing the “struggle” and “hurt” the Smith community was experiencing following the non-indictment of Officer Darren Wilson, who fatally shot teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

“We gather in vigil, we raise our voices in protest; yet we wake again to news of violence that reminds us, painfully, of the stark reality of racial injustice,” McCartney wrote.

McCartney also announced the college’s plan to institute a new Chief Diversity Officer to support programs and conversations to advance social justice.

However, it was the subject line that had Smith students up in arms. Students took to social media to chastise McCartney, blaming her skin color for her lack of understanding.

“No, Kathy. Please do not send out an email saying ‘All lives matter.’ This isn't about everyone, this is about black lives,” Sophia Buchanan, a Smith student, said on Twitter.


“[P]eople are upset because...[K]athy (and other white people) clearly doesn’t understand the importance of holding black lives central to the conversation,” one student wrote on an anonymous online confessional. “Black lives can’t be central to the conversation if the word black isn’t even in the title.”

Six hours later, McCartney apologized in a separate email to the student body, according to the Daily Hampshire Gazette. McCartney alleged that she was not aware the term "all lives matter" could be used by some on social media to supposedly counter the "black lives matter" movement.

Besides apologizing, McCartney also planned a vigil and prayer for Monday afternoon to memorialize Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice. According to the Daily Hampshire Gazette, 130 people attended the vigil.

Sophomore Cecelia Lim told the news outlet that McCartney should have apologized.

“It felt like she was invalidating the experience of black lives,” said Lim.

The Daily Hampshire Gazette reports that around 50 students marched across campus and blocked traffic in a protest Sunday afternoon.

Smith College, is a private women's liberal arts school located in Massachusetts.

College president forced to apologize after saying all lives matter
Just when you thought you could not possibly hate liberals more....
This is quite hilarious. We will see how it plays out...but it does point out hypocrisy on both sides. I am not sure which hypocrisy is gonna be worse...the liberal media not going after these douchebags or the right calling it racist and demanding action be taken.

I doubt that the right is going to start acting like self-serving Democrats over this.
I don't know...FNC is airing the story every 15 minutes and demanding that action be taken.
They already have pundits on, calling it extremem racism. We will see! Should be interesting. I find it all to be hilarious.
Pundits that call for that sort of thing usually turn out to be liberals.
I don't see any conservatives doing that because they aren't in positions of power in the media and in our universities. They don't practice this constant barrage of destruction.

College president forced to apologize after saying 'all lives matter'

Kaitlyn Schallhorn Reporter @K_Schallhorn on Dec 09, 2014 at 10:31 AM EDT

  • Smith College President Kathleen McCartney sent an email to all students saying "all lives matter."
  • Six hours later, McCartney apologized.

The president of Smith College was forced to apologize after she sent out a campus wide email saying “all lives matter” instead of the rally cry of Ferguson protesters—“black lives matter.”

In the original email, obtained by Campus Reform, Kathleen McCartney used “all lives matter” in the email detailing the “struggle” and “hurt” the Smith community was experiencing following the non-indictment of Officer Darren Wilson, who fatally shot teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

“We gather in vigil, we raise our voices in protest; yet we wake again to news of violence that reminds us, painfully, of the stark reality of racial injustice,” McCartney wrote.

McCartney also announced the college’s plan to institute a new Chief Diversity Officer to support programs and conversations to advance social justice.

However, it was the subject line that had Smith students up in arms. Students took to social media to chastise McCartney, blaming her skin color for her lack of understanding.

“No, Kathy. Please do not send out an email saying ‘All lives matter.’ This isn't about everyone, this is about black lives,” Sophia Buchanan, a Smith student, said on Twitter.


“[P]eople are upset because...[K]athy (and other white people) clearly doesn’t understand the importance of holding black lives central to the conversation,” one student wrote on an anonymous online confessional. “Black lives can’t be central to the conversation if the word black isn’t even in the title.”

Six hours later, McCartney apologized in a separate email to the student body, according to the Daily Hampshire Gazette. McCartney alleged that she was not aware the term "all lives matter" could be used by some on social media to supposedly counter the "black lives matter" movement.

Besides apologizing, McCartney also planned a vigil and prayer for Monday afternoon to memorialize Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice. According to the Daily Hampshire Gazette, 130 people attended the vigil.

Sophomore Cecelia Lim told the news outlet that McCartney should have apologized.

“It felt like she was invalidating the experience of black lives,” said Lim.

The Daily Hampshire Gazette reports that around 50 students marched across campus and blocked traffic in a protest Sunday afternoon.

Smith College, is a private women's liberal arts school located in Massachusetts.

College president forced to apologize after saying all lives matter
The pundits on Fox were not liberals.

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