Sooo, ghetto kids and Liberal wackos will storm the steps of D.C. on Saturday..huh?

Sounds like a perfect time to go loot their homes and take the stuff they looted last time and put it back!

Of course.....because that's how trumpanzees talk. (they don't do....they just talk)
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
That isn't My position. I oppose the government taking My rights away from Me. These kids want to march, it is their right. By exposing their idiocy, I am not threatening their rights. Just as I am defending My rights to the Second Amendment when I oppose government writing useless laws punishing the innocent gun owner.

Now, I support ALL of the Constitution. That means that I support restrictions on what government can and cannot do.

How about you?
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

These arent PEOPLE. They're children, still so wet behind the ears they haven't even left the crib yet.
Just because you were an incurious child with no awareness of your surroundings, it does not apply to all children.

Is there some magical transformation upon one's 18th birthday? At 17 you're wet behind your ears and then, at the stroke of midnight on your 18th birthday, Hey! Presto! You are now a fully cogent human capable of making decisions all by yourself!
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?
Change is coming. These young people are the voters of tomorrow.:113:
Anyone who will vote to amend the 2nd Amendment deserves to be euthanized. No joke.
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?

Is this going to be another "event" funded by activists who pay looters and agitators to disrupt and destroy?
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?
Change is coming. These young people are the voters of tomorrow.:113:

Even the Founders didn't expect America to last forever.
LOL Fucking leftists....that's it throw rocks at someone who is shooting at you. Good gawd

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says

SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. - There’s a rocky controversy when it comes to school safety in one Pennsylvania County.

The superintendent of the Blue Mountain School District is in the spotlight after telling lawmakers in Harrisburg his students protect themselves against potential school shooters with rocks.

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned,” said Dr. David Helsel, testifying to the House Education Committee last week in Harrisburg.

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says
Assault rocks! You can’t have those until you’re 21 if you buy them at Walmart, it’s considered ammo.

What happens when some daffy loon tells you to go after a shooter with a rock...

They should carry a rock the size of a grapefruit. And when a shooter shows up just beat yourself in the head with it chanting “I wish this was a gun” over and over until they get shot.
LOL Fucking leftists....that's it throw rocks at someone who is shooting at you. Good gawd

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says

SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. - There’s a rocky controversy when it comes to school safety in one Pennsylvania County.

The superintendent of the Blue Mountain School District is in the spotlight after telling lawmakers in Harrisburg his students protect themselves against potential school shooters with rocks.

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned,” said Dr. David Helsel, testifying to the House Education Committee last week in Harrisburg.

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says
Assault rocks! You can’t have those until you’re 21 if you buy them at Walmart, it’s considered ammo.

What happens when some daffy loon tells you to go after a shooter with a rock...

They should carry a rock the size of a grapefruit. And when a shooter shows up just beat yourself in the head with it chanting “I wish this was a gun” over and over until they get shot.

Yeah...the fact is if you go after a shooter with a rock you're likely going to die.

Then leftists wonder why we think they are freaking stupid
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?
Change is coming. These young people are the voters of tomorrow.:113:
Oh yes and it’s going to be great when communism shows up. Always is.
And many of them will be 18 in November......:71:

While that will make them voters, it still will not make them adults or people in my mind. Then again many of my late rwenty-something coworkers don't qualify as adults or people in my mind either.
Just because you were an incurious child with no awareness of your surroundings, it does not apply to all children.

I was very aware of my surroundings as a child. No child with a birth defects can ever be. However, I was taught my place by my family and my betters. A child'proper place doesn't change simply because they've never been taught it.

Is there some magical transformation upon one's 18th birthday? At 17 you're wet behind your ears and then, at the stroke of midnight on your 18th birthday, Hey! Presto! You are now a fully cogent human capable of making decisions all by yourself!

No. That' why I don't believe age alone should be the qualification for being a voter.
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What about my right to use my legally earned money to buy a ticket to a perfectly legal and peaceful event, and attend it without having to break through a line of rude, profane, insult shouting snowflakes?

What about my right to enjoy a tour of our nation's capital with my children and/or grandchildren without having to avoid some places because they have been taken over by an angry, littering, property defacing/destroying mob that frightens peaceful, law abiding citizens just passing by?
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The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What about my right to use my legally earned money to buy a ticket to a perfectly legal and peaceful event, and attend it without having to break through a line of rude, profane, insult shouting snowflakes?

What about my right to enjoy a tour of our nation's capital with my children and/or grandchildren without having to avoid some places because they have been taken over by an angry, littering, property defacing/destroying mob that frightens peaceful, law abiding citizens just passing by?
You're giving the coming protest and protesters a lot of blame for things that have not happened. What makes you believe that the kids and other marchers are less than law abiding citizens?
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What about my right to use my legally earned money to buy a ticket to a perfectly legal and peaceful event, and attend it without having to break through a line of rude, profane, insult shouting snowflakes?

What about my right to enjoy a tour of our nation's capital with my children and/or grandchildren without having to avoid some places because they have been taken over by an angry, littering, property defacing/destroying mob that frightens peaceful, law abiding citizens just passing by?
You're giving the coming protest and protesters a lot of blame for things that have not happened. What makes you believe that the kids and other marchers are less than law abiding citizens?

Because of their track record. I have never seen one of these protests that didn't involve a lot of profanity and civil disobedience. Not here. Not in any other state. And not in DC. I'm sure the ANTIFA and BLM folks are already polishing up their gear.
LOL Fucking leftists....that's it throw rocks at someone who is shooting at you. Good gawd

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says

SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. - There’s a rocky controversy when it comes to school safety in one Pennsylvania County.

The superintendent of the Blue Mountain School District is in the spotlight after telling lawmakers in Harrisburg his students protect themselves against potential school shooters with rocks.

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned,” said Dr. David Helsel, testifying to the House Education Committee last week in Harrisburg.

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says
Assault rocks! You can’t have those until you’re 21 if you buy them at Walmart, it’s considered ammo.

What happens when some daffy loon tells you to go after a shooter with a rock...

They should carry a rock the size of a grapefruit. And when a shooter shows up just beat yourself in the head with it chanting “I wish this was a gun” over and over until they get shot.

Yeah...the fact is if you go after a shooter with a rock you're likely going to die.

Then leftists wonder why we think they are freaking stupid

As an amendment to that for those proposing the students use rocks to defend themselves, that will work if a sociopathic terrorist comes in with intention to throw rocks. Meanwhile. . .


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