Soros: Everything That Could Go Wrong, Has Gone Wrong

You have to wonder how much money Soros is pumping into the gigantic left wing (tax exempt) propaganda machine "Media Matters". He would have been sitting pretty if Hillary won but now it's another four years (eight years) of draining his personal capital in a propaganda war that democrats already lost.
Actually I do not think either are good guys, but I am not the one that judges a person by their bank account.

And yet you just did. Go figure.
He spends all his time bitching about Trumps bank account on a topic about Soros and the moonbat still denies he cares about wealth. The entertainment the left provides is a hoot!

Please provide one example of me bitching about Trump's bank account?

My only issue is with low information ignorant people like you that don't even know the history of the man you worship.
Soros is twice as rich and successful, so you should be worshiping him and not Trump.

What do I win?
Is there a bonus prize for everyone I link to?

Yes, you win the "i am a stupid ass" award. that was a sarcastic comment directed to someone that had spoken about Trump's wealth.

Are you Trump sheep having a contest to see who can make the most ignorant post?
Trump took control of a real estate company worth close to a billion dollars in today’s money. Everything he has and everything he is worth is tied to that company.

Dude, there's over a dozen posts you've made just in this thread where you're obsessing about his wealth. Your coveting is hilarious. On USMB you've got hundreds of posts. Your pathetic envy is hilarious!
And he started from scratch instead of just taking over his grandmas company

His Grandma? What was her name, you stupid, lying jackass? His father LOANED him a million dollars so Trump could start his OWN business on a bet, and Trump went off on a tangent not only succeeding and winning the bet and paying his father back, but totally reinventing the company doing stuff his dad would never touch.

Her name was Elizabeth and she is the E in E Trump and Son, the name of the company that became the Trump Organization.

It is remarkable how uninformed people are, and you are allowed to vote. That is damn scary.

Only thing damn scary is that you'll believe anything. What I told you I heard directly from the Trumps themselves in a TV interview. Now tell me you know more about their lives than they do. Fcking asshole.

And of course Trump will never tell a lie! Fuck you are stupid.

The Trump Organization - Wikipedia

The company's background starts with Frederick Trump and Elizabeth Christ Trump, a German immigrant couple who moved to the borough of Queens in 1906. Frederick began developing real estate there. In 1918, however, he died of influenza, leaving an estate valued at $31,359 ($492,016 in 2016 dollars).[19]

Elizabeth carried on in the real estate business after her husband's death. She had a local contractor build houses on an empty piece of property they owned, sold the houses, and lived off the mortgage and rental proceeds paid by the new owners. Her vision was to have her three children continue the family business when they finished school, but her middle son, Fred Trump, wanted to start earlier. She founded the company "E. Trump & Son" in 1923, when Fred was 18, to give him his start.[20][a] Since he was underage, she signed all legal documents. E. Trump & Son went out of business during the Great Depression.[25] Fred next opened a supermarket, but quickly sold it and returned to the real estate business by 1933.[26][27]

Fred Trump became a prolific builder of single-family homes in Queens and Brooklyn.[28] During World War II, he constructed apartments and temporary housing for military personnel in Virginia and Pennsylvania.[28] In 1944, he shifted his focus back to Brooklyn and began planning to develop large apartment buildings.[29] He opened the 1,344-unit Shore Haven complex in 1949,[30] followed by Beach Haven in 1950,[31] and Trump Village in 1964.[32]

Elizabeth would remain involved in the family business throughout her life. Even in her 70s, she would collect coins from the laundromats in the Trump buildings.[20]

Leadership under Donald Trump[edit]
Donald Trump worked for his father's business while attending the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1968 officially joined the company.[33] In the early 1970s, Donald was made president of the company, while Fred became chairman of the board.[34] Around 1973, Donald began referring to the business, which had previously had no single formal name, as the Trump Organization.[35]
Hilarious! Look at the Leftard foaming at the mouth, and using Wiki no less! One sec while I go change that wiki page, dufus.

Isn't it funny how they quote Wiki as their source to believe in and attack Donald with as an unimpeachable source, but when you go to Wiki to use against Obama or Hillary, suddenly, Jullian Assange and Wiki are part of the Russian Global Right Wing Conspiracy or something to be laughed at and dismissed.
Ah...he IS rich and he IS successful! What's your point?

And he started from scratch instead of just taking over his grandmas company

His Grandma? What was her name, you stupid, lying jackass? His father LOANED him a million dollars so Trump could start his OWN business on a bet, and Trump went off on a tangent not only succeeding and winning the bet and paying his father back, but totally reinventing the company doing stuff his dad would never touch.

Her name was Elizabeth and she is the E in E Trump and Son, the name of the company that became the Trump Organization.

That company does not even exist you idiot! Been gone a long time. She inherited it from her husband (Fred's apartment empire) and control of the company moved up through the family to Donald until it was sold. SO WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING POINT, JERK? That it was a family run business? That does not alter the fact that Trump branched out on his own and started real estate development in Manhattan, then onto many other things around the world that he built off that initial loan from his dad quite independently on top of running that too. Jesus, worse than uninformed, you Lefties are as dense as a block of mahogany, stupid as dirt, you always think you know everything and are smart, too.

The company does exist, it just has a new name. The point is that Trump did not start from scratch like you worshipers like to claim, he started on 3rd base and you morons think he got a triple.

I just love debating you idiots. From YOUR OWN TRUMP LINK:

"E. Trump & Son went out of business during the Great Depression.[25]"
"Fred Trump died in 1999.[31] In 2004, his four surviving children (Donald, Robert Trump, Maryanne Trump Barry, and Elizabeth Trump Grau) sold Fred's portfolio of 8,000 apartments for $700 million to a group led by Rubie Schron, marking the exit of Donald's family from ownership of the business.[47][48][49]

Sure doesn't sound like it exists anymore! Now PLEASE show me where I EVER said Trump started from scratch? WHAT IS YOUR POINT, Moron, that unless someone starts dirt poor in their bare feet, their accomplishments mean nothing? DJT got a loan from his dad, and from that started his own business tackling the Manhattan Real Estate that his father was afraid to touch. Now show me where Obama or the Clintons started from scratch with nothing but their pecker in their hand? Obama had more help in his life than 40 people, and the Clintons have lived their entire lives sponging off the efforts of others. Your cognitive dissonance is STAGGERING.

Trump did not start from 3rd base, he also built his OWN companies from the ground up. Just so happens that he had prior experience first from helping his dad out, then helping running the already existing businesses his family started. SO WHAT? WHY DOES IT BOTHER YOU JACKASSES SO MUCH to simply give Trump credit for the things he's done? You make it out like Trump did nothing, was all handed to him, and that we give him credit for things he did not do! Let me see you do 1/10th as much! When you aren't DEAD WRONG, you lie through your teeth.

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