CDZ Soros Finances a Prosacuter In PA

On April 28, Soros poured nearly $1.5 million into the Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety PAC, which supported candidate Larry Krasner in the Democratic primary. Krasner won on Tuesday, and by a wide margin.

He is expected to win the general election this fall, as Philadelphia is a Democratic stronghold. How much of a difference the PAC money made is unclear, but the cash infusion helped pay for TV commercials, campaign literature, and online ads to promote the candidacy of the civil rights attorney who has never worked as a prosecutor.

The race marked the first time a super PAC has supported a D.A. candidate in Philadelphia.

Krasner, as the Daily Caller puts it, benefited from “the kind of capital typically reserved for important national political campaigns.”

But it’s not the first time Soros has pumped cash into local D.A. races, in an apparent bid to shape the approach to law enforcement on the ground level.

Last August, Politico reported that Soros had channeled more than $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states over the past year.
Hey Jeff Sessions, stop chasing stoners under the bleachers. Arrest Soros.

Arrest him for what? What laws has he broken?
EU, Greece investigating sex abuse allegations by members of Soros-linked NGO

I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

Italy prosecutor investigating NGO rescuers says has no proof of wrongdoing

This is a chess game played by people who make more money than either one of us will have ever made in our lifetimes. All of that...........just to run our lives....and make us pay for that on top of that.
He is considered by some the virtual owner of the Democratic Party, having contributed lavishly to the party, its causes and candidates, including Obama. Soros had backed Obama for president in 2008, saying that he had “the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world,” and personally contributed $50,000, the maximum allowed, to the Obama inauguration.

My understanding is that Soros was not overly fond of Obama. Hillary he was. Soros is not a good guy but I think that to lay everything on his lap will allow some other key people to walk away and continue doing what they do.
Apart from the more than $5 billion that Soros' foundation network has donated to leftist groups like those cited above, Soros personally has made campaign contributions to such notable political candidates as Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Bill Clinton, Hillary Harkin, Maurice Hinchey, John Kerry, Dennis Kucinich, Patrick Leahy, Barack Obama, Charles Rangel, Harry Reid, Ken Salazar, Charles Schumer, Joe Sestak, and Tom Udall. He also has given large sums of money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic National Committee Services Corporation, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
On April 28, Soros poured nearly $1.5 million into the Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety PAC, which supported candidate Larry Krasner in the Democratic primary. Krasner won on Tuesday, and by a wide margin.

He is expected to win the general election this fall, as Philadelphia is a Democratic stronghold. How much of a difference the PAC money made is unclear, but the cash infusion helped pay for TV commercials, campaign literature, and online ads to promote the candidacy of the civil rights attorney who has never worked as a prosecutor.

The race marked the first time a super PAC has supported a D.A. candidate in Philadelphia.

Krasner, as the Daily Caller puts it, benefited from “the kind of capital typically reserved for important national political campaigns.”

But it’s not the first time Soros has pumped cash into local D.A. races, in an apparent bid to shape the approach to law enforcement on the ground level.

Last August, Politico reported that Soros had channeled more than $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states over the past year.
Hey Jeff Sessions, stop chasing stoners under the bleachers. Arrest Soros.

Arrest him for what? What laws has he broken?
Campaign Committee.
Soros has spent on district attorney campaigns in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas through a network of state-level super PACs and a national “527” unlimited-money group, each named a variation on “Safety and Justice.” (Soros has also funded a federal super PAC with the same name.) Each organization received most of its money directly from Soros, according to public state and federal financial records, though some groups also got donations from nonprofits like the Civic Participation Action Fund, which gave to the Safety and Justice group in Illinois.
On April 28, Soros poured nearly $1.5 million into the Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety PAC, which supported candidate Larry Krasner in the Democratic primary. Krasner won on Tuesday, and by a wide margin.

He is expected to win the general election this fall, as Philadelphia is a Democratic stronghold. How much of a difference the PAC money made is unclear, but the cash infusion helped pay for TV commercials, campaign literature, and online ads to promote the candidacy of the civil rights attorney who has never worked as a prosecutor.

The race marked the first time a super PAC has supported a D.A. candidate in Philadelphia.

Krasner, as the Daily Caller puts it, benefited from “the kind of capital typically reserved for important national political campaigns.”

But it’s not the first time Soros has pumped cash into local D.A. races, in an apparent bid to shape the approach to law enforcement on the ground level.

Last August, Politico reported that Soros had channeled more than $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states over the past year.
Hey Jeff Sessions, stop chasing stoners under the bleachers. Arrest Soros.

Arrest him for what? What laws has he broken?
Campaign Committee.
Soros has spent on district attorney campaigns in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas through a network of state-level super PACs and a national “527” unlimited-money group, each named a variation on “Safety and Justice.” (Soros has also funded a federal super PAC with the same name.) Each organization received most of its money directly from Soros, according to public state and federal financial records, though some groups also got donations from nonprofits like the Civic Participation Action Fund, which gave to the Safety and Justice group in Illinois.
I can't believe he can't be taken down. I was talking to a black guy just after the election who said he had a friend in black lives matters and they were receiving military training. Soros is training his own army of white-hating blacks, and our government is doing nothing about it?

The Tsar allowed the Jews to carry on relatively unchecked, and they killed 20 million white Christians.
EU, Greece investigating sex abuse allegations by members of Soros-linked NGO

I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

Italy prosecutor investigating NGO rescuers says has no proof of wrongdoing

This is a chess game played by people who make more money than either one of us will have ever made in our lifetimes. All of that...........just to run our lives....and make us pay for that on top of that.
He is considered by some the virtual owner of the Democratic Party, having contributed lavishly to the party, its causes and candidates, including Obama. Soros had backed Obama for president in 2008, saying that he had “the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world,” and personally contributed $50,000, the maximum allowed, to the Obama inauguration.

My understanding is that Soros was not overly fond of Obama. Hillary he was. Soros is not a good guy but I think that to lay everything on his lap will allow some other key people to walk away and continue doing what they do.
Apart from the more than $5 billion that Soros' foundation network has donated to leftist groups like those cited above, Soros personally has made campaign contributions to such notable political candidates as Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Bill Clinton, Hillary Harkin, Maurice Hinchey, John Kerry, Dennis Kucinich, Patrick Leahy, Barack Obama, Charles Rangel, Harry Reid, Ken Salazar, Charles Schumer, Joe Sestak, and Tom Udall. He also has given large sums of money to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic National Committee Services Corporation, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

He was not Obama's top contributor. You need to know the people in front of him.
On April 28, Soros poured nearly $1.5 million into the Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety PAC, which supported candidate Larry Krasner in the Democratic primary. Krasner won on Tuesday, and by a wide margin.

He is expected to win the general election this fall, as Philadelphia is a Democratic stronghold. How much of a difference the PAC money made is unclear, but the cash infusion helped pay for TV commercials, campaign literature, and online ads to promote the candidacy of the civil rights attorney who has never worked as a prosecutor.

The race marked the first time a super PAC has supported a D.A. candidate in Philadelphia.

Krasner, as the Daily Caller puts it, benefited from “the kind of capital typically reserved for important national political campaigns.”

But it’s not the first time Soros has pumped cash into local D.A. races, in an apparent bid to shape the approach to law enforcement on the ground level.

Last August, Politico reported that Soros had channeled more than $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states over the past year.
Hey Jeff Sessions, stop chasing stoners under the bleachers. Arrest Soros.

Arrest him for what? What laws has he broken?
Campaign Committee.
Soros has spent on district attorney campaigns in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas through a network of state-level super PACs and a national “527” unlimited-money group, each named a variation on “Safety and Justice.” (Soros has also funded a federal super PAC with the same name.) Each organization received most of its money directly from Soros, according to public state and federal financial records, though some groups also got donations from nonprofits like the Civic Participation Action Fund, which gave to the Safety and Justice group in Illinois.
I can't believe he can't be taken down. I was talking to a black guy just after the election who said he had a friend in black lives matters and they were receiving military training. Soros is training his own army of white-hating blacks, and our government is doing nothing about it?

The Tsar allowed the Jews to carry on relatively unchecked, and they killed 20 million white Christians.
I post that stuff and I know the US Senate had hearings on him, I don't know what the out come was. Also he is not allowed in to Russia or get arrested. There is a bunch of information on the search net just type in "Soros files" and it will take you to many pages of data and name from 1960 to todays date/ Also gives you the many Foundations and orgs he sends money to.
Soros can't live forever.

Still, not bad to keep a few fire-hardened wooden stakes close at hand.

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