Sotomayor says executing child rapist/killer is barbarism

The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
U.S. Supreme Court will not stop Irick's execution; Sotomayor says we have 'accepted barbarism'

Fucking liberal is a SICK person! This pos SHOULD suffer! Imagine how that child felt! Imagine what her family has had to deal with for TWENTY YEARS!

We should let choice of punishment up to the victim's parents in cases such as these. Seriously. Get creative. Televise it. If the murder victim's surviving relatives chose mercy, then so be it. However, if they choose eye for an eye, creatively as they wish, society should allow and honor that. Popcorn?
In refusing to grant Irick a stay, the Court today turns a blind eye to a proven likelihood that the state of Tennessee is on the verge of inflicting several minutes of torturous pain on an inmate in its custody, while shrouding his suffering behind a veneer of paralysis," Sotomayor wrote in her dissent.

Wonder how many minutes that baby girl suffered terror and pain before she died? Sotomyer doesn’t give two shits about the child and her suffering.
I have a question. Is the purpose of punishment the idea that the guilty must suffer? What suffering do they do if they are put to death? Isn’t it far more cruel to lock them in a cell and essentially forget about them? The taking of a life is most serious. It requires that we question everything. So when a death sentence is handed down, the convicted gets many automatic appeals. This is why it takes twenty years or more, before the sentence is carried out. If it ever is.

Yet, when you sentence someone to life without parole, no automatic appeals, no one spends years, or decades at the taxpayers expense to review, question, and pick all the little things apart to prove that the conclusion was made in error. Yet, the very idea of just putting the convicted in a cell and forgetting about them is apparently soft.

I’ve never understood that. The worst part of captivity according to POW’s is the indeterminate nature. It could last forever. Every day you wake up, you know it will be like yesterday, or the day before. It will be just like tomorrow in reality. How long will your family show up to chat with you? If your time is short, they’ll make the effort, but in time they’ll skip a day because of a Soccer game, or a wedding, or something. In time, they’ll have lives that revolve around something else, even your family forgets about you.

It is cheaper in the long run to do this. It is cheaper in the long run to just put the person in the hole and forget about them. Because you aren’t paying both sides of the legal argument.

Imagine it, every day you wake, it is to the noise and hostility of the prisons. Every day you wake up, you are one day closer to death, which is your own hope of ever leaving the prison. Pain and despair become your world, no hope, no one cares, and no one will ever care. Isn’t that worse? Isn’t that worse in reality?

Every day you die a little, and every day your hope of anything but the hell you live in dies a little. If you get angry and lash out at the hoplessness, you end up in solitary, with even the minimal pleasures of a book, or companionship denied you. Every moment, you have to be on guard for your life, because pain is all you have. Psychological, or physical. That is worse isn’t it? It is a far more cruel punishment than death. It is sending the offender off to irrelevance and loneliness.
I have a question. Is the purpose of punishment the idea that the guilty must suffer? What suffering do they do if they are put to death? Isn’t it far more cruel to lock them in a cell and essentially forget about them? The taking of a life is most serious. It requires that we question everything. So when a death sentence is handed down, the convicted gets many automatic appeals. This is why it takes twenty years or more, before the sentence is carried out. If it ever is.

Yet, when you sentence someone to life without parole, no automatic appeals, no one spends years, or decades at the taxpayers expense to review, question, and pick all the little things apart to prove that the conclusion was made in error. Yet, the very idea of just putting the convicted in a cell and forgetting about them is apparently soft.

I’ve never understood that. The worst part of captivity according to POW’s is the indeterminate nature. It could last forever. Every day you wake up, you know it will be like yesterday, or the day before. It will be just like tomorrow in reality. How long will your family show up to chat with you? If your time is short, they’ll make the effort, but in time they’ll skip a day because of a Soccer game, or a wedding, or something. In time, they’ll have lives that revolve around something else, even your family forgets about you.

It is cheaper in the long run to do this. It is cheaper in the long run to just put the person in the hole and forget about them. Because you aren’t paying both sides of the legal argument.

Imagine it, every day you wake, it is to the noise and hostility of the prisons. Every day you wake up, you are one day closer to death, which is your own hope of ever leaving the prison. Pain and despair become your world, no hope, no one cares, and no one will ever care. Isn’t that worse? Isn’t that worse in reality?

Every day you die a little, and every day your hope of anything but the hell you live in dies a little. If you get angry and lash out at the hoplessness, you end up in solitary, with even the minimal pleasures of a book, or companionship denied you. Every moment, you have to be on guard for your life, because pain is all you have. Psychological, or physical. That is worse isn’t it? It is a far more cruel punishment than death. It is sending the offender off to irrelevance and loneliness.
In solitary the only books allowed was the bible.
Any country that lowers itself to corporate executions is showing they have no morals

An eye for an eye was suitable a hundred years ago but modern societies know better
I have a question. Is the purpose of punishment the idea that the guilty must suffer? What suffering do they do if they are put to death? Isn’t it far more cruel to lock them in a cell and essentially forget about them? The taking of a life is most serious. It requires that we question everything. So when a death sentence is handed down, the convicted gets many automatic appeals. This is why it takes twenty years or more, before the sentence is carried out. If it ever is.

Yet, when you sentence someone to life without parole, no automatic appeals, no one spends years, or decades at the taxpayers expense to review, question, and pick all the little things apart to prove that the conclusion was made in error. Yet, the very idea of just putting the convicted in a cell and forgetting about them is apparently soft.

I’ve never understood that. The worst part of captivity according to POW’s is the indeterminate nature. It could last forever. Every day you wake up, you know it will be like yesterday, or the day before. It will be just like tomorrow in reality. How long will your family show up to chat with you? If your time is short, they’ll make the effort, but in time they’ll skip a day because of a Soccer game, or a wedding, or something. In time, they’ll have lives that revolve around something else, even your family forgets about you.

It is cheaper in the long run to do this. It is cheaper in the long run to just put the person in the hole and forget about them. Because you aren’t paying both sides of the legal argument.

Imagine it, every day you wake, it is to the noise and hostility of the prisons. Every day you wake up, you are one day closer to death, which is your own hope of ever leaving the prison. Pain and despair become your world, no hope, no one cares, and no one will ever care. Isn’t that worse? Isn’t that worse in reality?

Every day you die a little, and every day your hope of anything but the hell you live in dies a little. If you get angry and lash out at the hoplessness, you end up in solitary, with even the minimal pleasures of a book, or companionship denied you. Every moment, you have to be on guard for your life, because pain is all you have. Psychological, or physical. That is worse isn’t it? It is a far more cruel punishment than death. It is sending the offender off to irrelevance and loneliness.

Not good enough.
There are criminals out there who commit crimes so they can go back to prison so how bad can it be?
Now if you locked em in a box the size of a coffin for 23 hours a day I could go for that.
I have a question. Is the purpose of punishment the idea that the guilty must suffer? What suffering do they do if they are put to death? Isn’t it far more cruel to lock them in a cell and essentially forget about them? The taking of a life is most serious. It requires that we question everything. So when a death sentence is handed down, the convicted gets many automatic appeals. This is why it takes twenty years or more, before the sentence is carried out. If it ever is.

Yet, when you sentence someone to life without parole, no automatic appeals, no one spends years, or decades at the taxpayers expense to review, question, and pick all the little things apart to prove that the conclusion was made in error. Yet, the very idea of just putting the convicted in a cell and forgetting about them is apparently soft.

I’ve never understood that. The worst part of captivity according to POW’s is the indeterminate nature. It could last forever. Every day you wake up, you know it will be like yesterday, or the day before. It will be just like tomorrow in reality. How long will your family show up to chat with you? If your time is short, they’ll make the effort, but in time they’ll skip a day because of a Soccer game, or a wedding, or something. In time, they’ll have lives that revolve around something else, even your family forgets about you.

It is cheaper in the long run to do this. It is cheaper in the long run to just put the person in the hole and forget about them. Because you aren’t paying both sides of the legal argument.

Imagine it, every day you wake, it is to the noise and hostility of the prisons. Every day you wake up, you are one day closer to death, which is your own hope of ever leaving the prison. Pain and despair become your world, no hope, no one cares, and no one will ever care. Isn’t that worse? Isn’t that worse in reality?

Every day you die a little, and every day your hope of anything but the hell you live in dies a little. If you get angry and lash out at the hoplessness, you end up in solitary, with even the minimal pleasures of a book, or companionship denied you. Every moment, you have to be on guard for your life, because pain is all you have. Psychological, or physical. That is worse isn’t it? It is a far more cruel punishment than death. It is sending the offender off to irrelevance and loneliness.
If they aren’t put to death some liberal judge will come along and set them free!
Anyone who has to push a button that kills someone is engaging in a barbaric act....we shouldn’t sink that low

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