source: Obama to name Samantha Power to UN post

There have to be some thinking democrats left in Congress and the Senate who will join in republican obstructionism making obama into a full scale, ineffectual, lame duck.

Obstructionaism requires no thought - only partisanship. Hence it's appeal:tongue:
Samantha Power was removed from her job when she called Hillary Clinton a monster. Now she's been rewarded. No matter how obama might publicly show a pro Clinton face, it is clear that he is going to infiltrate his administration with the most anti Clinton people he can find.
Samantha Power was removed from her job when she called Hillary Clinton a monster. Now she's been rewarded. No matter how obama might publicly show a pro Clinton face, it is clear that he is going to infiltrate his administration with the most anti Clinton people he can find.

Good heavens, called her a monster and he's promoted her?? I did not know that.

Jeepers, some of these Obama types are next door to communists. Well, they may in fact be communists. I think that's pretty terrible.
Samantha Power was removed from her job when she called Hillary Clinton a monster. Now she's been rewarded. No matter how obama might publicly show a pro Clinton face, it is clear that he is going to infiltrate his administration with the most anti Clinton people he can find.

that should make the libs happy who is pushing for Hillary to run again for President..

way to go Obama..your vengeance against people be they Politician or citizens you Represent just never stop
Samantha Power was removed from her job when she called Hillary Clinton a monster. Now she's been rewarded. No matter how obama might publicly show a pro Clinton face, it is clear that he is going to infiltrate his administration with the most anti Clinton people he can find.

Good heavens, called her a monster and he's promoted her?? I did not know that.

Jeepers, some of these Obama types are next door to communists. Well, they may in fact be communists. I think that's pretty terrible.

Yep and now he's promoting her.
Is she the one that called Hillary Clinton a monster or some such insult? And then she had to step down because she couldn't keep her big progressive insulting trap shut?

I think she's the one.
Samantha Power was removed from her job when she called Hillary Clinton a monster. Now she's been rewarded. No matter how obama might publicly show a pro Clinton face, it is clear that he is going to infiltrate his administration with the most anti Clinton people he can find.

So she is that woman that called Hillary a monster. I thought it was her.

Whoa geeze.
Samantha Power was removed from her job when she called Hillary Clinton a monster. Now she's been rewarded. No matter how obama might publicly show a pro Clinton face, it is clear that he is going to infiltrate his administration with the most anti Clinton people he can find.

She said that in 2008 during the campaign and she apologized for it and resigned - she was not removed from her job. I don't see how that's a big deal.
Samantha Power was removed from her job when she called Hillary Clinton a monster. Now she's been rewarded. No matter how obama might publicly show a pro Clinton face, it is clear that he is going to infiltrate his administration with the most anti Clinton people he can find.

She said that in 2008 during the campaign and she apologized for it and resigned - she was not removed from her job. I don't see how that's a big deal.

The Big 0 can't find any normal people who will work for him?

He has to settle for these types? With dirt all over their record already? Darn.
Obama just sealed his fate with the Rice appointment. When you go for broke, you usually make it.
Obama just sealed his fate with the Rice appointment. When you go for broke, you usually make it.

What fate is that?

He already got re-elected, he can do anything he can.

He can't do much, but he can certainly appoint anyone as National Security Advisor, including Ahmadinejad or Reverend Wright or Jesse Jackson, Jr., if he wants to.
Obama just sealed his fate with the Rice appointment. When you go for broke, you usually make it.

What fate is that?

He already got re-elected, he can do anything he can.

He can't do much, but he can certainly appoint anyone as National Security Advisor, including Ahmadinejad or Reverend Wright or Jesse Jackson, Jr., if he wants to.

He's had the lick. Benghazi will be his undoing.

He does, like his moronic supporters, believe that "he can do anything he can."

We shall see.

Interesting, too, that Power is one of the Three Stooges who urged the country into the Libya debacle.

Libya Airstrikes: Hillary Clinton and the Women Who Called for War - The Daily Beast

Obama needs to go. Perhaps this stunningly imperial appointment will hasten his exit.
Obama needs to go. Perhaps this stunningly imperial appointment will hasten his exit. think he's sealed his fate re: getting impeached.

Well, I doubt it, but given they try to impeach everybody since Clinton got it, you could be right.

Obama needs to go. Perhaps this stunningly imperial appointment will hasten his exit. think he's sealed his fate re: getting impeached.

Well, I doubt it, but given they try to impeach everybody since Clinton got it, you could be right.


Uhm.... that would have been GWB.... I don't think we tried to impeach Bush.

I don't know who "we" is, but I KNOW a lot of people want to impeach Bush ---- I saw an "Impeach George Bush!" sign on the back of a relative's car just this past weekend!

Somebody wants to impeach everybody, which is exactly what I knew would happen with the Clinton thing. [sigh] This country is so collapsing.
obama is surrounding himself with individuals to whom love for obama is greater than love of country. Since this isn't really their country yet, he thinks that this is a wise decision. These are the people who won't challenge him or disagree with him but blindly help with the national transformation. think he's sealed his fate re: getting impeached.

Well, I doubt it, but given they try to impeach everybody since Clinton got it, you could be right.


Uhm.... that would have been GWB.... I don't think we tried to impeach Bush.

I don't know who "we" is, but I KNOW a lot of people want to impeach Bush ---- I saw an "Impeach George Bush!" sign on the back of a relative's car just this past weekend!

Somebody wants to impeach everybody, which is exactly what I knew would happen with the Clinton thing. [sigh] This country is so collapsing.

Of course it is collapsing. If you think this is bad, just wait, if the public is so sick of obama that a republican is elected in 2016, what do you think democrats are going to do? Accept it? Go along? It will be worse for the next president than it was for obama OR Bush.
Obama needs to go. Perhaps this stunningly imperial appointment will hasten his exit. think he's sealed his fate re: getting impeached.

Well, I doubt it, but given they try to impeach everybody since Clinton got it, you could be right.


You're very welcome. When the president runs a disinformation campaign on the American people, then rewards the chief facilitator of such, it might raise a few eyebrows.

Honestly, does this sorry politico hypnotize his followers? How can a rational person condone his behavior?

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