source: Obama to name Samantha Power to UN post

No, I don't think the UN supports Israel, and obama just put a five inch shell in front of netandyahoo's boat.

I understand you don't like her, and you probalby would dislike any obama appointee; however, she has a pulitzer and is generally seen as the leading legal expert on genocide, and she is strongly interventionist. As is Rice, because of her failure to move on Rwanda when Slick was potus.

What Obama did was just send a message to any and all of Israel's enemies that he's not supporting them in the same way US Presidents have in the past. That has ramifications that Obama doesn't seem to grasp.
Ohhhhhh, he sent a message. netandyahoo greeted kerry with more jewish houses in the west bank. Obama isn't running again, a large percentage of Jewish americans are fed up with netandyahoo, and Israel may get cut off on UN support, and the UN may just create Palestine. Or Israel can do it.

Did you forget about the oslo accords in 94? Palestine doesn't want statehood. Clinton was furious with arafat because he had offered up no concessions while baruk was ready to deal. Statehood is antithetical to palestine's dreams of perpetual jihad against israel.

Well, arafat is dead. There are two, actually three, possibilites for the Pales. 1) statehood on similar terms to baruk, but netandyahoo will never do that, so it would require "regieme change." 2) the Pales inside Israel can outbreed the Jews, and force Israel to apartheid or genocide. 3) The moses solution, genocide them into Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

Abbas doesn't want peace or statehood either because he would suffer the same fate as sadat did when he formed a peace treaty with israel. The terror organizations within his own country would see to that.
We need guys like wolfowitz and bolton to straighten out this mess.

They are far better than the nuts in the Obama administration. Atleast those guys werent giving up shit to the UN and they werent commies with no experience. These clowns in the Obama administration are retarded, lets have a full marine detachment in Paris and Barbados, but Libya? naaaaaaaaaaa
The radial leftist nutjobs just keep coming..

WASHINGTON (AP) — A White House official says President Barack Obama will name former aide Samantha Power as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Power will replace Susan Rice, who will take over as Obama's national security adviser. The official says Obama will announce both appointments from the White House Wednesday afternoon.

Power is a longtime Obama adviser who worked on his 2008 presidential campaign and ran the human rights office in the White House.
AP source: Obama to name Samantha Power to UN post

Only in RW crazy country could you find people who would readily describe someone who's a human rights advocate and a fierce proponent of international efforts to prevent genocide as being a "radical leftist nutjob".
The radial leftist nutjobs just keep coming..

WASHINGTON (AP) — A White House official says President Barack Obama will name former aide Samantha Power as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Power will replace Susan Rice, who will take over as Obama's national security adviser. The official says Obama will announce both appointments from the White House Wednesday afternoon.

Power is a longtime Obama adviser who worked on his 2008 presidential campaign and ran the human rights office in the White House.
AP source: Obama to name Samantha Power to UN post

Only in RW crazy country could you find people who would readily describe someone who's a human rights advocate and a fierce proponent of international efforts to prevent genocide as being a "radical leftist nutjob".

Uh, human rights advocate, explain what that means? It's usually a code word for pro homo.

As for being against genocide? how is hating on Israel promoting that stance?

Power argues that America has a moral obligation to examine all tools in the toolbox (diplomatic, economic, political, and military) to respond to mass atrocity, and she has argued that there may be circumstances in which military intervention may be appropriate to prevent genocides

Damn, it sounds like she must have been pro Iraq

gassing kurds, check for genocide!
respond to mass atrocity, say like rape rooms, mass killings, you know stuff like that....we have a moral obligation for it...hmmmmmmm
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I love how liberals will support anyone who is pro commie

In a column last week I shared my disappointment in discovering that one of the people whose thought and books has been a formative influence on my life had been associated with anti-Israel remarks. Samantha Power is arguably the world’s foremost voice against genocide

So she was a huge influence, yet he didnt know about this? Uh do liberals actually get information from sources other than Mother Jones?

The principal comments attributed to her come from an interview she granted in 2002 in Berkeley, California while she was on her book tour. She was asked by an interviewer to respond to a “thought experiment” as to what she would advise an American president if it seemed that either party in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict were moving toward genocide. Any seasoned media professional would have known that rule number one – as Michael Dukakis famously discovered in 1988 after being asked by Bernard Shaw of CNN how he would respond if his wife Kitty were raped – is never to respond to a hypothetical. But Power, fresh on the national media scene, was baited by the question and answered that preventing such a genocide would entail America being prepared to alienate a powerful constituency – by which she meant the American-Jewish community - and sending in a protective force to prevent another situation like Rwanda. From these comments – putting Israel and the possibility of genocide against the Palestinians in a single sentence – Power has been lobbed together with other enemies of Israel.

I mean the twisting this guy has to go through to whitewash her comments is breath taking.
She'll want the U.S. to commit troops to every pissant conflict that is none of our business in Darkest Africa, the Far East, and wherever else people are killing each other in enough numbers that somebody can claim it's "genocide."

Which the UN has dumbed down basically to mean inclined to put salt in someone's coffee instead of sugar.

This is what I've been afraid of since Obama was first elected, that he'd put American troops to defend all the "genocides" that Clinton had better sense than to fool with --- the Congo, Darfur, Syria, Somalia ("Blackhawk Down"), Libya, Mali, whatever others pop up soon what with the meltdown in the Mideast and the general high level of violence in Africa since the Muslims are far along toward taking over there.

This Powers woman will be cheering all that on at the UN. America, World Policeman, and Paid For By YOU.
Even if I knew nothing about her except that she was the rational behind us going to war in Libya, I would oppose her. We should not have been involved in the Libya conflict. We should not have been assisting anyone there, especially not Al Qaeda. Had we been more responsible with our use of force in the world, we would not have had the Benghazi incident.

She may not be involved in the Benghazi coverup, but the incident would not have occured without her justification and advocation for our pseudo war in Libya.
The right will not like Samantha Power, they do not take to intelligent women.

Why do you have to spout off these bullcrap lies? How do you supporse this helps your cause?

Our problems with Ms Power is the fact that she wants to intervene in global conflicts around the world and is pretty much an evil woman. Her intelligence or lack there of isnt a consideration.

Or do you think we should just blindly support intelligent women when they do bad things just because they are intelligent?

Why do you think that other intelligent people can't oppose her?

Seriously, you need to get out of this blind partisan thinking.
The right will not like Samantha Power, they do not take to intelligent women.

Why do you have to spout off these bullcrap lies? How do you supporse this helps your cause?

Our problems with Ms Power is the fact that she wants to intervene in global conflicts around the world and is pretty much an evil woman. Her intelligence or lack there of isnt a consideration.

Or do you think we should just blindly support intelligent women when they do bad things just because they are intelligent?

Why do you think that other intelligent people can't oppose her?

Seriously, you need to get out of this blind partisan thinking.

it is based oon the same premise of anyone who did not vote for or support Barak Obama is a racist.

Anyone who believes that abortion is murder hates women.

Anyone who is agianst the ACA hates the lederly and the poor.

In other can not have their own sentiments about an issue. It MUST be driven by hate.
The right will not like Samantha Power, they do not take to intelligent women.

Hmmmm...this is the woman who went on a talk show and called Hilary Clinton a "monster" resulting in her having to resign from Barack Obama's campaign? Is THAT the intelligent woman we're talking about?

Not for nothing, Kiddies but one of the attributes of a diplomat is being diplomatic. Samantha Power doesn't exactly have that going for does she? Now she'll be representing us at the UN? :doubt:
samantha power? ....I see, so who's up for more US mea culpas?

“Instituting a doctrine of the mea culpa would enhance our credibility by showing that American decision-makers do not endorse the sins of their predecessors. When (German Chancellor Willy) Brandt went down on one knee in the Warsaw ghetto, his gesture was gratifying to World War II survivors, but it was also ennobling and cathartic for Germany. Would such an approach be futile for the United States?"

Force Full: Bush's illiberal power 2003 | New Republic
The right will not like Samantha Power, they do not take to intelligent women.

so, condi rice was not intelligent?

Neither Susan Rice nor Samantha Power should even in the same conversation as Condi Rice when it comes to intelligence. Susan Rice displayed none when she let Hilary Clinton trot her out to all of those Sunday Morning talk shows and Samantha Power showed even less when she labeled a political heavy hitter like Hilary Clinton a "monster".

The number one goal of a diplomat is to not make an ass of themselves...something that both Susan Rice and Samantha Power have failed at EPICALLY!

What's become apparent though this entire episode is that if you take a bullet for "Team Obama" then you can expect to be rewarded for it somewhere down the line with an appointment to a high level position. It doesn't matter if you have the chops to DO the job but what do you expect since the man making the appointments is the ULTIMATE example of someone not being up to his job! I think Barry's decided that if he surrounds himself with enough idiots...he won't stand out.:razz:
The right will not like Samantha Power, they do not take to intelligent women.

sorry we do, liberals dont take to people who think for themselves, so as long as she's a Soros robot in the commie army, she'll be fine for them
The right will not like Samantha Power, they do not take to intelligent women.

Hmmmm...this is the woman who went on a talk show and called Hilary Clinton a "monster" resulting in her having to resign from Barack Obama's campaign? Is THAT the intelligent woman we're talking about?

Not for nothing, Kiddies but one of the attributes of a diplomat is being diplomatic. Samantha Power doesn't exactly have that going for does she? Now she'll be representing us at the UN? :doubt:

Yes, even intelligent people make mistakes. Do you consider yourself intelligent? Do you ever make mistakes?
The right will not like Samantha Power, they do not take to intelligent women.

Hmmmm...this is the woman who went on a talk show and called Hilary Clinton a "monster" resulting in her having to resign from Barack Obama's campaign? Is THAT the intelligent woman we're talking about?

Not for nothing, Kiddies but one of the attributes of a diplomat is being diplomatic. Samantha Power doesn't exactly have that going for does she? Now she'll be representing us at the UN? :doubt:

Yes, even intelligent people make mistakes. Do you consider yourself intelligent? Do you ever make mistakes?

I do make mistakes. None that even approach the level of these however. I don't doubt that both Rice and Power are intelligent. What I question is their judgement. They are not one and the same. Quite frankly I'm amazed that Susan Rice fell for what Hilary Clinton did to her. Either she's completely out of the loop about what's going on at the State Department (which begs the question why since she's the UN Ambassador) or she chose to believe what she was told by Obama and Hilary even though there had been a serious "war" going on between State and the intelligence community over the talking points. For her to go out to those five Sunday morning talk shows apparently oblivious to what was REALLY happening and parrot what she was told shows an incredible lack of judgement.
The same goes for Power. To go on a talk show and describe a political opponent as a "monster" is just plain stupid. Especially when it's someone with as much political clout as Hilary Clinton. If that was her view of Clinton then fine but only a fool would make a statement like that publicly. That "fool" will now be our UN Ambassador.

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