source: Obama to name Samantha Power to UN post

Nobody's leaving but greedy megarich Pub propagandists/liars/chickenhawks and silly Pub dupes- They can't survive in the information age and are out the door in 2014...shove it up your ignorant Ugly American azz LOL!

No, she called for the creation of a massive military buildup in Palestinian areas so that they can "defend" themselves from Israel. I can't even begin to express my reservations about someone who is THAT naive about what the Palestinians would do with huge amounts of military aid from us. They already receive large amounts of military aid from Syria and Iran and use that to attack Israel which in turn prompts Israel to respond by attacking Palestinian held areas. This concept that we can "protect" the Palestinians from the Israelis if we just provide them more weapons is ludicrous. They will almost certainly use what we give them to try and wipe Israel off the face of the earth and Israel will defend itself. What Samantha Power naively calls for would lead to an escalation of violence in that region that would be devastating to not only the people who live there but to the world economy when it affects oil production and delivery.

The fact that Barry would even consider this idiot makes me wonder if he has ANY clue about what he's doing with his foreign policy in the Middle East.
Nobody's leaving but greedy megarich Pub propagandists/liars/chickenhawks and silly Pub dupes- They can't survive in the information age and are out the door in 2014...shove it up your ignorant Ugly American azz LOL!

Well, darn, you said, "See ya!"

So we thought you were leaving!!

You hold out these treats to us and then snatch them away ----- it's so cruel. [:-(
No, she called for the creation of a massive military buildup in Palestinian areas so that they can "defend" themselves from Israel. I can't even begin to express my reservations about someone who is THAT naive about what the Palestinians would do with huge amounts of military aid from us. They already receive large amounts of military aid from Syria and Iran and use that to attack Israel which in turn prompts Israel to respond by attacking Palestinian held areas. This concept that we can "protect" the Palestinians from the Israelis if we just provide them more weapons is ludicrous. They will almost certainly use what we give them to try and wipe Israel off the face of the earth and Israel will defend itself. What Samantha Power naively calls for would lead to an escalation of violence in that region that would be devastating to not only the people who live there but to the world economy when it affects oil production and delivery.

The fact that Barry would even consider this idiot makes me wonder if he has ANY clue about what he's doing with his foreign policy in the Middle East.

Good Lord. I had no idea. This is a lot worse than I would have imagined....Big 0 appointed this woman to a high position in the government??

Yow. Thanks for the interesting information.

No, she called for the creation of a massive military buildup in Palestinian areas so that they can "defend" themselves from Israel. I can't even begin to express my reservations about someone who is THAT naive about what the Palestinians would do with huge amounts of military aid from us. They already receive large amounts of military aid from Syria and Iran and use that to attack Israel which in turn prompts Israel to respond by attacking Palestinian held areas. This concept that we can "protect" the Palestinians from the Israelis if we just provide them more weapons is ludicrous. They will almost certainly use what we give them to try and wipe Israel off the face of the earth and Israel will defend itself. What Samantha Power naively calls for would lead to an escalation of violence in that region that would be devastating to not only the people who live there but to the world economy when it affects oil production and delivery.

The fact that Barry would even consider this idiot makes me wonder if he has ANY clue about what he's doing with his foreign policy in the Middle East.

That's her view through harvard liberal theoretical axioms. Real experience in such matters is grossly absent.
I honestly don't think Barack Obama THINKS about the message he sends with his appointments.

He makes Susan Rice (who he and Hilary Clinton turned into a lightning rod by sending her out to lie for them on those Sunday talk shows) as his National Security Adviser, something that he has to know is going to infuriate much of the GOP.

He also names someone with an obvious anti-Israel slant to be his UN Ambassador thereby sending yet ANOTHER clear message to Israel that he doesn't really have their back despite what he says from time to time. How do you suppose that is taken by the people in charge in Syria...and by the Palestinians? If I were Israel at this point I would be feeling very alone.
I mean, come on...this guy is supposed to be intelligent! When is he going to exhibit some intelligence in the way he does his job?
Actually, she said hypothetically if either Israel or the Arabs were preparing a genocide, the US should stop it. She also didn't dismiss out of hand a US peacekeeping force in the occupied territories and Israel getting out.

The irony being that the rightwingers are in an uproar, while the reality is both she and Rice are more interventionist than Obama or whom they replace. But, since obama appointed them, they must be muslim kenyan socialist marxist jew haters.
I honestly don't think Barack Obama THINKS about the message he sends with his appointments.

He makes Susan Rice (who he and Hilary Clinton turned into a lightning rod by sending her out to lie for them on those Sunday talk shows) as his National Security Adviser, something that he has to know is going to infuriate much of the GOP.

He also names someone with an obvious anti-Israel slant to be his UN Ambassador thereby sending yet ANOTHER clear message to Israel that he doesn't really have their back despite what he says from time to time. How do you suppose that is taken by the people in charge in Syria...and by the Palestinians? If I were Israel at this point I would be feeling very alone.

Ohhhhhh, he sent a message. netandyahoo greeted kerry with more jewish houses in the west bank. Obama isn't running again, a large percentage of Jewish americans are fed up with netandyahoo, and Israel may get cut off on UN support, and the UN may just create Palestine. Or Israel can do it.
Actually, she said hypothetically if either Israel or the Arabs were preparing a genocide, the US should stop it. She also didn't dismiss out of hand a US peacekeeping force in the occupied territories and Israel getting out.

The irony being that the rightwingers are in an uproar, while the reality is both she and Rice are more interventionist than Obama or whom they replace. But, since obama appointed them, they must be muslim kenyan socialist marxist jew haters.

The problem, Ben is that she equates what Israel has been doing with Rwandan genocide. To believe that those two situations are even remotely similar is simply ridiculous. If that's any indication of her take on the world around her then she has no business leaving Berkeley and becoming our UN Ambassador because she's totally incapable of doing the job. Someone with intelligence would realize what the fuck is Barry thinking?
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I honestly don't think Barack Obama THINKS about the message he sends with his appointments.

He makes Susan Rice (who he and Hilary Clinton turned into a lightning rod by sending her out to lie for them on those Sunday talk shows) as his National Security Adviser, something that he has to know is going to infuriate much of the GOP.

He also names someone with an obvious anti-Israel slant to be his UN Ambassador thereby sending yet ANOTHER clear message to Israel that he doesn't really have their back despite what he says from time to time. How do you suppose that is taken by the people in charge in Syria...and by the Palestinians? If I were Israel at this point I would be feeling very alone.

Ohhhhhh, he sent a message. netandyahoo greeted kerry with more jewish houses in the west bank. Obama isn't running again, a large percentage of Jewish americans are fed up with netandyahoo, and Israel may get cut off on UN support, and the UN may just create Palestine. Or Israel can do it.

You think the UN "supports" Israel? You're as out of touch with reality as Ms. Powers, Ben!
I honestly don't think Barack Obama THINKS about the message he sends with his appointments.

He makes Susan Rice (who he and Hilary Clinton turned into a lightning rod by sending her out to lie for the?m on those Sunday talk shows) as his National Security Adviser, something that he has to know is going to infuriate much of the GOP.

He also names someone with an obvious anti-Israel slant to be his UN Ambassador thereby sending yet ANOTHER clear message to Israel that he doesn't really have their back despite what he says from time to time. How do you suppose that is taken by the people in charge in Syria...and by the Palestinians? If I were Israel at this point I would be feeling very alone.

Ohhhhhh, he sent a message. netandyahoo greeted kerry with more jewish houses in the west bank. Obama isn't running again, a large percentage of Jewish americans are fed up with netandyahoo, and Israel may get cut off on UN support, and the UN may just create Palestine. Or Israel can do it.

Did you forget about the oslo accords in 94? Palestine doesn't want statehood. Clinton was furious with arafat because he had offered up no concessions while baruk was ready to deal. Statehood is antithetical to palestine's dreams of perpetual jihad against israel.
No, I don't think the UN supports Israel, and obama just put a five inch shell in front of netandyahoo's boat.

I understand you don't like her, and you probalby would dislike any obama appointee; however, she has a pulitzer and is generally seen as the leading legal expert on genocide, and she is strongly interventionist. As is Rice, because of her failure to move on Rwanda when Slick was potus.
I honestly don't think Barack Obama THINKS about the message he sends with his appointments.

He makes Susan Rice (who he and Hilary Clinton turned into a lightning rod by sending her out to lie for the?m on those Sunday talk shows) as his National Security Adviser, something that he has to know is going to infuriate much of the GOP.

He also names someone with an obvious anti-Israel slant to be his UN Ambassador thereby sending yet ANOTHER clear message to Israel that he doesn't really have their back despite what he says from time to time. How do you suppose that is taken by the people in charge in Syria...and by the Palestinians? If I were Israel at this point I would be feeling very alone.

Ohhhhhh, he sent a message. netandyahoo greeted kerry with more jewish houses in the west bank. Obama isn't running again, a large percentage of Jewish americans are fed up with netandyahoo, and Israel may get cut off on UN support, and the UN may just create Palestine. Or Israel can do it.

Did you forget about the oslo accords in 94? Palestine doesn't want statehood. Clinton was furious with arafat because he had offered up no concessions while baruk was ready to deal. Statehood is antithetical to palestine's dreams of perpetual jihad against israel.

Well, arafat is dead. There are two, actually three, possibilites for the Pales. 1) statehood on similar terms to baruk, but netandyahoo will never do that, so it would require "regieme change." 2) the Pales inside Israel can outbreed the Jews, and force Israel to apartheid or genocide. 3) The moses solution, genocide them into Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

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