South Carolina Strikes Down Abortion Ban

I'm pro-life but the right to privacy aspect bothers me. Sadly I can see this happening.

A woman is pregnant. She then isn't pregnant. She miscarried. Some would go so far as to force their way into her private medical records. Some politicians then decides he disagrees the pregnancy had to end or he doesn't believe we should accept a woman's word.

She is then drug through the courts in one of the lowest times of her life.
Everyone is pro-life; including those who defend a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, it’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while defending a woman’s right to privacy; the decision to have a child or not is alone for a woman to make absent interference from the state.

It’s dishonest and wrongheaded to attempt to conflate two unrelated issues: a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy and the scope of government authority.

Individuals are at liberty to subjectively believe that abortion is wrong, immoral, or the taking of a human life – but that subjective, personal belief has no place as a matter of public policy and governance, as acknowledged by the South Carolina constitution and state supreme court.
Giving birth never gave me any pain.

Well as far as I know there are two ways for a woman to give birth. Either she can pass that baby through her Vagina. An event that tears the vagina because it can’t do that. It so damages that poor hole that the woman is advised not to even try sex for weeks afterwards.

The event is so traumatic that before modern medicine got involved women regularly died during the event.

Even today women still die during this totally non traumatic event.

The second way is to slice the belly of the woman open and remove the baby. This technique is apparently not traumatic either.

If there is a third way to have a baby born I don’t know it. But being a man I admit my ignorance.
It’s dishonest and wrongheaded to attempt to conflate two unrelated issues: a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy and the scope of government authority.
It is not conflating >> a woman's right to reproductive autonomy and the scope of government authority.
It is a matter of >

1. a person's right to life, and not be murdered


2. the scope of government authority.
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Everyone is pro-life; including those who defend a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, it’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while defending a woman’s right to privacy; the decision to have a child or not is alone for a woman to make absent interference from the state.

It’s dishonest and wrongheaded to attempt to conflate two unrelated issues: a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy and the scope of government authority.

Individuals are at liberty to subjectively believe that abortion is wrong, immoral, or the taking of a human life – but that subjective, personal belief has no place as a matter of public policy and governance, as acknowledged by the South Carolina constitution and state supreme court.

It's not quite the same. Before the overturn of RvW we had a nationwide ban on late term abortions. That's now gone.

That didn't violate privacy because at that point there never was a valid reason the fetus must be killed.
Everyone is pro-life; including those who defend a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, it’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while defending a woman’s right to privacy; the decision to have a child or not is alone for a woman to make absent interference from the state.

It’s dishonest and wrongheaded to attempt to conflate two unrelated issues: a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy and the scope of government authority.

Individuals are at liberty to subjectively believe that abortion is wrong, immoral, or the taking of a human life – but that subjective, personal belief has no place as a matter of public policy and governance, as acknowledged by the South Carolina constitution and state supreme court.

Talk about trying to have it both ways.

Those "Shout your Abortion people" aren't anywhere near "pro-life", and those are the people driving the Abortion rights movement.
Science and the people are on my side. Crazy people are on your side.
You need to find another way to punish women.

"Science" is on the side of the Trans nuttery?

The only real source of most Woke tropes is found in the made up book, "The Theory, and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism" from 1984 and O'Briens rant about reality only existing in the collective mind of "The Party"
Looks like Tainted Tommy is hitting the mind-destroying drugs harder this morning, than it usually does.

That isnt backed by the whole medical establishment. The parnts [sic] in Alabama are. So that is a no.

That is the authotitan [sic] right ordering peoplehopw [sic] to live their lives.
Utterly repellent.

Science and the people are on my side. Crazy people are on your side.
You need to find another way to punish women.

Science and the people are on my side.
No science is on the side of calling kids who cannot consent to whatever life-altering chemicals or surgeries you want to push on them, “trans,” you deranged perverted filth.

You need to find another way to punish women.
Unlike you, lunatic, I believe in equality, and men and women both who do something vile do deserve punishment. There isn’t much of anything as vile as attacking and killing helpless, innocent human beings, as should be obvious to someone not completely deranged and bordering on vile themselves - this leaves you out, clearly.
Everyone is pro-life; including those who defend a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, it’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion while defending a woman’s right to privacy; the decision to have a child or not is alone for a woman to make absent interference from the state.

It’s dishonest and wrongheaded to attempt to conflate two unrelated issues: a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy and the scope of government authority.

Individuals are at liberty to subjectively believe that abortion is wrong, immoral, or the taking of a human life – but that subjective, personal belief has no place as a matter of public policy and governance, as acknowledged by the South Carolina constitution and state supreme court.
Those who are pro abortion “rights” on damand are absolutely not “pro-life.”
Moreover, as a pro-lifer, I also am a strong supporter of freedom of choice.

Pro-aborts most typically affiliate themselves with authoritarian socialist parties, however, and those, like America’s “Democrats” diametrically oppose freedom of choice in any topic in which it actually applies, outside of this one topic where they pretend it applies to violence against those they want dead.

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