South Carolina Strikes Down Abortion Ban

Nope. When asked Americans support abortion and womens rights to their own body. Sucks to be you.
Do you always post stuff that has just been refuted 5 minutes earlier ? :laugh: (Post# 23)

And women do NOT HAVE "rights to their own body" when that takes away the rights of another person.
Do you always post stuff that has just been refuted 5 minutes earlier ? :laugh: (Post# 23)

And women do NOT HAVE "rights to their own body" when that takes away the rights of another person.
Refuted my arse. The women of Americas are telling the GOP to fuck off. Abortion is now safe in the US because normal people want it. Sucks to be you.
Refuted my arse. The women of Americas are telling the GOP to fuck off. Abortion is now safe in the US because normal people want it. Sucks to be you.
No they're not. As I said "Just because some leftist poll with pro-abortion skewed questions says so, that doesn't mean squat."

Some people have to be told twice.

And murderers are not normal people.
When most Americans are shown what a fetus looks like after only 20 weeks, 99% are opposed to abortion. A 20 week old fetus almost looks like a born baby, and still has 20 more weeks of gestation.

Liberals are killers.

Refuted my arse. The women of Americas are telling the GOP to fuck off. Abortion is now safe in the US because normal people want it. Sucks to be you.
Refuted completely.

What about California's law (AB 2223) legalizing perinatal killing (up to 28 weeks old), in addition to prenatal killing ? You support that (infanticide) too ? Just wondering.
After all this nonsense there are those who decry a declining birth rate. Insidious.
The rulings are simply blasphemy and will be dealt with in due time.

  1. blas·phe·my​


    • 1.the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk:"he was detained on charges of blasphemy"
    Powered by Oxford Dictionaries
Unsurprisingly, overturning Roe had nothing to do with “states’ rights” – it was about more government, bigger government by the authoritarian right at the expense of individual liberty.
I dont think they give a fuck about the unborn.
They don’t.

What conservatives do care about is more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty – compelling conformity and silencing dissent using the authority of the state.

We know this to be true because Senate Republicans were planning legislation to enact a Federal abortion ban.
Liberals constantly talk about abortion as if it was about the woman (rather then the person getting born). Wrong idea. For the woman it is a question of convenience. For the preborn person, it is life & death. Just ask all the adults whose mothers omce contemplated abortion.

And now we have legalized infanticide, looney liberals legalizing the killing of infants up to 28 days old.

Liberals talk about abortion not being within the purview of the state.

Liberals believe that individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not government.
When most Americans are shown what a fetus looks like after only 20 weeks, 99% are opposed to abortion. A 20 week old fetus almost looks like a born baby, and still has 20 more weeks of gestation.

Liberals are killers.

Moral Decline. Moral Decline. You can't stop the( liberal )virus from killing the unborn. It's the( liberal )virus's nature...born to kill.

The liberal media knows how to manipulate Americans & the rest of the world. They're good at it. Thumbs up!

So,it's overwhelmingly likely the conservatives will fail. Whatever will happen, will happen. I'd better go watch something...more entertaining! Lol :)
It was a matter that was carefully and explicitly returned to the various States.

So if SC says a flat-out “ban” violates its own State Constitution, then that’s the law in SC.

Why did our libtards and so-called “progressives” get so upset that Roe v. Wade had finally been overruled?

Liberals believe that individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not government.
That sounds more like a description of conservatives. Liberals favor lots of government control (gun control, business regulation, open borders + airlifts to US cities,

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