Southern cop shoots man running away in the back..

I saw that but what I'm wondering is if the cop lied about killing the guy what makes the rest of his story any more believable if that video can be interpreted in many different ways? You see him resisting arrest I see someone trying to protect themselves.

Also, I'm wondering what you contend the officer lied about?

He could have very easily been in fear for his life if Scott was attempting to take his tazer.

I'm not sure how many separate tazer deployments are available in a police issue tazer without reloading...but if it is more than one, there was a very real threat.

It's very possible the officer didn't know where the tazer ended up, and that Scott had taken it. The tazer ends up behind the officer and outside his field of view. It took several viewing of the video for me to locate it...imagine how quick it was real time.

This is what I mean by Monday Morning Quarterbacking. We have all of infinity to second guess this officers decisions, he had a split second.

It's more than clear from the video that the officer had plenty of options, none of which required split second decisions.
I would bet my last dollar, my right eye, my first born, that had there not been video......this murderer would have faked being attacked, backed by a few bruises and witnesses out of no where and got off scott free. If I had footage of this, I would have waited until this cop gave his side of the story and then I would have presented the footage just to let people know, this shttt happens and it happens a lot. Who ever the person is that provided this footage....GOD BLESS YOU.
As long as Conservatives knows I'm good you monkey.

No one that matters thinks you're good for anything but nothing. Got it. Good for nothing.
You dont matter monkey. I'm glad you know and understand that.

Says the descendant of slaves. If your people were so good, how were white people you consider inferior able to hold you ancestors for so long?
Monkeys are great at violence. Especially when they outnumber the people they enslave. Once they become aware the ratio is not 100 to 1 they become fearful like you when you punked out. Remember?

That assumes every white person owned slaves.

If your people are so superior, why would the ratio matter?
Which is why the Civl War wasn't fought because of Slavery.
I would bet my last dollar, my right eye, my first born, that had there not been video......this murderer would have faked being attacked, backed by a few bruises and witnesses out of no where and got off scott free. If I had footage of this, I would have waited until this cop gave his side of the story and then I would have presented the footage just to let people know, this shttt happens and it happens a lot.
What is most appalling is these murdering bastards have the audasity to continue to hand cuff and speak to the dead.......just sad!~!
Who ever the person is that provided this footage....GOD BLESS YOU.
You said he attacked the police officer. Who's account is this?

It's on the video. You can see the end of the attack and with the tazer being knocked out of the officers hand at around the 17 second can infer that the struggle has been protracted...what else would have attracted the attention of the videographer?

Initially, I thought that the officer moved the tazer closer to the victem, but that is clearly not the case after multiple viewings of the recording. The tazer goes flying behind the officer...I have no idea what that was on the ground that he picked up, but it wasn't the tazer.
You can also infer that the office attacked for no reason and the victim was defending himself. That would attract my attention and has in the past.

No, you can't. The officer was in pursuit of a person illegally fleeing a traffic stop...therefore he cannot "attack for no reason". Scott attacking the officer and stripping away his less-than-legal device was a felony.

What Wilson Scott SHOULD have done is surrender...not attack the officer.
How do we know the stop wasn't illegal?

Do you have any evidence that it was? And I'm not crappin' on the idea, I've been stopped illegally more than once. "You veered onto the yellow line." Bullcrap, you just wanted to stop me an see what I was doing at 2am.

Sounds like the officer was justified in stopping you, DUI is a crime you know.
Shoot him in the back, shoot him in the front... who cares? As long as hes dead and never going to bother anyone again, its a win.

I agree, I just wish they would start targeting racist conservatives like you....shoot shoot and then shoot some more.
These laws?


GS 15A-401

(2) A law-enforcement officer is justified in using deadly physical force upon another person for a purpose specified in subdivision (1) of this subsection only when it is or appears to be reasonably necessary thereby:

a. To defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force;

b. To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay; or

c. To prevent the escape of a person from custody imposed upon him as a result of conviction for a felony.

Yes, those laws.

Did you read them?

Specifically subsection b.

b. To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay;

Sounds exactly like what I posted in post #4 of this thread.

"A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead...however...Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force."

—Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner[3]

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I've seen no indication the man shot and killed committed a felony.

He attacked the police officer after the officers tazer either misfired or failed to make adequate contact with the offender. The offender is grappling with the officer at the beginning of the video, and the tazer that the officer said the offender stripped from him is laying on the ground. When the officer breaks away from the offender grip, the officer reaches for his service weapon. When the offender realize the officers gun hand was free of his restraint, he attempts to flea a second time.

I said it earlier...what was the offenders plan attacking the officer? He could jst hold him waiting for help to arrive, and he couldn't release him while the officer was in possession of his sidearm. That only leaves three alternatives, one of which we can dismiss out of hand...which is surrender. The two others are to incapacitate the officer or kill him. That is the definition of grievous bodily harm or death.
What evidence is there he attacked the officer?
Disgusting, the cop, needs to be tried by his peers and face his punishment. My heart goes out to man's family. This guy is another the reason that police officers get a bad name.

I should wait until a jury hears the case, however this is very disturbing.

This is the reality for minorities in this country...and reality about law enforcement......and this country....we house cowards. end of story.
Time for the press conference: "If I had a son..."
If Obama had a son, would he be faster than a speeding bullet?

Would he pay his child support?
They ain't gonna get much child support out of him now, are they?
They weren't getting any anyway.

For all you know, his kids might never had even met him.

I taught a lot of kids that had never seen their fathers even one time.

So this officer pulls his taser first (nonlethal force), obviously the right choice on a child support deadbeat dad. When it fails he moves to a gun with the dad over fifteen feet away? Fires eight times? Backup arrives less than 60 seconds later. If this is considered reasonable use of force by police, they need to change it.
Its only reasonable to use a taser with a noncompliant citizen. I don't know if that was the case or not, its hardly relevant here as the man was clearly not a threat when murdered.

I know a so called " deadbeat" dad. His son had been living with him for two years when his ex had a warrant out out for failure to pay child support for those same two years for the very same son. The child support order was still active from when the son was living was his mother. The father was up to date on all payments up till when his son moved in with him, but lacked the money to get a lawyer to have the child support order ended. Plus his ex was a horrible person obviously
I was in a similar situation. Daughter was living with me, but my ex was still getting child support. Had to go all the way to the Governor's office to get the damned CS ended. Of course, she never had to pay me a fucking penny or provide any support.
Despite the assumption that the Police Officer is guilty it seems that he was charged with a crime and the system works. So what the hell have anarchists been whining about?

No one that matters thinks you're good for anything but nothing. Got it. Good for nothing.
You dont matter monkey. I'm glad you know and understand that.

Says the descendant of slaves. If your people were so good, how were white people you consider inferior able to hold you ancestors for so long?
Monkeys are great at violence. Especially when they outnumber the people they enslave. Once they become aware the ratio is not 100 to 1 they become fearful like you when you punked out. Remember?

That assumes every white person owned slaves.

If your people are so superior, why would the ratio matter?
Which is why the Civl War wasn't fought because of Slavery.

I'm glad at least two of us understand that.
Oh my heavens! I just saw the stills at the Daily Mail. Unfreaking real.

Cold blooded murder. Thank goodness someone captured this. All over a lousy broken tail light.

I can't believe what I'm looking at.
Yeah, shot for the tail light.

Not for resisting arrest, and running from warrants for the lowest crime of all, failure to support children he fathered.

It's all about the tail light, yeah, right.

It is all about karma.

Pay your fuckin' child support, and you don't have these problems.
Notice how the lefties turn it into about being about a tail light. They also missed the part about Michael Brown attacking Darren Wilson. It's about convenience to them.

Lets talk someday, when you white mother****** began getting the same treatment minorities get in this effin me, yaw do the same exact shttt, you just live to talk about it, we don't!!
It's on the video. You can see the end of the attack and with the tazer being knocked out of the officers hand at around the 17 second can infer that the struggle has been protracted...what else would have attracted the attention of the videographer?

Initially, I thought that the officer moved the tazer closer to the victem, but that is clearly not the case after multiple viewings of the recording. The tazer goes flying behind the officer...I have no idea what that was on the ground that he picked up, but it wasn't the tazer.
You can also infer that the office attacked for no reason and the victim was defending himself. That would attract my attention and has in the past.

No, you can't. The officer was in pursuit of a person illegally fleeing a traffic stop...therefore he cannot "attack for no reason". Scott attacking the officer and stripping away his less-than-legal device was a felony.

What Wilson Scott SHOULD have done is surrender...not attack the officer.
How do we know the stop wasn't illegal?

Do you have any evidence that it was? And I'm not crappin' on the idea, I've been stopped illegally more than once. "You veered onto the yellow line." Bullcrap, you just wanted to stop me an see what I was doing at 2am.

Sounds like the officer was justified in stopping you, DUI is a crime you know.

Except I know for a fact I didn't veer onto the yellow line, and I hadn't been drinking, I was on my way home from work. I could afford much by way of a vehicle at the time and was driving a beat up, rusted jalopy. The officer more or copped to the fact the stop was bogus...he said drug dealers were running drugs to the lake in old, beat up vehicles like the one I was driving.

I traded that beat up car for a beat up rusted truck...been drivin' em ever since. I'm pretty sure today I could rebuild a 300 inline six in my sleep.
Black racists will riot anyway.

Has anyone called Sharpton yet?

The question should be, HOW WILL FOX NEWS SPIN THIS?

The question should be how long before Al Sharpton benefits financially from this and Obama say if I had another brother, he'd look like this.

I live for the day, you people find a new way to attack dead black men, this bs line is getting old.
Oh my heavens! I just saw the stills at the Daily Mail. Unfreaking real.

Cold blooded murder. Thank goodness someone captured this. All over a lousy broken tail light.

I can't believe what I'm looking at.
Yeah, shot for the tail light.

Not for resisting arrest, and running from warrants for the lowest crime of all, failure to support children he fathered.

It's all about the tail light, yeah, right.

It is all about karma.

Pay your fuckin' child support, and you don't have these problems.
Notice how the lefties turn it into about being about a tail light. They also missed the part about Michael Brown attacking Darren Wilson. It's about convenience to them.

Lets talk someday, when you white mother****** began getting the same treatment minorities get in this effin me, yaw do the same exact shttt, you just live to talk about it, we don't!!

So you're psychic? You sound more like another big mouth n*gger to me.
Black racists will riot anyway.

Has anyone called Sharpton yet?

The question should be, HOW WILL FOX NEWS SPIN THIS?

The question should be how long before Al Sharpton benefits financially from this and Obama say if I had another brother, he'd look like this.

I live for the day, you people find a new way to attack dead black men, this bs line is getting old.

What's getting old is the contradictory way things are treated when it's white on black vs. black on white.

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