Southern cop shoots man running away in the back..

dannyboys is showing his ass yet again.

This cop is in serous trouble, only short of the trouble he gave to Scott.

I wonder if the drugs used in the lethal injections are as horribly painful as described.
it's NOT premeditated murder imo, so no death penalty.
These laws?


GS 15A-401

(2) A law-enforcement officer is justified in using deadly physical force upon another person for a purpose specified in subdivision (1) of this subsection only when it is or appears to be reasonably necessary thereby:

a. To defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force;

b. To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay; or

c. To prevent the escape of a person from custody imposed upon him as a result of conviction for a felony.

Yes, those laws.

Did you read them?

Specifically subsection b.

b. To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay;

Sounds exactly like what I posted in post #4 of this thread.

"A police officer may not seize an unarmed, nondangerous suspect by shooting him dead...however...Where the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a threat of serious physical harm, either to the officer or to others, it is not constitutionally unreasonable to prevent escape by using deadly force."

—Justice Byron White, Tennessee v. Garner[3]

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

How is running away from a cop being a threat to anyone?

The man was stopped for a broken tail light. Not because he robbed a bank or was a serial killer.

A broken tail light isn't the same thing as being a threat to anyone.

I don't know how you come to your conclusions but please tell me this, if you're right then why did the cop lie on his report? Why did the cop plant evidence to frame that man?
Running away from a cop is a threat to everyone if the suspect is a violent criminal, and he escapes. His escape puts him in position to attack anyone and everyone, after this event. That is where/how he is a threat.

As for the cop lying on a report, IF he did, then he could be prosecuted for THAT, not capital murder.

How is having a tail light out being a violent felon? What proof do you have that he was a violent felon? If he had a felony record I'm sure that it would have been released by now. It's a public record and I'm sure some right winger would have found it by now and let us all know about it.

I have read the reports. I have seen the reports presented on the news.

In that report the cops claim they did CPR on him. Do you see anyone doing CPR on that dead man? I saw the cop search the man and put handcuffs on him then walked back to pick something up to plant something close to his body.

If he was a violent felon the police department would know all about it by now and the never would have charged the cop with murder.

I think it's disgusting for anyone with the exemption of his lawyer, to even try to defend this murder by a cop.

Here's a detail that I approve of from the police department. The cop's wife is 8 months pregnant. The police will continue health insurance on her and the baby once it's born. Even though they fired the policy holder and don't have to keep covering his wife. Which I think is the right thing to do.
The suspect could be a felon if he attacked the cop and wrestled with him, as the cop said. With no video to disprove that, and a witness saying both guys were on the ground, it appears that there was a fight, and the cop says the suspect caused it. With nothing to disprove that, the cop should be walking (not charged), as his shooting would be legal, based on the fleeing felon rule.
You touch a cop in the process of doing his duty whether it's traffic stop or anything else you can be charged with committing a Class A felony.
The witness (who believes cops sometimes are only firing blanks. A common myth in the negro community and that's why so many of them 'run' ) said both men "were on the ground".
The jury will find out why. I suggest all you MSNBC LIB negroes at least once stop from once again making complete fools of yourselves and wait until the jury has ruled. THEN you can go burn down the fucking sewers you appear to enjoy living in.
There's no evidence other than the cop's claim that Scott "touched him." That they may have been "on the ground" does not necessarily mean Scott did anything offensive.
If all there is, is the cop's account of the incident, than there is insufficient evidence to charge him. Starting to look like another Zimmerman situation. City fathers afraid of race hustlers and their riot mobs, quickly charge cop to keep rioters from tearing up the town. These goons are beginning to control America.
dannyboys is showing his ass yet again.

This cop is in serous trouble, only short of the trouble he gave to Scott.

I wonder if the drugs used in the lethal injections are as horribly painful as described.
it's NOT premeditated murder imo, so no death penalty.
I don't even see where there is grounds for the cop to be charged at all.
You also think you are a failure because of just doesn't matter what you think...hate and rage makes you blind to the truth.

A few months from now, they will announce a plea agreement of manslaughter. This cop is probably gong to jail...but there still may be information we do not know, so we will have to wait and see.
Do you have some proof to refute the officer's claim ?

I just posted it. Please, feel free to read the last two pages.
OK. I just spent 10 worthless minutes tracking down your worthless posts, none of which show one shred of evidence that the officer's story of the suspect attacking and fighting him is untrue. Wen you have some of THAT, let me know. And no more wildgoose chases, OK ?

Just notice that Missourian missed the fact that Slager was using an X26 model taser, not an X23. Therefore it was impossible for the taser to be useful to Scott at the time he gained possession of it, because Slager had already used its one and only shot.

I also pointed out in my posts key parts of the video with specific citations of the time. Go watch it if you like.


Therefore it was impossible for the taser to be useful to Scott at the time he gained possession of it

in one of the pictures it shows the wires for the taz in the cops hands or hooked to his hands i dont know which

however could the person holding the taz pull the trigger more then once sending a jolt or another jolt into the officer

which would make it a useful tool

The traffic footage says otherwise. It appears Slager used his taser as he was chasing Scott. The taser was therefore useless.
dannyboys is showing his ass yet again.

This cop is in serous trouble, only short of the trouble he gave to Scott.

I wonder if the drugs used in the lethal injections are as horribly painful as described.
it's NOT premeditated murder imo, so no death penalty.
That's what I thought too. We are both wrong. Under South Carolina law when the cop moved the taser to put it next to the dead guy that's despoiling the crime scene making it capital murder and a death penalty case.
1. Was the suspect fleeing an imminent danger to the cop or others?
2. Were the eight shots fired at the back of the suspect proportional in nature?
3. In light of 1 and 2, was the cop's actions reasonable?
dannyboys is showing his ass yet again.

This cop is in serous trouble, only short of the trouble he gave to Scott.

I wonder if the drugs used in the lethal injections are as horribly painful as described.
it's NOT premeditated murder imo, so no death penalty.
That's what I thought too. We are both wrong. Under South Carolina law when the cop moved the taser to put it next to the dead guy that's despoiling the crime scene making it capital murder and a death penalty case.

For what it's worth, all the local stations are saying 30 to life...
Well the dashcam video is out. Not really informative. Except the taser claim...if TK is right about the type of taser - it was useless.
8 shots? C'mon...8 shots? Stupid that is. Over the line that is. Guilty as charged in my book. A bad example of a police officer.
dannyboys is showing his ass yet again.

This cop is in serous trouble, only short of the trouble he gave to Scott.

I wonder if the drugs used in the lethal injections are as horribly painful as described.
The drugs used in lethal injections aren't painful at all.

The first injection puts the person into a deep sleep. The second is a paralytic to immobilize the muscles. The last one stops the heart. It's like dying in your sleep.
Some of the rest of the story.... UPDATE Walter Scott Shooting Witness Feidin Santana Speaks Out UPDATE The Professional Handler Steps In The Last Refuge
Walter Scott “running from the auto-parts store“? “Wrestling on the ground“? Mr. Scott “being tazed during struggle“? Etc.

Of course none of that negates what is seen in the video; nor does it essentially change the absence of justification; but it does, well, broaden the picture somewhat…. Your thoughts?

UPDATE: WOAH !! Talk about broadening the picture – Video’s removed? Social Media Scrubbed? An “unknown” passenger in the vehicle of Walter Scott when it was pulled over by Officer Michael Slager?….

….and, wait for it…. all of a sudden we find out that Scott Family attorney Chris Stewart has been working with Ryan Julison? Who is person who crafted all the Trayvonn lies....... more than meets the eye again
dannyboys is showing his ass yet again.

This cop is in serous trouble, only short of the trouble he gave to Scott.

I wonder if the drugs used in the lethal injections are as horribly painful as described.
it's NOT premeditated murder imo, so no death penalty.
I don't even see where there is grounds for the cop to be charged at all.
You also think you are a failure because of just doesn't matter what you think...hate and rage makes you blind to the truth.

A few months from now, they will announce a plea agreement of manslaughter. This cop is probably gong to jail...but there still may be information we do not know, so we will have to wait and see.
LOL. What a mess. Looks like satire. :laugh:
dannyboys is showing his ass yet again.

This cop is in serous trouble, only short of the trouble he gave to Scott.

I wonder if the drugs used in the lethal injections are as horribly painful as described.
it's NOT premeditated murder imo, so no death penalty.
I don't even see where there is grounds for the cop to be charged at all.
Of course you don't.
And of course you do.
dannyboys is showing his ass yet again.

This cop is in serous trouble, only short of the trouble he gave to Scott.

I wonder if the drugs used in the lethal injections are as horribly painful as described.
it's NOT premeditated murder imo, so no death penalty.
That's what I thought too. We are both wrong. Under South Carolina law when the cop moved the taser to put it next to the dead guy that's despoiling the crime scene making it capital murder and a death penalty case.
First there has to be a reason to charge him, and there isn't because of insufficient evidence. The cop's account can't be refuted because there's no video, and the only witness indicated there was a fight going on. So if the suspect attacked, that puts him in the felon category, and his fleeing the scene puts the cop in legal standing to shoot him in the back, under the Fleeing Felon Rule.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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