Southern Italian town world's "only white town" after ethnic cleansing

Some of the crop-pickers had been shot; others had been beaten with metal bars or wooden clubs as local people took indiscriminate vengeance after a riot of Thursday in which more than 100 Africans caused extensive damage in the town to protest at the shootings.

Good 1. they don't belong in Italy 2. They were destroying the town. Of course the liberal whiner media is crying about it but we all know who the media is owned and run by so not a surprise.The white race is the enemy to them.
HaHa! But who will pick the fruit!? Either do it yourself,hire Italians to do it or let the shit rot! I would rather have rotting fruit than illegal scum invade my town.
someone needs a life or a job...

good grief...anyone care about this?
The immigrants thought they could throw a riot and get away with it. It works everywhere else, just not in Italy.

Initial action by police and Carabinieri officers failed to placate the protesters, serving only to fuel their already incandescent rage, and for a few hours, Rosarno became a miniature Beirut. However, the violence could have had even more tragic consequences. A number of local residents attempted to fight back but were forced to beat a retreat. Reggio Calabria’s chief of police sent in dozens of crime squads to deal with the disorders. Tear gas was used in police attempts to disperse the protesters, six of whom suffered minor injuries.

Notizie di cronaca del Corriere della Sera

How did that incandescent rage work out?

Sorry but the ability to pick fruit does not confer blanket immunity for violence.
Southern Italian town world's 'only white town' after ethnic cleansing | World news | The Guardian

Must be nice to be able to leave doors unlocked,allow your women and kids to walk around town and feel safe about it. The day is coming.

Why don't you move there right away and then shut the fuck up once and for all? The US would be greatly better off without your worthless ass.
I am not Italian and have no Italian heritage. Why would I move there? The day is coming in the US the same thing but on a MUCH larger scale will happen.
Southern Italian town world's 'only white town' after ethnic cleansing | World news | The Guardian

Must be nice to be able to leave doors unlocked,allow your women and kids to walk around town and feel safe about it. The day is coming.
Do you really believe that only non-whites commit crime?

Are that you fucking stupid?
Uh no. But I also know all white communities are much we really need to compare statistics here?
Deflect and Ignore....typical tactics of someone that has been beaten.
Claiming victory...typical tactic of someone desperate for internet validation.

Sad, dood, really sad.

Yay you. There's a completely white town out there somewhere. I'm sure it makes you all tingly inside. And making the vaguely threatening statement "the day is coming" makes you feel powerful, despite your utter powerlessness to actually do anything.

But then, no one ever accused anarchists of being connected to reality. :lol:
Deflect and Ignore....typical tactics of someone that has been beaten.
Claiming victory...typical tactic of someone desperate for internet validation.

Sad, dood, really sad.

Yay you. There's a completely white town out there somewhere. I'm sure it makes you all tingly inside. And making the vaguely threatening statement "the day is coming" makes you feel powerful, despite your utter powerlessness to actually do anything.

But then, no one ever accused anarchists of being connected to reality. :lol:

Makes me feel proud to know people aren't afraid to keep the criminal elements and illegals out of their towns. My town ain't all white but its damn close.Oh its not a threat. Its a prediction that when the US collapses people of all races are going to take that time of lawlessness to avenge their people and its going to lead to all out race war.Nah it takes Anarchists to realize we don't need government controlling life and everything we do,say,ingest etc...that takes weak kneed individuals like yourself. Sheeple.Anarchists are quite connected to reality.You should try it some time.
And making the vaguely threatening statement "the day is coming" makes you feel powerful, despite your utter powerlessness to actually do anything.
It is pretty common among loser types actually, constantly fantasizing about and making references to that someday when society changes in a manner that allows them to no longer be the underachiever.

Someday you'll see! You'll all see!

Deflect and Ignore....typical tactics of someone that has been beaten.
Claiming victory...typical tactic of someone desperate for internet validation.

Sad, dood, really sad.

Yay you. There's a completely white town out there somewhere. I'm sure it makes you all tingly inside. And making the vaguely threatening statement "the day is coming" makes you feel powerful, despite your utter powerlessness to actually do anything.

But then, no one ever accused anarchists of being connected to reality. :lol:

Makes me feel proud to know people aren't afraid to keep the criminal elements and illegals out of their towns. My town ain't all white but its damn close.Oh its not a threat. Its a prediction that when the US collapses people of all races are going to take that time of lawlessness to avenge their people and its going to lead to all out race war.
Say, here's a thought: Look at everyone as individual human beings, not as something as unimportant as skin color.

Never occurred to you, did it?

And it still won't. Dumbass.
Nah it takes Anarchists to realize we don't need government controlling life and everything we do,say,ingest etc...that takes weak kneed individuals like yourself. Sheeple.Anarchists are quite connected to reality.You should try it some time.
You obviously have never read any of my posts about government. Maybe I used too many big words.

Shall we have a debate in the Clean Zone about the merits of anarchism? It won't take long, because there aren't any merits.
And making the vaguely threatening statement "the day is coming" makes you feel powerful, despite your utter powerlessness to actually do anything.
It is pretty common among loser types actually, constantly fantasizing about and making references to that someday when society changes in a manner that allows them to no longer be the underachiever.

Someday you'll see! You'll all see!


Claiming victory...typical tactic of someone desperate for internet validation.

Sad, dood, really sad.

Yay you. There's a completely white town out there somewhere. I'm sure it makes you all tingly inside. And making the vaguely threatening statement "the day is coming" makes you feel powerful, despite your utter powerlessness to actually do anything.

But then, no one ever accused anarchists of being connected to reality. :lol:

Makes me feel proud to know people aren't afraid to keep the criminal elements and illegals out of their towns. My town ain't all white but its damn close.Oh its not a threat. Its a prediction that when the US collapses people of all races are going to take that time of lawlessness to avenge their people and its going to lead to all out race war.
Say, here's a thought: Look at everyone as individual human beings, not as something as unimportant as skin color.

Never occurred to you, did it?

And it still won't. Dumbass.
Nah it takes Anarchists to realize we don't need government controlling life and everything we do,say,ingest etc...that takes weak kneed individuals like yourself. Sheeple.Anarchists are quite connected to reality.You should try it some time.
You obviously have never read any of my posts about government. Maybe I used too many big words.

Shall we have a debate in the Clean Zone about the merits of anarchism? It won't take long, because there aren't any merits.
Everyone is an individual but when quite a bit of individuals of the same race continue to commit crimes and that's very provable according to the FBI'S Statistics then its time to look at them as a whole.There are MANY merits to Anarchism fact remains MOST people can't stand to be truly free.
Makes me feel proud to know people aren't afraid to keep the criminal elements and illegals out of their towns. My town ain't all white but its damn close.Oh its not a threat. Its a prediction that when the US collapses people of all races are going to take that time of lawlessness to avenge their people and its going to lead to all out race war.
Say, here's a thought: Look at everyone as individual human beings, not as something as unimportant as skin color.

Never occurred to you, did it?

And it still won't. Dumbass.
Nah it takes Anarchists to realize we don't need government controlling life and everything we do,say,ingest etc...that takes weak kneed individuals like yourself. Sheeple.Anarchists are quite connected to reality.You should try it some time.
You obviously have never read any of my posts about government. Maybe I used too many big words.

Shall we have a debate in the Clean Zone about the merits of anarchism? It won't take long, because there aren't any merits.
Everyone is an individual but when quite a bit of individuals of the same race continue to commit crimes and that's very provable according to the FBI'S Statistics then its time to look at them as a whole.
I believe Hitler said the same thing about Jews and Gypsies.
There are MANY merits to Anarchism fact remains MOST people can't stand to be truly free.
You just pointed out why it's doomed to failure.
The OP is despicable in his supremacy rage, but the situation in the southern Italian towns has been brewing a couple of years now.

The vast majority of the illegal immigrants are young men in their 20s and 30s.
There are no families, no women, just young men.

this by itself can and is causing problems for the locals.

the situation is abnormal and the central Italian authorities and EU play the blind game.

The local authorities do not have the resources to regulate not so rare conflict situations.

So the violence erupts.

It can not be judged in view of our illegal immigrants, since it's social structure is different.

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