Southern Patriot chased,ran off road. Brother killed in hate crime.

Ah the pieces of the puzzle are coming together now

Anthony Hervey -- confederate crook

Ah, yes, while the racists celebrate and support the book by Anthony Hervey, a simple internet search reveals that Hervey is not only a liar, but a fraud, crook and attempted murder. What's the old saying? Oh, that's right -- birds of a feather flock together. Hervey fits right in with the vermin that support him.

Anyhow, by following one of the many links below that expose Mr. Hervey, we find out that he claims to be a trained sociologist at the University of Mississippi. That's a lie. We also find out that Hervey also involves his father in his support for the CF, who accidentally admits that blacks are no better now than they were 300 years ago (oops! His words!).

But that's just scratching the surface. In one of the links below, Anthony Hervey is accused of cheating an elderly pensioner out of $1300. In the link below, the victim, Niels Graverholt, writes that he generously lent Hervey $1300, only to never see the money again.

Oh, but that's just a start.

Back in 2003, Hervey was one of 17 defendants that were charged in a 31-count
criminal indictment with fraudulently obtaining approximately $285,000
from the U. S. Department of Education in the form of subsidized and
unsubsidized Stafford loans.

As recently as a month ago, Hervey's conviction of second degree murder and possession of a weapon during the commission of a dangerous felony was upheld by the State of Tennessee. The idiot was moronic enough to represent himself in court.

Looks like he was scaming the crackers too - Redefining the Media
Sounds like he was a real piece of work. Just like his USMB supporters.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
No: it was Northern Republicans. Get your facts straight you fool!!


Yes at that time they were Liberals and up until the late 50's early 60's northern rebublicans were liberals such as jacob Javits and nelson Rockefeller

I suspect you have the wrong century. The Republicans in the 19th Century were basically Whigs+. At least get your century correct!!


And they were also Liberals. "Liberal" is not a political party just as "Whig" is not a philosophy.

There is no more Liberal maxim than "all men are created equal" -- and that's what Abolitionists were going for, the spirit of the Constitution.

The Whig party was moribund by the time the RP was founded in 1854, so they were absorbed by the new party. That's basically where the RP got its origin of being the "party of big government", i.e. doing big things with it including economically. So when you refer back to the RP of the mid 19th century as regards slavery and racism, it's the Liberal (Abolitionist) element that's the operative dynamic. The Whig element led to the idea of (sometimes heavyhanded) Reconstruction policies and the first strokes of affirmative action, but the underlying philosophy behind striving for equality in the first place is Liberalism.

No: whig developed into Liberalism in the UK and into the Repubs in the US. It's like you, a monkey and primal slime. Common ancestors but different product...though you and the other do have a lot in common. Still; you are not the SAME. Monkeys are cute!!


We're not talking about the UK. And neither the Whigs, nor any other political party ever, had anything to do with monkeys or "primal slime".

"Whig developed into Liberalism" has gotta be the most insane thing I've read all day. Liberalism predates the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Whig party and all others here. It's what founded this country. Before any of those parties ever existed.


Patriots (also known as Rebels, Revolutionaries, Continentals, or American Whigs) were those colonists of the Thirteen Colonies who violently rebelled against British control during the American Revolution and in July 1776 declared the United States of America an independent nation. Their rebellion was based on the political philosophy of republicanism, as expressed by spokesmen such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Thomas Paine.

As a group, Patriots represented a wide array of social, economic and ethnic backgrounds. They included lawyers like John Adams and Alexander Hamilton; planters like Thomas Jefferson and George Mason; merchants like Alexander McDougall and ordinary farmers like Daniel Shays and Joseph Plumb Martin.
The Whig Party was a political party active in the middle of the 19th century in the United States of America. Four Presidents of the United States were members of the Whig Party.[1] Considered integral to the Second Party System and operating from the early 1830s to the mid-1850s,[2] the party was formed in opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson and his Democratic Party. In particular, the Whigs supported the supremacy of Congress over the Presidency and favored a program of modernization and economic protectionism. This name was chosen to echo the American Whigs of 1776, who fought for independence, and because "Whig" was then a widely recognized label of choice for people who identified as opposing tyranny.[3]

The Whig Party nominated for president such national political luminaries as Daniel Webster and their preeminent leader, Henry Clay of Kentucky. The Whig Party also nominated for president war hero generals William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, and Winfield Scott in 1840, 1848 and 1852 respectively.

In its two decades of existence, the Whig Party had two of its candidates, William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, elected President. Both died in office. John Tyler succeeded to the Presidency after Harrison's death, but was expelled from the party. Millard Fillmore, who became President after Taylor's death, was the last Whig to hold the nation's highest office.

The party was ultimately destroyed by the question of whether to allow the expansion of slavery to the territories. With deep fissures in the party on this question, the anti-slavery faction prevented the nomination for a full-term of its own incumbent, President Fillmore, in the 1852 presidential election; instead, the party nominated General Winfield Scott. Most Whig party leaders eventually quit politics (as Abraham Lincoln did temporarily) or changed parties. The northern voter base mostly joined the new Republican Party.

You may need to do a bit of reading on that old son...not to be confused with the Whigs in the US of the 19th Century.

Yes at that time they were Liberals and up until the late 50's early 60's northern rebublicans were liberals such as jacob Javits and nelson Rockefeller

I suspect you have the wrong century. The Republicans in the 19th Century were basically Whigs+. At least get your century correct!!


And they were also Liberals. "Liberal" is not a political party just as "Whig" is not a philosophy.

There is no more Liberal maxim than "all men are created equal" -- and that's what Abolitionists were going for, the spirit of the Constitution.

The Whig party was moribund by the time the RP was founded in 1854, so they were absorbed by the new party. That's basically where the RP got its origin of being the "party of big government", i.e. doing big things with it including economically. So when you refer back to the RP of the mid 19th century as regards slavery and racism, it's the Liberal (Abolitionist) element that's the operative dynamic. The Whig element led to the idea of (sometimes heavyhanded) Reconstruction policies and the first strokes of affirmative action, but the underlying philosophy behind striving for equality in the first place is Liberalism.

No: whig developed into Liberalism in the UK and into the Repubs in the US. It's like you, a monkey and primal slime. Common ancestors but different product...though you and the other do have a lot in common. Still; you are not the SAME. Monkeys are cute!!


We're not talking about the UK. And neither the Whigs, nor any other political party ever, had anything to do with monkeys or "primal slime".

"Whig developed into Liberalism" has gotta be the most insane thing I've read all day. Liberalism predates the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Whig party and all others here. It's what founded this country. Before any of those parties ever existed.


Patriots (also known as Rebels, Revolutionaries, Continentals, or American Whigs) were those colonists of the Thirteen Colonies who violently rebelled against British control during the American Revolution and in July 1776 declared the United States of America an independent nation. Their rebellion was based on the political philosophy of republicanism, as expressed by spokesmen such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Thomas Paine.

As a group, Patriots represented a wide array of social, economic and ethnic backgrounds. They included lawyers like John Adams and Alexander Hamilton; planters like Thomas Jefferson and George Mason; merchants like Alexander McDougall and ordinary farmers like Daniel Shays and Joseph Plumb Martin.
The Whig Party was a political party active in the middle of the 19th century in the United States of America. Four Presidents of the United States were members of the Whig Party.[1] Considered integral to the Second Party System and operating from the early 1830s to the mid-1850s,[2] the party was formed in opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson and his Democratic Party. In particular, the Whigs supported the supremacy of Congress over the Presidency and favored a program of modernization and economic protectionism. This name was chosen to echo the American Whigs of 1776, who fought for independence, and because "Whig" was then a widely recognized label of choice for people who identified as opposing tyranny.[3]

The Whig Party nominated for president such national political luminaries as Daniel Webster and their preeminent leader, Henry Clay of Kentucky. The Whig Party also nominated for president war hero generals William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, and Winfield Scott in 1840, 1848 and 1852 respectively.

In its two decades of existence, the Whig Party had two of its candidates, William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, elected President. Both died in office. John Tyler succeeded to the Presidency after Harrison's death, but was expelled from the party. Millard Fillmore, who became President after Taylor's death, was the last Whig to hold the nation's highest office.

The party was ultimately destroyed by the question of whether to allow the expansion of slavery to the territories. With deep fissures in the party on this question, the anti-slavery faction prevented the nomination for a full-term of its own incumbent, President Fillmore, in the 1852 presidential election; instead, the party nominated General Winfield Scott. Most Whig party leaders eventually quit politics (as Abraham Lincoln did temporarily) or changed parties. The northern voter base mostly joined the new Republican Party.

You may need to do a bit of reading on that old son...not to be confused with the Whigs in the US of the 19th Century.


News must travel slow out your way, but this just in ---- the US is not part of the UK any more. Hasn't been since we declared independence and made it stick. That was well over a month ago.

You keep going back to the UK, which is just bizarre. The UK has absolutely nothing to do with anything we discuss here. Nor do the American "Whigs" you refer to above, as that was simply an appellation and not the name of a political party. "Whig" in 1776 was a synonym for "revolutionary" or "American Patriot". The actual Whig Party of the United States ---- which IS what we refer to in the origins of the Republican Party --- was founded over half a century later, by remnants of Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party, in opposition to Andrew Jackson, who had just started the Democratic Party.

That Whig Party had nothing whatsoever to do with the Revolution. Or with the UK. Or with the British Whig Party. Which your own link expresses:

The name Whig was derived from a common term that Patriots used to refer to themselves during the American Revolution. It indicated hostility to the British Sovereign, and despite the identical name, it was not directly derived from the British Whig party.[5]
So when you say "not to be confused with the Whigs in the US of the 19th Century" --- those Whigs (the party) of the 19th century are exactly who we're talking about. Which is why I think you're completely lost in space here.
MY stupidity? You would be funny if you weren't so pathetically idiotic.
I can't help it if you can't grasp a simple concept.
What I said was it is normal for murder victims to be killed by someone of their own race. I never said murder was normal.

So you got your thumb out your ass and inserted your goddamn whole!!!

. It is completely normal for 80% of murders of whites to be committed by other whites.

Not only are you a stupid sack of are a dishonest lying sack of shit!!!!
Now try to backtrack from your own quote...BITCH!!!!!!
Doubled down on idiocy, I see.

I started by saying people tend to associate with their own race.

If 90 % of the people I associate with are white, If I get gunned down, the odds are 9:1 that the perpetrator will be white. We should be able to assume the same would be true for blacks, but it's not quite.
Blacks kill whites at roughly twice the rate of whites killing blacks.
I'll not try again to 'splain it to you. You, frankly, are not worth the effort.

LOL!!!! must think everyone else is as stupid as you or lie as much as you.

You specifically claimed that 80% of whites killing whites is perfectly "normal."
You turned around and claimed YOU NEVER MADE THAT STATEMENT!!!!!

I'll use your specific quotes so that everyone can see the lying sack of shit you are...
Please claim that the following aren't your

It is completely normal for 80% of murders of whites to be committed by other whites.
I never said murder was normal.

Please, don't even reply there's nothing you can say, you silly assed liar.
Look back to where I first typed those words and read my whole post.
I've tried to point out the fact that you've conveniently ignored a qualifying statement. The fact that you are unable or unwilling to admit you've fucked up is on you.
Yes "IGNORE" is your best bet here, there's nothing possible that can erase your stupendous episode of lies and stupidity.
Your own quotes made you a lying Bitch!!!
KA-POW! Knocked that rightwing jackass flat out.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I suspect you have the wrong century. The Republicans in the 19th Century were basically Whigs+. At least get your century correct!!


And they were also Liberals. "Liberal" is not a political party just as "Whig" is not a philosophy.

There is no more Liberal maxim than "all men are created equal" -- and that's what Abolitionists were going for, the spirit of the Constitution.

The Whig party was moribund by the time the RP was founded in 1854, so they were absorbed by the new party. That's basically where the RP got its origin of being the "party of big government", i.e. doing big things with it including economically. So when you refer back to the RP of the mid 19th century as regards slavery and racism, it's the Liberal (Abolitionist) element that's the operative dynamic. The Whig element led to the idea of (sometimes heavyhanded) Reconstruction policies and the first strokes of affirmative action, but the underlying philosophy behind striving for equality in the first place is Liberalism.

No: whig developed into Liberalism in the UK and into the Repubs in the US. It's like you, a monkey and primal slime. Common ancestors but different product...though you and the other do have a lot in common. Still; you are not the SAME. Monkeys are cute!!


We're not talking about the UK. And neither the Whigs, nor any other political party ever, had anything to do with monkeys or "primal slime".

"Whig developed into Liberalism" has gotta be the most insane thing I've read all day. Liberalism predates the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Whig party and all others here. It's what founded this country. Before any of those parties ever existed.


Patriots (also known as Rebels, Revolutionaries, Continentals, or American Whigs) were those colonists of the Thirteen Colonies who violently rebelled against British control during the American Revolution and in July 1776 declared the United States of America an independent nation. Their rebellion was based on the political philosophy of republicanism, as expressed by spokesmen such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Thomas Paine.

As a group, Patriots represented a wide array of social, economic and ethnic backgrounds. They included lawyers like John Adams and Alexander Hamilton; planters like Thomas Jefferson and George Mason; merchants like Alexander McDougall and ordinary farmers like Daniel Shays and Joseph Plumb Martin.
The Whig Party was a political party active in the middle of the 19th century in the United States of America. Four Presidents of the United States were members of the Whig Party.[1] Considered integral to the Second Party System and operating from the early 1830s to the mid-1850s,[2] the party was formed in opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson and his Democratic Party. In particular, the Whigs supported the supremacy of Congress over the Presidency and favored a program of modernization and economic protectionism. This name was chosen to echo the American Whigs of 1776, who fought for independence, and because "Whig" was then a widely recognized label of choice for people who identified as opposing tyranny.[3]

The Whig Party nominated for president such national political luminaries as Daniel Webster and their preeminent leader, Henry Clay of Kentucky. The Whig Party also nominated for president war hero generals William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, and Winfield Scott in 1840, 1848 and 1852 respectively.

In its two decades of existence, the Whig Party had two of its candidates, William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, elected President. Both died in office. John Tyler succeeded to the Presidency after Harrison's death, but was expelled from the party. Millard Fillmore, who became President after Taylor's death, was the last Whig to hold the nation's highest office.

The party was ultimately destroyed by the question of whether to allow the expansion of slavery to the territories. With deep fissures in the party on this question, the anti-slavery faction prevented the nomination for a full-term of its own incumbent, President Fillmore, in the 1852 presidential election; instead, the party nominated General Winfield Scott. Most Whig party leaders eventually quit politics (as Abraham Lincoln did temporarily) or changed parties. The northern voter base mostly joined the new Republican Party.

You may need to do a bit of reading on that old son...not to be confused with the Whigs in the US of the 19th Century.


News must travel slow out your way, but this just in ---- the US is not part of the UK any more. Hasn't been since we declared independence and made it stick. That was well over a month ago.

You keep going back to the UK, which is just bizarre. The UK has absolutely nothing to do with anything we discuss here. Nor do the American "Whigs" you refer to above, as that was simply an appellation and not the name of a political party. "Whig" in 1776 was a synonym for "revolutionary" or "American Patriot". The actual Whig Party of the United States ---- which IS what we refer to in the origins of the Republican Party --- was founded over half a century later, by remnants of Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party, in opposition to Andrew Jackson, who had just started the Democratic Party.

That Whig Party had nothing whatsoever to do with the Revolution. Or with the UK. Or with the British Whig Party. Which your own link expresses:

The name Whig was derived from a common term that Patriots used to refer to themselves during the American Revolution. It indicated hostility to the British Sovereign, and despite the identical name, it was not directly derived from the British Whig party.[5]
So when you say "not to be confused with the Whigs in the US of the 19th Century" --- those Whigs (the party) of the 19th century are exactly who we're talking about. Which is why I think you're completely lost in space here.

You seem somewhat confused. Perhaps you had better read a little about that which you seem to be a tad uncertain.

Ah the pieces of the puzzle are coming together now

Anthony Hervey -- confederate crook

Ah, yes, while the racists celebrate and support the book by Anthony Hervey, a simple internet search reveals that Hervey is not only a liar, but a fraud, crook and attempted murder. What's the old saying? Oh, that's right -- birds of a feather flock together. Hervey fits right in with the vermin that support him.

Anyhow, by following one of the many links below that expose Mr. Hervey, we find out that he claims to be a trained sociologist at the University of Mississippi. That's a lie. We also find out that Hervey also involves his father in his support for the CF, who accidentally admits that blacks are no better now than they were 300 years ago (oops! His words!).

But that's just scratching the surface. In one of the links below, Anthony Hervey is accused of cheating an elderly pensioner out of $1300. In the link below, the victim, Niels Graverholt, writes that he generously lent Hervey $1300, only to never see the money again.

Oh, but that's just a start.

Back in 2003, Hervey was one of 17 defendants that were charged in a 31-count
criminal indictment with fraudulently obtaining approximately $285,000
from the U. S. Department of Education in the form of subsidized and
unsubsidized Stafford loans.

As recently as a month ago, Hervey's conviction of second degree murder and possession of a weapon during the commission of a dangerous felony was upheld by the State of Tennessee. The idiot was moronic enough to represent himself in court.

Looks like he was scaming the crackers too - Redefining the Media
Sounds like he was a real piece of work. Just like his USMB supporters.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
He was a real piece of work; one I would have been proud to have called "friend"

Good, bad and bizarre: Hervey leaves complicated legacy

That's the Hervey Sparky Reardon encountered at Ole Miss. Reardon, the university's former dean of students who recently retired, was one of Hervey's favorite targets during his demonstrations in front of the Union.

"He was a master at street theater," Reardon said. "He and some of the evangelical preachers we've had here really know how to draw a crowd and provoke a crowd. He wasn't prejudiced. He made everybody mad. It was a shock and pain when I learned he'd been killed. As contentious as it might have seemed, Anthony and I really had a great relationship. It took a black man in a confederate uniform to get us to reconsider where we were and I think we're a much better campus now because of it."
So you got your thumb out your ass and inserted your goddamn whole!!!

Not only are you a stupid sack of are a dishonest lying sack of shit!!!!
Now try to backtrack from your own quote...BITCH!!!!!!
Doubled down on idiocy, I see.

I started by saying people tend to associate with their own race.

If 90 % of the people I associate with are white, If I get gunned down, the odds are 9:1 that the perpetrator will be white. We should be able to assume the same would be true for blacks, but it's not quite.
Blacks kill whites at roughly twice the rate of whites killing blacks.
I'll not try again to 'splain it to you. You, frankly, are not worth the effort.

LOL!!!! must think everyone else is as stupid as you or lie as much as you.

You specifically claimed that 80% of whites killing whites is perfectly "normal."
You turned around and claimed YOU NEVER MADE THAT STATEMENT!!!!!

I'll use your specific quotes so that everyone can see the lying sack of shit you are...
Please claim that the following aren't your

It is completely normal for 80% of murders of whites to be committed by other whites.
I never said murder was normal.

Please, don't even reply there's nothing you can say, you silly assed liar.
Look back to where I first typed those words and read my whole post.
I've tried to point out the fact that you've conveniently ignored a qualifying statement. The fact that you are unable or unwilling to admit you've fucked up is on you.
Yes "IGNORE" is your best bet here, there's nothing possible that can erase your stupendous episode of lies and stupidity.
Your own quotes made you a lying Bitch!!!
KA-POW! Knocked that rightwing jackass flat out.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hardly, Marc, but you knew that.
Stuart woman in accident after flag rally - News - McAlester News-Capital

I will wait on the shock to wear off of our resident Confederate,Southern haters since they now know this woman and her brother are both BLACK SOUTHERNERS. BOTH had just attended a pro flag rally in Mississippi and were then chased...NOW who would chase people with Confederate flags> hmmmmmmm
A passenger in the vehicle claimed a car with five black men was chasing them when the accident occurred.

An MHP investigation showed no sign another vehicle was involved or near the SUV Hervey was driving at the time of the wreck.

Funeral services set for Anthony Hervey

So it was all bullshit.
In other words, police couldn't find contact with another vehicle.
Funny how you trust them now, but were among those chanting "Hands up, don't shoot" a while back.
Your link crashed my browser, Ravi.

Funny, it came right up in Firefox (under the direction of Windblows 8) with no issues here. Guess Mister "I set myself up with Linux and have no issues" has issues.

I can verify that Ravi's quote came from the short article and is the only part that addresses the nature of the accident.

As we noted at the beginning, it's prolly the most common made-up story when a driver loses control on his own, that "somebody ran me off the road", since without witnesses it can't be disproven. After a 200 mile drive somebody could have been getting drowsy.

Here's a pertinent part from a statement from the Mississippi Highway Patrol dated a week ago:

>> Investigators say Hervey, 49, was the driver of a 2005 Ford Explorer traveling westbound in the left lane of US278 inside Lafayette County. A reconstruction of the crash shows the Explorer left the roadway at the crossover section of US278 and County Road 285 then continued down into the median south of US278. The Explorer reentered US278, crossed both westbound lanes and continued off the right shoulder of US278. The Explorer then collided with an embankment and concrete ditch causing the vehicle to roll over several times and coming to final rest on its roof. Hervey was pronounced dead at the scene by the Lafayette County Coroner’s Office.

A passenger in the Explorer, Juliette Barnum, from Stuart, Oklahoma, sustained injuries from the crash and was transported to Baptist North Hospital in Oxford. Investigators interviewed witnesses concerning the crash including Ms. Barnum who stated a silver vehicle occupied by 5 black males was following their vehicle and swerved towards them but did not make contact. Ms. Barnum also stated the actions of the silver vehicle caused the Explorer to leave the roadway. An examination of the Explorer by investigators confirmed no contact was made with a second vehicle. Another witness who observed the crash stated she saw the Explorer leave the roadway and crash, but could not confirm the presence of another vehicle. <<
Last edited:
Your link crashed my browser, Ravi.

Funny, it came right up in Firefox (under the direction of Windblows 8) with no issues here. Guess Mister "I set myself up with Linux and have no issues" has issues.

I can verify that Ravi's quote came from the short article and is the only part that addresses the nature of the accident.

As we noted at the beginning, it's prolly the most common made-up story when a driver loses control on his own, that "somebody ran me off the road", since without witnesses it can't be disproven. After a 200 mile drive somebody could have been getting drowsy.

Here's a pertinent part from a statement from the Mississippi Highway Patrol dated a week ago:

>> Investigators say Hervey, 49, was the driver of a 2005 Ford Explorer traveling westbound in the left lane of US278 inside Lafayette County. A reconstruction of the crash shows the Explorer left the roadway at the crossover section of US278 and County Road 285 then continued down into the median south of US278. The Explorer reentered US278, crossed both westbound lanes and continued off the right shoulder of US278. The Explorer then collided with an embankment and concrete ditch causing the vehicle to roll over several times and coming to final rest on its roof. Hervey was pronounced dead at the scene by the Lafayette County Coroner’s Office.

A passenger in the Explorer, Juliette Barnum, from Stuart, Oklahoma, sustained injuries from the crash and was transported to Baptist North Hospital in Oxford. Investigators interviewed witnesses concerning the crash including Ms. Barnum who stated a silver vehicle occupied by 5 black males was following their vehicle and swerved towards them but did not make contact. Ms. Barnum also stated the actions of the silver vehicle caused the Explorer to leave the roadway. An examination of the Explorer by investigators confirmed no contact was made with a second vehicle. Another witness who observed the crash stated she saw the Explorer leave the roadway and crash, but could not confirm the presence of another vehicle. <<
Karma is a bitch.
I thought you might want to know. And I assure you, my computer is just fine.

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