Southern pride

Southern Pride is very similar to Yankee/Colonial Pride..... it's about knowing you and your family have stood up for what's right against what's wrong in thus world. That your kin have killed and died for our country and what we believe in.
What is it that the kin believe in?
Look up the definition of heritage and pride, dumbass.
I did, moron.

I can't see anything the confederacy has to be proud of so I decided to ask what others thought.
Are you asking about southern pride or Confederate pride? You seem to be using those two phrases interchangeably, which makes little sense considering the Confederacy existed only roughly 4 years.
I think they are the same thing from what I have been reading here lately. But if you can explain the difference I am interested.
What is it. Some people claim that they fly the con flag to express southern heritage and/or southern pride.
Pride in things like skin color or the patch of dirt you happened to be born on is one of the stupidest things I have ever been witness to
Look up the definition of heritage and pride, dumbass.
I did, moron.

I can't see anything the confederacy has to be proud of so I decided to ask what others thought.
I guess I mostly attribute it to a little thing called Dignity.

Yes, the South was defeated in a military war.
Our Pride and Dignity was not.

I understand how Northerners can't relate, since they won that war. Now everyone"gets to" fly that flag.

I display my CSA flag (not the battle flag, as all battles are over) as a way to say "you may have won the war, but we have not lost our spirit".

Pride and dignity as it pertains to what exactly?
Do you really care? I ask because 99 times out of a 100 when a thread is started asking what is this or why do people believe that the purpose behind it is simply to dismiss any answer given.

Yes, this is a familiar tactic employed by left and right, but it's typically only a problem when your opponent is doing it. People are far more forgiving w/their own side.

That said, I think there is the possibility for an elegant answer here. The old South is mostly an embarrassment, but it has some very commendable traits that could form the basis for an answer.
Yep. But none of those traits appear to be what southern pride is about.
The funny part is the uproar over a flag, which essentially receives no state or federal subsidies, but how the same people whining about the flag will completely ignore all the federal and state tax dollars going to monuments that glorify slaveholders. The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and the list goes on. Washington, D.C. itself was named after a slave-owner. The White House was built by slaves. Where's the uproar?
I've posted here many times that the founders were hypocrites. And many confederate memorials get federal funding.
What is it that the kin believe in?

A traditional life and lifestyle. A place in society for everyone and everything. The ideal that society only works when Morals and Values are rigidly enforced and their breaking harshly punished.
Look up the definition of heritage and pride, dumbass.
I did, moron.

I can't see anything the confederacy has to be proud of so I decided to ask what others thought.
I guess I mostly attribute it to a little thing called Dignity.

Yes, the South was defeated in a military war.
Our Pride and Dignity was not.

I understand how Northerners can't relate, since they won that war. Now everyone"gets to" fly that flag.

I display my CSA flag (not the battle flag, as all battles are over) as a way to say "you may have won the war, but we have not lost our spirit".

Pride and dignity as it pertains to what exactly?
Dignity is what distinguishes us as humans.
Some would try to group the entire population of the SE US into a mold of their own choosing to try and diminish that pride of dignity.

There was a reason, real or imagined or written in whichever side's history books, for the fighting. And it was important enough to fight and die for.
Both North and South have reason to be proud that they fought for their convictions.

From where I sit I only see one half of that equation being ridiculed for it
The funny part is the uproar over a flag, which essentially receives no state or federal subsidies, but how the same people whining about the flag will completely ignore all the federal and state tax dollars going to monuments that glorify slaveholders. The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and the list goes on. Washington, D.C. itself was named after a slave-owner. The White House was built by slaves. Where's the uproar?

This is an excellent point.

The primary incentive of capitalism is profit, and a primary method for increasing profit is through ever cheaper labor costs.

When those cheap labor costs came from slavery we found a way to ignore and rationalize it, such that we can't see how much of our nation was built atop the barbarism of slavery.

Today, the slave labor has been pushed to the far periphery of empire, in Chinese sweatshops, which supply our largest retailers with cheap toasters and clothing.

Put simply: Nike investors make a higher profit when their sneaks are made by oppressed workers living beneath brutal freedom hating dictators. This is capitalism's dirty little secret - and like the slavery upon which American capitalism was built, this newer form of "cheap labor" is ignored and rationalized.

So I wouldn't hold your breath in hopes that we will ever fully realize (much less admit) the degree to which capitalism depends on slavery or "slave wages" to maintain the incentive system that drives it.
What is it. Some people claim that they fly the con flag to express southern heritage and/or southern pride.
Southerners have a great deal to be proud of, such as their contribution to the founding of our Republic, contributions to our military tradition, contributions to our political system, in addition to art, literature, and the theater – indeed, most of our greatest writers, authors, and playwrights are from the South; prior to the Civil War Southern culture was America’s dominant culture.

Today the majority of Southerners have the intelligence and sophistication to acknowledge the wrongs and evils of the past, and have made the commitment to eradicate the remnants of those wrongs and evils from today’s society.

Unfortunately there are a minority of reactionary Southerners who lack the courage to admit to the wrongs and evils of the past and seek to propagate the lies of revisionist history they’ve contrived as a consequence of their fear and cowardice.

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