Southern pride

Look up the definition of heritage and pride, dumbass.
I did, moron.

I can't see anything the confederacy has to be proud of so I decided to ask what others thought.
Are you asking about southern pride or Confederate pride? You seem to be using those two phrases interchangeably, which makes little sense considering the Confederacy existed only roughly 4 years.
I think they are the same thing from what I have been reading here lately. But if you can explain the difference I am interested.
The Confederacy existed from 1861-1865. There is no such thing as Confederate pride. Now I won't deny that there are "Lost Cause" people out there, but the idea that any talk of southern culture is the same as being a so-called "neo-Confederate" is complete nonsense. The south has always been different from the north culturally, and it remains distinct to this day. The U.S. has always been two different countries culturally, though less so today of course, if not officially. Regardless, the south does have a distinct culture that has nothing to do with slavery, secession, or what have you. Music, food, manners, etc... We see these regional differences in culture throughout the U.S. though, so I don't see how this is difficult to understand. Los Angeles has a different culture from Boston, New Orleans has a different culture than basically anywhere else, and there are plenty of other examples. That the south and the north are different is pretty uncontroversial.
The funny part is the uproar over a flag, which essentially receives no state or federal subsidies, but how the same people whining about the flag will completely ignore all the federal and state tax dollars going to monuments that glorify slaveholders. The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and the list goes on. Washington, D.C. itself was named after a slave-owner. The White House was built by slaves. Where's the uproar?
I've posted here many times that the founders were hypocrites. And many confederate memorials get federal funding.
Yes, they do. But the Confederate flag itself is generally flown in a private capacity. Do you advocate ripping Washington and Jefferson off Mount Rushmore, and Lincoln too since he was a horrible racist? Tearing down the Washington monument, Jefferson Memorial, and White House? Renaming Washington, D.C.? If not, I don't see that you have much ground to stand on in complaining about a pointless flag.
What is it. Some people claim that they fly the con flag to express southern heritage and/or southern pride.
The Con-federate flag is nothing but the KKK flag.

What do you know, it looks like the KKK had another flag.
The funny part is the uproar over a flag, which essentially receives no state or federal subsidies, but how the same people whining about the flag will completely ignore all the federal and state tax dollars going to monuments that glorify slaveholders. The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and the list goes on. Washington, D.C. itself was named after a slave-owner. The White House was built by slaves. Where's the uproar?

This is an excellent point.

The primary incentive of capitalism is profit, and a primary method for increasing profit is through ever cheaper labor costs.

When those cheap labor costs came from slavery we found a way to ignore and rationalize it, such that we can't see how much of our nation was built atop the barbarism of slavery.

Today, the slave labor has been pushed to the far periphery of empire, in Chinese sweatshops, which supply our largest retailers with cheap toasters and clothing.

Put simply: Nike investors make a higher profit when their sneaks are made by oppressed workers living beneath brutal freedom hating dictators. This is capitalism's dirty little secret - and like the slavery upon which American capitalism was built, this newer form of "cheap labor" is ignored and rationalized.

So I wouldn't hold your breath in hopes that we will ever fully realize (much less admit) the degree to which capitalism depends on slavery or "slave wages" to maintain the incentive system that drives it.
And this is nonsense. Capitalism caused the end of slavery in most of the western world. Pretty much the only exception being in the American south, or Confederacy. Mercantilism is the system that enslaved people.
Look up the definition of heritage and pride, dumbass.
I did, moron.

I can't see anything the confederacy has to be proud of so I decided to ask what others thought.
Are you asking about southern pride or Confederate pride? You seem to be using those two phrases interchangeably, which makes little sense considering the Confederacy existed only roughly 4 years.
I think they are the same thing from what I have been reading here lately. But if you can explain the difference I am interested.
The Confederacy existed from 1861-1865. There is no such thing as Confederate pride. Now I won't deny that there are "Lost Cause" people out there, but the idea that any talk of southern culture is the same as being a so-called "neo-Confederate" is complete nonsense. The south has always been different from the north culturally, and it remains distinct to this day. The U.S. has always been two different countries culturally, though less so today of course, if not officially. Regardless, the south does have a distinct culture that has nothing to do with slavery, secession, or what have you. Music, food, manners, etc... We see these regional differences in culture throughout the U.S. though, so I don't see how this is difficult to understand. Los Angeles has a different culture from Boston, New Orleans has a different culture than basically anywhere else, and there are plenty of other examples. That the south and the north are different is pretty uncontroversial.
Why then do wavers of the con flag claim that they waive it out of southern pride or heritage?
The funny part is the uproar over a flag, which essentially receives no state or federal subsidies, but how the same people whining about the flag will completely ignore all the federal and state tax dollars going to monuments that glorify slaveholders. The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and the list goes on. Washington, D.C. itself was named after a slave-owner. The White House was built by slaves. Where's the uproar?
I've posted here many times that the founders were hypocrites. And many confederate memorials get federal funding.
Yes, they do. But the Confederate flag itself is generally flown in a private capacity. Do you advocate ripping Washington and Jefferson off Mount Rushmore, and Lincoln too since he was a horrible racist? Tearing down the Washington monument, Jefferson Memorial, and White House? Renaming Washington, D.C.? If not, I don't see that you have much ground to stand on in complaining about a pointless flag.
You can get rid of the rest of them but IMO Lincoln, though a racist, did the right thing and that makes him worth honoring.
Funny I don't see you race baiting liberals demanding Native Americans stop displaying their heritage and pride why? They routinely murdered white parents and stole their kids keeping them as slaves within the tribe. So, nothing to say? Thought so.

most white Americans are the easist to pick on, and have the most to get something out of. They are also the most accomidating to other ethnic groups. Blacks are concerned with Black rights, Chinese are concerned with Chinese Rights, Hispanics, for Hispanic rights, but its the evil whites who seem to be concerned with everyone else. People who question why there should be southern pride are just lumping all southerners for all time with the Confederacy. They probably don't know any southerners or their families personally, but they can sure judge.

Liberals don't care, liberals are lying lowlife scum. They saw an opportunity to broad brush and jumped on it like a pack of rabid dogs. I pointed out last week that it has been the Democratic party controlled inner cities who have sent millions of young black men to prison. They send millions of young black fathers to prison and millions of young black women to the abortion clinics and its conservatives who are racist wtf?
Let me get this right. Your saying dems. Just went down the road and picked random black men and sent them to prison, crazy me I thought you had to do i crime first.

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What is it. Some people claim that they fly the con flag to express southern heritage and/or southern pride.
Southern heritage: Slavery, getting ass kicked in a war, Jim Crow.
Oh please the left hates conservatives. That's fine I hate them right the hell back x10, after we have destroyed the left then maybe we can discuss reconciliation.

It's the left who has been destroying the right and they've been succeeding for a rather long time.
The funny part is the uproar over a flag, which essentially receives no state or federal subsidies, but how the same people whining about the flag will completely ignore all the federal and state tax dollars going to monuments that glorify slaveholders. The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and the list goes on. Washington, D.C. itself was named after a slave-owner. The White House was built by slaves. Where's the uproar?

The media didn't tell them to be upset about those things.
Funny I don't see you race baiting liberals demanding Native Americans stop displaying their heritage and pride why? They routinely murdered white parents and stole their kids keeping them as slaves within the tribe. So, nothing to say? Thought so.

most white Americans are the easist to pick on, and have the most to get something out of. They are also the most accomidating to other ethnic groups. Blacks are concerned with Black rights, Chinese are concerned with Chinese Rights, Hispanics, for Hispanic rights, but its the evil whites who seem to be concerned with everyone else. People who question why there should be southern pride are just lumping all southerners for all time with the Confederacy. They probably don't know any southerners or their families personally, but they can sure judge.

Liberals don't care, liberals are lying lowlife scum. They saw an opportunity to broad brush and jumped on it like a pack of rabid dogs. I pointed out last week that it has been the Democratic party controlled inner cities who have sent millions of young black men to prison. They send millions of young black fathers to prison and millions of young black women to the abortion clinics and its conservatives who are racist wtf?
Let me get this right. Your saying dems. Just went down the road and picked random black men and sent them to prison, crazy me I thought you had to do i crime first.

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You walked right into the buzz saw. It is the Democrats throwing millions of young black men in jail, and bussing millions of young black women off to abortion clinics. Now ask yourself why this is happening.
Oh please the left hates conservatives. That's fine I hate them right the hell back x10, after we have destroyed the left then maybe we can discuss reconciliation.

It's the left who has been destroying the right and they've been succeeding for a rather long time.

Ahahaha I guess that's why the left took over congress? Oh wait...:eusa_think:

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