Southern pride

You sure about that?

Immigrants on the Eve of the Civil War
Despite the prejudice and violence, immigration increased more than 500 percent from 1845 until 1855, with about three million immigrants coming to the United States. Almost 90 percent settled in the North or the West, where either jobs or cheap land, or both, were plentiful. German and Hungarian farmers tended to settle in the central and upper Midwest. By 1860, more than 1.25 million Americans of German descent lived in the United States.

U.S. Civil War
That doesn't exactly dispute what I said but thanks for the effort.

90% settled in the NORTH and WEST!!!!!
At least have the common decency to admit when you were wrong.
Right. The mush-mouthed slave owners already live there. THINK!

And where did they come from?
Mostly southern England.

Well there couldnt have been that many when you look at the numbers.
A lot of Germans migrated to Texas and they tried to stay out of it.
Not really. A lot of migrants to the south were from south UK.

You sure about that?

Immigrants on the Eve of the Civil War
Despite the prejudice and violence, immigration increased more than 500 percent from 1845 until 1855, with about three million immigrants coming to the United States. Almost 90 percent settled in the North or the West, where either jobs or cheap land, or both, were plentiful. German and Hungarian farmers tended to settle in the central and upper Midwest. By 1860, more than 1.25 million Americans of German descent lived in the United States.

U.S. Civil War
That doesn't exactly dispute what I said but thanks for the effort.

90% settled in the NORTH and WEST!!!!!
At least have the common decency to admit when you were wrong.
Right. The mush-mouthed slave owners already live there. THINK!

In the sixteen years leading up to the Civil war 90% of immigration went to the north and to the west.
You said..
"Not really. A lot of migrants to the south were from south UK."

And anyone already there either came from the north or was born there.
So no,there weren't a lot of immigrants that went south before or during the civil war.
You aren't making any sense.

The South was already well populated. Populated with people that had accents similar to people in Southern England. The immigrants you speak of didn't go to the south. And for the most part, the northerners stayed put, they weren't migrating to the south in large numbers.
Oh please the left hates conservatives. That's fine I hate them right the hell back x10, after we have destroyed the left then maybe we can discuss reconciliation.

It's the left who has been destroying the right and they've been succeeding for a rather long time.

Ahahaha I guess that's why the left took over congress? Oh wait...:eusa_think:

Having one good election doesn't mean anything. Look at the long term direction this country has been moving in for decades. If you think it's moved to the right then you're lying to yourself.

Dude, it wasn't 1 election it was 3 in a row and it was an epic bitch slapping the Democrats took. When you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a loss that bad that's an epic bitch slapping.

And before any of you liberal clowns start yapping about 2012, with a black president on the ballot up against a weak liberal light candidate Democrats barely scraped back 6 of the 56 seats they lost in 2010, that's a beating. Then they got bitch slapped again in 2014. The Democratic party was throw into the dirt, stomped on and had dirt kicked in their faces. Personally I enjoyed the hell out of watching that.

Again, you're talking about four years and 2012 was not a win for you. I'm talking about the last 40. The right is losing; the left has been winning over the long term.
Again, you're talking about four years and 2012 was not a win for you. I'm talking about the last 40. The right is losing; the left has been winning over the long term.

The left took a beating in the 80's and 90's. Only since Obama has it become Kewl to be a Kommie again. I agree that leftism, like cancer, spreads if left unchecked, but our decline started about 2006. From the end of WWII until 1980, leftism grew fast, but the Reagan revolution halted it in it's tracks. Even Clinton was forced to moderation after his defeat in 94.
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The South can be proud of all its traditions and heritage. Children are much better raised than in the North I can assure you. "We say grace and we say ma'am if ya ain't into that we don't give a damn..."
What is it with the radical left? We have home grown terrorists killing members of the Military on U.S. soil and they worry about a freaking 140 year old flag. I recall when the radical left celebrated a supreme court decision that allowed them to shit on and burn the Stars and Stripes and wear it on their asses and they rubbed our noses in it every day during the 60's. A unrepentant (former) domestic terrorist murderer like Bill Ayers walks among us and presumably advises the president and the idiot left worries about the Confederate flag. Only in America.
What is the difference between radical Islam and the confederate wannabes? Both commit atrocities under their banner.

In case you were asleep during history 101, slavery was well entrenched in what we call the "northern states" for about 200 years. When the New England whaling ships couldn't find enough whales they stopped in Africa and picked up a load of slaves. During the Civil War "draft riots" in New York City eyewitness accounts say that every Black person the rioters could find was strung up on light poles. The Confederacy only lasted four years and slavery went on for four hundred. There is enough guilt over slavery to go around. Why do the useful idiots blame a freaking piece of cloth for a horrendous murder?
What is it with the radical left? We have home grown terrorists killing members of the Military on U.S. soil and they worry about a freaking 140 year old flag. I recall when the radical left celebrated a supreme court decision that allowed them to shit on and burn the Stars and Stripes and wear it on their asses and they rubbed our noses in it every day during the 60's. A unrepentant (former) domestic terrorist murderer like Bill Ayers walks among us and presumably advises the president and the idiot left worries about the Confederate flag. Only in America.
What is the difference between radical Islam and the confederate wannabes? Both commit atrocities under their banner.

In case you were asleep during history 101, slavery was well entrenched in what we call the "northern states" for about 200 years. When the New England whaling ships couldn't find enough whales they stopped in Africa and picked up a load of slaves. During the Civil War "draft riots" in New York City eyewitness accounts say that every Black person the rioters could find was strung up on light poles. The Confederacy only lasted four years and slavery went on for four hundred. There is enough guilt over slavery to go around. Why do the useful idiots blame a freaking piece of cloth for a horrendous murder?
Why are southerners still proud of it?
That doesn't exactly dispute what I said but thanks for the effort.

90% settled in the NORTH and WEST!!!!!
At least have the common decency to admit when you were wrong.
Right. The mush-mouthed slave owners already live there. THINK!

And where did they come from?
Mostly southern England.

Well there couldnt have been that many when you look at the numbers.
A lot of Germans migrated to Texas and they tried to stay out of it.
Until the CSA and state troops and vigilantes started lynching and killing them in their hundreds. The biggest actions was the ambush on Germans called "The Battle of the Nueces" by state troops.
What is it with the radical left? We have home grown terrorists killing members of the Military on U.S. soil and they worry about a freaking 140 year old flag. I recall when the radical left celebrated a supreme court decision that allowed them to shit on and burn the Stars and Stripes and wear it on their asses and they rubbed our noses in it every day during the 60's. A unrepentant (former) domestic terrorist murderer like Bill Ayers walks among us and presumably advises the president and the idiot left worries about the Confederate flag. Only in America.
What is the difference between radical Islam and the confederate wannabes? Both commit atrocities under their banner.

In case you were asleep during history 101, slavery was well entrenched in what we call the "northern states" for about 200 years. When the New England whaling ships couldn't find enough whales they stopped in Africa and picked up a load of slaves. During the Civil War "draft riots" in New York City eyewitness accounts say that every Black person the rioters could find was strung up on light poles. The Confederacy only lasted four years and slavery went on for four hundred. There is enough guilt over slavery to go around. Why do the useful idiots blame a freaking piece of cloth for a horrendous murder?
Why are southerners still proud of it?
South defended itself from a foreign invasion.
How can you even reason with the radical left when they appear to be so bi-polar? Around 1996 during the Clinton administration the U.S. government honored several Confederate generals with a postage stamp. Now the same lefties who voted for Clinton and never raised an eyebrow about it want to blast the same generals off the Stone Mountain monument in Georgia. You can find lots of passages in the Koran that authorizes or command the extermination of the infidels (Americans) and you can easily find video bites of so-called mainstream Muslems chanting "death to the U.S" but the bi-polar left was angry at Marines when the rumor went around that they mishandled the Koran at Gitmo. Marines were murdered by an extremist Islamic nut case in an obvious jihad motivated terrorist attack and the left has what's left of their bi-polar minds focused on the Confederate flag.
What is it with the radical left? We have home grown terrorists killing members of the Military on U.S. soil and they worry about a freaking 140 year old flag. I recall when the radical left celebrated a supreme court decision that allowed them to shit on and burn the Stars and Stripes and wear it on their asses and they rubbed our noses in it every day during the 60's. A unrepentant (former) domestic terrorist murderer like Bill Ayers walks among us and presumably advises the president and the idiot left worries about the Confederate flag. Only in America.
What is the difference between radical Islam and the confederate wannabes? Both commit atrocities under their banner.

In case you were asleep during history 101, slavery was well entrenched in what we call the "northern states" for about 200 years. When the New England whaling ships couldn't find enough whales they stopped in Africa and picked up a load of slaves. During the Civil War "draft riots" in New York City eyewitness accounts say that every Black person the rioters could find was strung up on light poles. The Confederacy only lasted four years and slavery went on for four hundred. There is enough guilt over slavery to go around. Why do the useful idiots blame a freaking piece of cloth for a horrendous murder?
Why are southerners still proud of it?
South defended itself from a foreign invasion.
Nope. They fired the first shots.

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