Southern pride

Because the flag became in the 1960s the new symbol of resistance to civil rights.
How can you even reason with the radical left when they appear to be so bi-polar? Around 1996 during the Clinton administration the U.S. government honored several Confederate generals with a postage stamp. Now the same lefties who voted for Clinton and never raised an eyebrow about it want to blast the same generals off the Stone Mountain monument in Georgia. You can find lots of passages in the Koran that authorizes or command the extermination of the infidels (Americans) and you can easily find video bites of so-called mainstream Muslems chanting "death to the U.S" but the bi-polar left was angry at Marines when the rumor went around that they mishandled the Koran at Gitmo. Marines were murdered by an extremist Islamic nut case in an obvious jihad motivated terrorist attack and the left has what's left of their bi-polar minds focused on the Confederate flag.
Link to these stamps.
Again, you're talking about four years and 2012 was not a win for you. I'm talking about the last 40. The right is losing; the left has been winning over the long term.

The left took a beating in the 80's and 90's. Only since Obama has it become Kewl to be a Kommie again. I agree that leftism, like cancer, spreads if left unchecked, but our decline started about 2006. From the end of WWII until 1980, leftism grew fast, but the Reagan revolution halted it in it's tracks. Even Clinton was forced to moderation after his defeat in 94.

The make up of the nation is not the same as it was 20 years ago. That's the difference. I don't see a reversal coming.
Oh please the left hates conservatives. That's fine I hate them right the hell back x10, after we have destroyed the left then maybe we can discuss reconciliation.

It's the left who has been destroying the right and they've been succeeding for a rather long time.

Ahahaha I guess that's why the left took over congress? Oh wait...:eusa_think:

Having one good election doesn't mean anything. Look at the long term direction this country has been moving in for decades. If you think it's moved to the right then you're lying to yourself.

Dude, it wasn't 1 election it was 3 in a row and it was an epic bitch slapping the Democrats took. When you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a loss that bad that's an epic bitch slapping.

And before any of you liberal clowns start yapping about 2012, with a black president on the ballot up against a weak liberal light candidate Democrats barely scraped back 6 of the 56 seats they lost in 2010, that's a beating. Then they got bitch slapped again in 2014. The Democratic party was throw into the dirt, stomped on and had dirt kicked in their faces. Personally I enjoyed the hell out of watching that.

Again, you're talking about four years and 2012 was not a win for you. I'm talking about the last 40. The right is losing; the left has been winning over the long term.

All great evils are eventually vanquished so I wouldn't get your hopes up on a liberal resurgence. :laugh:
I thought you meant the state LA. And no, Los Angeles is not the birth place of Mexican cuisine.

Really, name a Mexican dish?

Enchiladas? Ernies - El Monte, CA
Burritos? The Green Burro - La Puente, CA
Chili Rellino? El Encanto - Azusa, CA

Prior to California Cuisine, Mexican was a tortilla with beans - called a taco.

Oh, one thing that DID originate in Mexico, was the Caesar Salad... Cardini's in Tijuana.
The make up of the nation is not the same as it was 20 years ago. That's the difference. I don't see a reversal coming.

I agree. The impact has become noticeable in the last 10, and is closing in on a flash point now. I think the left is overplaying their hand with their open assault on white people and Christians, still the dominant groups in America. I suspect that the groups targeted by the democrats will react poorly at the institutional racism against them.
It's the left who has been destroying the right and they've been succeeding for a rather long time.

Ahahaha I guess that's why the left took over congress? Oh wait...:eusa_think:

Having one good election doesn't mean anything. Look at the long term direction this country has been moving in for decades. If you think it's moved to the right then you're lying to yourself.

Dude, it wasn't 1 election it was 3 in a row and it was an epic bitch slapping the Democrats took. When you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a loss that bad that's an epic bitch slapping.

And before any of you liberal clowns start yapping about 2012, with a black president on the ballot up against a weak liberal light candidate Democrats barely scraped back 6 of the 56 seats they lost in 2010, that's a beating. Then they got bitch slapped again in 2014. The Democratic party was throw into the dirt, stomped on and had dirt kicked in their faces. Personally I enjoyed the hell out of watching that.

Again, you're talking about four years and 2012 was not a win for you. I'm talking about the last 40. The right is losing; the left has been winning over the long term.

All great evils are eventually vanquished so I wouldn't get your hopes up on a liberal resurgence. :laugh:

When did I say I was hoping for it? I'm simply not one to stick my head in the sand.
The make up of the nation is not the same as it was 20 years ago. That's the difference. I don't see a reversal coming.

I agree. The impact has become noticeable in the last 10, and is closing in on a flash point now. I think the left is overplaying their hand with their open assault on white people and Christians, still the dominant groups in America. I suspect that the groups targeted by the democrats will react poorly at the institutional racism against them.

I suspect they'll do absolutely nothing, just as they have in Europe.
The hard right merely talks; it's all they have.

They know better than to get physical.

Those days are long gone.
Look up the definition of heritage and pride, dumbass.
I did, moron.

I can't see anything the confederacy has to be proud of so I decided to ask what others thought.
Are you asking about southern pride or Confederate pride? You seem to be using those two phrases interchangeably, which makes little sense considering the Confederacy existed only roughly 4 years.
I think they are the same thing from what I have been reading here lately. But if you can explain the difference I am interested.
The Confederacy existed from 1861-1865. There is no such thing as Confederate pride. Now I won't deny that there are "Lost Cause" people out there, but the idea that any talk of southern culture is the same as being a so-called "neo-Confederate" is complete nonsense. The south has always been different from the north culturally, and it remains distinct to this day. The U.S. has always been two different countries culturally, though less so today of course, if not officially. Regardless, the south does have a distinct culture that has nothing to do with slavery, secession, or what have you. Music, food, manners, etc... We see these regional differences in culture throughout the U.S. though, so I don't see how this is difficult to understand. Los Angeles has a different culture from Boston, New Orleans has a different culture than basically anywhere else, and there are plenty of other examples. That the south and the north are different is pretty uncontroversial.
Why then do wavers of the con flag claim that they waive it out of southern pride or heritage?
Because that's what the Confederate flag has come to symbolize for many people.
I did, moron.

I can't see anything the confederacy has to be proud of so I decided to ask what others thought.
Are you asking about southern pride or Confederate pride? You seem to be using those two phrases interchangeably, which makes little sense considering the Confederacy existed only roughly 4 years.
I think they are the same thing from what I have been reading here lately. But if you can explain the difference I am interested.
The Confederacy existed from 1861-1865. There is no such thing as Confederate pride. Now I won't deny that there are "Lost Cause" people out there, but the idea that any talk of southern culture is the same as being a so-called "neo-Confederate" is complete nonsense. The south has always been different from the north culturally, and it remains distinct to this day. The U.S. has always been two different countries culturally, though less so today of course, if not officially. Regardless, the south does have a distinct culture that has nothing to do with slavery, secession, or what have you. Music, food, manners, etc... We see these regional differences in culture throughout the U.S. though, so I don't see how this is difficult to understand. Los Angeles has a different culture from Boston, New Orleans has a different culture than basically anywhere else, and there are plenty of other examples. That the south and the north are different is pretty uncontroversial.
Why then do wavers of the con flag claim that they waive it out of southern pride or heritage?
Because that's what the Confederate flag has come to symbolize for many people.
For non-racist and racist southern folks, yes.
Are you asking about southern pride or Confederate pride? You seem to be using those two phrases interchangeably, which makes little sense considering the Confederacy existed only roughly 4 years.
I think they are the same thing from what I have been reading here lately. But if you can explain the difference I am interested.
The Confederacy existed from 1861-1865. There is no such thing as Confederate pride. Now I won't deny that there are "Lost Cause" people out there, but the idea that any talk of southern culture is the same as being a so-called "neo-Confederate" is complete nonsense. The south has always been different from the north culturally, and it remains distinct to this day. The U.S. has always been two different countries culturally, though less so today of course, if not officially. Regardless, the south does have a distinct culture that has nothing to do with slavery, secession, or what have you. Music, food, manners, etc... We see these regional differences in culture throughout the U.S. though, so I don't see how this is difficult to understand. Los Angeles has a different culture from Boston, New Orleans has a different culture than basically anywhere else, and there are plenty of other examples. That the south and the north are different is pretty uncontroversial.
Why then do wavers of the con flag claim that they waive it out of southern pride or heritage?
Because that's what the Confederate flag has come to symbolize for many people.
For non-racist and racist southern folks, yes.
A symbol merely stands for what every individual says it stands for to them. It can stand for racism, it can stand for culture, or, in my case, it can stand for a defunct government. That's why it's dumb to whine about it, and to demand it be taken down.
In your opinion, perhaps, but you thin that way, Kevin, because you are a libertarian, perhaps.

ps: By the by, Foxfyre would say calling you a libertarian and that you make decisions that way is an ad hom attack.
I display my CSA flag (not the battle flag, as all battles are over) as a way to say "you may have won the war, but we have not lost our spirit".

Instead of "we" and "you," why not focus on the big picture US.
I do.
I served for her.
Why can't I be a proud Southern American?
You can. What surprises me is that no one can seem to put it into words. I can, and I'm not even Southern.
The funny part is the uproar over a flag, which essentially receives no state or federal subsidies, but how the same people whining about the flag will completely ignore all the federal and state tax dollars going to monuments that glorify slaveholders. The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and the list goes on. Washington, D.C. itself was named after a slave-owner. The White House was built by slaves. Where's the uproar?
As usual, the Libertarian cares only about money.

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