Southern pride

Nobody likes to be called an Uncle Tom, but nobody denies that they exist.
It's funny that you don't see the racism in the idea that if black people disagree with you they must be "Uncle Toms."
Are you denying that Uncle Toms exist?
Are you denying that black people can think for themselves?
Why is it you never hear anyone bragging about their "Northern Heritage"?
Because Northerners do not feel the need to cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes to feel good about themselves.

Maybe because we won.
"We" weren't alive, so "we" did nothing. But it's laughable to say that "neo-Unionists," if I may coin a dumb term, don't cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes. Father Abraham? The Great Emancipator? How many abuses of power by Lincoln and war crimes by his generals are simply rationalized away if they're addressed at all?
Weren't you rationalizing Republicans' abuse of power when they voted not to pay our debts by raising the debt ceiling?

That's different...somehow.

that never happened, Republicans never voted to not pay the debt. There was always plenty of revenue coming in to do that
It's funny that you don't see the racism in the idea that if black people disagree with you they must be "Uncle Toms."
Are you denying that Uncle Toms exist?
Are you denying that black people can think for themselves?

The only reason Synthahol is not an Uncle Tom is because he's not black. Democrats tell him what to think, and like the good little Uncle Tom that he essentially is, he thinks it
The funny part is the uproar over a flag, which essentially receives no state or federal subsidies, but how the same people whining about the flag will completely ignore all the federal and state tax dollars going to monuments that glorify slaveholders. The Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and the list goes on. Washington, D.C. itself was named after a slave-owner. The White House was built by slaves. Where's the uproar?
As usual, the Libertarian cares only about money.
As usual, the hack misses the point.

Don't you like how when liberals want our money and we don't agree to freely give it to them, it's always immediately followed with an attack that we are the ones who care about money...
It's funny that you don't see the racism in the idea that if black people disagree with you they must be "Uncle Toms."
Are you denying that Uncle Toms exist?
Are you denying that black people can think for themselves?
Why is it you never hear anyone bragging about their "Northern Heritage"?
Because Northerners do not feel the need to cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes to feel good about themselves.

Maybe because we won.
"We" weren't alive, so "we" did nothing. But it's laughable to say that "neo-Unionists," if I may coin a dumb term, don't cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes. Father Abraham? The Great Emancipator? How many abuses of power by Lincoln and war crimes by his generals are simply rationalized away if they're addressed at all?
Weren't you rationalizing Republicans' abuse of power when they voted not to pay our debts by raising the debt ceiling?

That's different...somehow.

that never happened, Republicans never voted to not pay the debt. There was always plenty of revenue coming in to do that
Voting to not raise the debt ceiling is voting to not pay the debt.
Are you denying that black people can think for themselves?

The only reason Synthahol is not an Uncle Tom is because he's not black. Democrats tell him what to think, and like the good little Uncle Tom that he essentially is, he thinks it
I am a Democrat. So thank you for admitting that I tell myself what to think.
Why is it you never hear anyone bragging about their "Northern Heritage"?
Because Northerners do not feel the need to cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes to feel good about themselves.

Maybe because we won.
"We" weren't alive, so "we" did nothing. But it's laughable to say that "neo-Unionists," if I may coin a dumb term, don't cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes. Father Abraham? The Great Emancipator? How many abuses of power by Lincoln and war crimes by his generals are simply rationalized away if they're addressed at all?
Weren't you rationalizing Republicans' abuse of power when they voted not to pay our debts by raising the debt ceiling?

That's different...somehow.

that never happened, Republicans never voted to not pay the debt. There was always plenty of revenue coming in to do that
Voting to not raise the debt ceiling is voting to not pay the debt.
Why is it you never hear anyone bragging about their "Northern Heritage"?
Because Northerners do not feel the need to cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes to feel good about themselves.

Maybe because we won.
"We" weren't alive, so "we" did nothing. But it's laughable to say that "neo-Unionists," if I may coin a dumb term, don't cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes. Father Abraham? The Great Emancipator? How many abuses of power by Lincoln and war crimes by his generals are simply rationalized away if they're addressed at all?
Weren't you rationalizing Republicans' abuse of power when they voted not to pay our debts by raising the debt ceiling?

That's different...somehow.

that never happened, Republicans never voted to not pay the debt. There was always plenty of revenue coming in to do that
Voting to not raise the debt ceiling is voting to not pay the debt.

Wrong again, you're good at that. There was plenty of money coming in to pay the debt. I realize that if you lost your job and had a choice between paying your mortgage and buying beer you'd buy beer, but that's just you
What is it. Some people claim that they fly the con flag to express southern heritage and/or southern pride.

Dunno. Why do you fly the flag of a sports team? Or wear their shirts or hats? Why do you wear clothes with a Nike logo? Does that mean you support slave labor? Why do you use an IPHONE? Do you support Chinese oppression?

Why do liberals ask such stupid fucking questions? Are they pro retardation?
Nobody likes to be called an Uncle Tom, but nobody denies that they exist.
It's funny that you don't see the racism in the idea that if black people disagree with you they must be "Uncle Toms."
Are you denying that Uncle Toms exist?
Are you denying that black people can think for themselves?

The only reason Synthahol is not an Uncle Tom is because he's not black. Democrats tell him what to think, and like the good little Uncle Tom that he essentially is, he thinks it
I am a Democrat. So thank you for admitting that I tell myself what to think.

Playground suits you
What is it. Some people claim that they fly the con flag to express southern heritage and/or southern pride.

the vast majority of proud southerners don't fly the confederate flag, bigot
The guy across the street from me does, on a flagpole right beneath the American flag. He also has a Black lawn jockey next to his driveway.

Oh, the guy across the street from you does, then I stand corrected, most southerners do fly the confederate flag

that really is your intellectual speed, isn't it?
Look up the definition of heritage and pride, dumbass.
I did, moron.

I can't see anything the confederacy has to be proud of so I decided to ask what others thought.
Are you asking about southern pride or Confederate pride? You seem to be using those two phrases interchangeably, which makes little sense considering the Confederacy existed only roughly 4 years.
I think they are the same thing from what I have been reading here lately. But if you can explain the difference I am interested.
The Confederacy existed from 1861-1865. There is no such thing as Confederate pride. Now I won't deny that there are "Lost Cause" people out there, but the idea that any talk of southern culture is the same as being a so-called "neo-Confederate" is complete nonsense. The south has always been different from the north culturally, and it remains distinct to this day. The U.S. has always been two different countries culturally, though less so today of course, if not officially. Regardless, the south does have a distinct culture that has nothing to do with slavery, secession, or what have you. Music, food, manners, etc... We see these regional differences in culture throughout the U.S. though, so I don't see how this is difficult to understand. Los Angeles has a different culture from Boston, New Orleans has a different culture than basically anywhere else, and there are plenty of other examples. That the south and the north are different is pretty uncontroversial.
Why then do wavers of the con flag claim that they waive it out of southern pride or heritage?
They could choose a lot of other symbols than the confederate battle flag. Which did not mean southern heritge until the 1980s. No one cared about it till the 1960's when it was frankly the banner of segragation.
What is it with the radical left? We have home grown terrorists killing members of the Military on U.S. soil and they worry about a freaking 140 year old flag. I recall when the radical left celebrated a supreme court decision that allowed them to shit on and burn the Stars and Stripes and wear it on their asses and they rubbed our noses in it every day during the 60's. A unrepentant (former) domestic terrorist murderer like Bill Ayers walks among us and presumably advises the president and the idiot left worries about the Confederate flag. Only in America.
What is the difference between radical Islam and the confederate wannabes? Both commit atrocities under their banner.
They also marry cousins and have lots of idiot kids.
Why is it you never hear anyone bragging about their "Northern Heritage"?
Because Northerners do not feel the need to cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes to feel good about themselves.

Maybe because we won.
"We" weren't alive, so "we" did nothing. But it's laughable to say that "neo-Unionists," if I may coin a dumb term, don't cocoon themselves in bullshit platitudes. Father Abraham? The Great Emancipator? How many abuses of power by Lincoln and war crimes by his generals are simply rationalized away if they're addressed at all?
Weren't you rationalizing Republicans' abuse of power when they voted not to pay our debts by raising the debt ceiling?

That's different...somehow.

that never happened, Republicans never voted to not pay the debt. There was always plenty of revenue coming in to do that[/QUOT
It's funny that you don't see the racism in the idea that if black people disagree with you they must be "Uncle Toms."
Are you denying that Uncle Toms exist?
Are you denying that black people can think for themselves?
I believe that is precisly what he is arguing.
What is it. Some people claim that they fly the con flag to express southern heritage and/or southern pride.

Dunno. Why do you fly the flag of a sports team? Or wear their shirts or hats? Why do you wear clothes with a Nike logo? Does that mean you support slave labor? Why do you use an IPHONE? Do you support Chinese oppression?

Why do liberals ask such stupid fucking questions? Are they pro retardation?
Yes. Without it, they would never win elections
What is it. Some people claim that they fly the con flag to express southern heritage and/or southern pride.

Dunno. Why do you fly the flag of a sports team? Or wear their shirts or hats? Why do you wear clothes with a Nike logo? Does that mean you support slave labor? Why do you use an IPHONE? Do you support Chinese oppression?

Why do liberals ask such stupid fucking questions? Are they pro retardation?
Aw byatch, at the core of southern "pride" is the heritage of black chattel slavery and white supremacy. The rebel flag is the war symbol marking the fight to preserve that lost peculiar heritage. Most poor white southerners pine for a cause that really isn't theirs except to be included as onlookers in a system where wealthy plantation owners gave them something to be "proud." Blacks and wealthy whites built the old south...poor whites contributed very little and were often worse off than black slaves. The rebel flag is an icon they wave "proudly to show how utterly stupid they are/were.

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