Southerners Forget What It's Like To Be A Citizen Of The Greatest Country On Earth...


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Southerners Forget What It's Like To Be A Citizen Of The Greatest Country On Earth...
...diabetes is probably one of the reasons why.

Researchers discover how diabetes affects specific brain area leading to memory loss

Curiously, the neurodegeneration that the researcher Rodrigo Cunha and his team see caused by diabetes, is the same that occurs at the first stages of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's...

Diabetes Rate Triples In Oklahoma, Rises Dramatically In Other Southern States: Study

NEW YORK — The nation's diabetes problem is getting worse, and the biggest jump over 15 years was in Oklahoma, according to a new federal report issued Thursday.

The diabetes rate in Oklahoma more than tripled, and Kentucky, Georgia and Alabama also saw dramatic increases since 1995, the study showed.

The South's growing weight problem is the main explanation, said Linda Geiss, lead author of the report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study.
"The rise in diabetes has really gone hand in hand with the rise in obesity," she said.

Finally-----finally, a reason for how Republicans can claim the USofA is the greatest country on earth out of one side of their mouth while whining about secession out of the other side of their mouth.
Which is why I tell them the Death of the Twinkie probably did more to protect them than the death of any terrorist.
Any government that fights to take our freedoms away isn't a friend. Period. Becoming like Britain isn't a option.
Any government that fights to take our freedoms away isn't a friend. Period. Becoming like Britain isn't a option.

Yep, freedom is one of the main reasons why righties lost the popular vote -- righty been drinkin' to much sugared Kool-Aid again.

Any government that fights to take our freedoms away isn't a friend. Period. Becoming like Britain isn't a option.

Yep, freedom is one of the main reasons why righties lost the popular vote -- righty been drinkin' to much sugared Kool-Aid again.


Really? You're the party that wants to ban everything from smoking, eating popcorn to drinking sugary drinks.

You want to tell people what they can and can't do.
You want to tell people they can't criticize a fucking goat fucker
You're the one that wants to tell me what kind of firework I can shoot off.

Don't fucking tell me about freedom, asshole.
Nope, we remember well what it's like to live in the greatest nation of earth, we just hate having to witness the decline of the greatest nation on earth, when it doesn't have to. Your dear leader is doning a fine job of destroying it.
These democrats that want to ban food products have a lot of fucking nerve talking about freedom...These bastards want to tell me not to insult a goat fucker and they're telling me that I'm anti-freedom. LOL.
You know, if you just stopped wearing your goat costume everywhere you wouldn't have this problem. Of course that would be the end of your social life, so...

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