Space Invaders: Abortion Clinic 'Buffer Zones' Fall Across The Country

So, what exactly are the "sidewalk counselors" trying to do? Offering to take an unwanted baby? Offering financial support? These so-called "sidewalk counselors" should not be allowed to get in the face of a woman seeking an abortion unless they have something to offer other than harassment and trying to shame the woman.

What they want to say is not something for the government to get involved in. The only time the government should get involved is if they impede or assault the person trying to get into the clinic.

You can't legislate people to "just shut up" when you don't like what they are saying politically.

Oh, so you believe the government should not be involved in personal decisions - you know, like abortion and marriage.

Do you knee jerkers ever think before you type?


two different conditions and situations. Government is banned from restricting speech via the constitution. Despite the craplaw that is Roe V Wade, there is nothing in the document forbidding congress (or even allowing it explicitly) to regulate abortion. Thus it falls to the states. (also the states can't restrict speech either through the 14 amendment).

In parallel nothing stops a State from mandating the marriage contract allow same sex couples, what isn't there is a "right" to it.
i don't disagree. although i don't like the idea of women wading through activists to get their medical care i do agree with this ruling, just as i agree with the rulings that struck down laws preventing people from protesting funerals.

Large groups can still be restricted, and if they block access they can be arrested. The target of the law, and the people covered by the decision are peaceful "sidewalk counselors" who try to talk to people entering the clinic.

So, what exactly are the "sidewalk counselors" trying to do? Offering to take an unwanted baby? Offering financial support? These so-called "sidewalk counselors" should not be allowed to get in the face of a woman seeking an abortion unless they have something to offer other than harassment and trying to shame the woman.

That's not for you or the Government to decide.
Do the so-called "sidewalk counselors" have any formal training? Are they licensed counselors? Do they know anything about the personal mental, physical, and financial health of the woman - or the condition of the fetus? No, they don't.

Why the fuck does any of that matter?
Why are righties avoiding this thread?

What's there to say? It's the right decision. Free speech means the other guy might say something you vehemently disagree with. I know it sucks to hear that and also be a Liberal.
Do the so-called "sidewalk counselors" have any formal training? Are they licensed counselors? Do they know anything about the personal mental, physical, and financial health of the woman - or the condition of the fetus? No, they don't.

Why the fuck does any of that matter?

So, it doesn't matter to you that any anti-choice, pro-birth right-wing zealot can get in the face of a woman at the entrance to an abortion clinic?
Do the so-called "sidewalk counselors" have any formal training? Are they licensed counselors? Do they know anything about the personal mental, physical, and financial health of the woman - or the condition of the fetus? No, they don't.

Why the fuck does any of that matter?

So, it doesn't matter to you that any anti-choice, pro-birth right-wing zealot can get in the face of a woman at the entrance to an abortion clinic?

There's just too much freedom going on.

Obama should use his pen and phone to fix that, eh?
Do the so-called "sidewalk counselors" have any formal training? Are they licensed counselors? Do they know anything about the personal mental, physical, and financial health of the woman - or the condition of the fetus? No, they don't.

Why the fuck does any of that matter?

So, it doesn't matter to you that any anti-choice, pro-birth right-wing zealot can get in the face of a woman at the entrance to an abortion clinic?

If they do anything criminal, the law will handle it. what you cannot do is simply say talking to someone in the public commons is illegal.

The laws preventing people from blocking them, from touching them, or even approaching closer than 6 ft or so remain in place.
Ladies should start carrying mace with them when they go to planned parenthood so that if any Teabagger Christians get in the way, the ladies can make the Teabaggers regret their decision.

Also, why don't anti-abortion protesters have jobs? How can they afford to stand around on a street during normal business hours complaining about other people's lives?
Ladies should start carrying mace with them when they go to planned parenthood so that if any Teabagger Christians get in the way, the ladies can make the Teabaggers regret their decision.

Also, why don't anti-abortion protesters have jobs? How can they afford to stand around on a street during normal business hours complaining about other people's lives?

That would be assault. You are condoning a crime.
because most of your posts are bullshit.

RWs always avoid threads where they're wrong and when they do reply, its always with a nasty ad hom insult.


cuz, that's all they've got.


I occasionally like to work at the level of the original poster. Chief Shitting Bull's level of posting deserves the responses I give to it.

its comical watching one shit poster defend another shit poster. especially when both are a bunch of rep turned off pussy-willows.

Oh, so you're a negger. Too bad, too sad. Most adults have grown out of that.
RWs always avoid threads where they're wrong and when they do reply, its always with a nasty ad hom insult.


cuz, that's all they've got.


I occasionally like to work at the level of the original poster. Chief Shitting Bull's level of posting deserves the responses I give to it.

its comical watching one shit poster defend another shit poster. especially when both are a bunch of rep turned off pussy-willows.

Oh, so you're a negger. Too bad, too sad. Most adults have grown out of that.

Only for people who deserve it. I also pos rep people who deserve it, you fake indian douchebag.
Two weeks after the Supreme Court ruled that Massachusetts' protective buffer zone around abortion clinics violates the free speech rights of protesters, four other buffer zones around the country have already disappeared or been challenged in court.

The City Council of Portland, Maine, repealed its 39-foot buffer zone around a women's health clinic this week, and the cities of Burlington, Vermont, and Madison, Wisconsin, have stopped enforcing their buffer zones. In Burlington, people had been legally prohibited from protesting within 35 feet of the clinic, and Madison had a "floating" buffer zone that prohibited protesters from coming within eight feet of a patient entering or exiting an abortion clinic.

On Tuesday, the anti-abortion group Alliance Defending Freedom sued to challenge New Hampshire's new buffer zone law, which allows individual clinics to set up their own buffer zones up to 25 feet around the premises.

‘‘Americans have the freedom to talk to whomever they please on public sidewalks,’’ ADF Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman said in a statement. ‘‘That includes peaceful pro-life advocates who just want to offer information and help to women who would like it. The Supreme Court recently affirmed this vital freedom, which has been an essential part of American life since the nation’s founding. New Hampshire’s law suffers from the same unconstitutional problems as the one the Supreme Court struck down.’’

MORE: Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Crumble Around The Country

Sadly, this gives the anti-choice space invaders more opportunity to harass pro-choice women. Why is it always anti-choice zealots who are harassing pro-choice women? I've never seen or heard any anti-choicers waving signs or shouting GIVE ME YOUR BABY or LET ME HELP YOU. Why is that? No offers to help - just harassment during a very difficult time in a woman's life.

So the 1st Amendment is upheld again, just chaps your leftist ass, doesn't it? Maybe the non-free speech zones on college campuses will be next.
I occasionally like to work at the level of the original poster. Chief Shitting Bull's level of posting deserves the responses I give to it.

its comical watching one shit poster defend another shit poster. especially when both are a bunch of rep turned off pussy-willows.

Oh, so you're a negger. Too bad, too sad. Most adults have grown out of that.

Only for people who deserve it. I also pos rep people who deserve it, you fake indian douchebag.

Fake Indian douchebag? How would you know? You degrade your message by resorting to childish personal attacks. But, hey, you're a negger...
Two weeks after the Supreme Court ruled that Massachusetts' protective buffer zone around abortion clinics violates the free speech rights of protesters, four other buffer zones around the country have already disappeared or been challenged in court.

The City Council of Portland, Maine, repealed its 39-foot buffer zone around a women's health clinic this week, and the cities of Burlington, Vermont, and Madison, Wisconsin, have stopped enforcing their buffer zones. In Burlington, people had been legally prohibited from protesting within 35 feet of the clinic, and Madison had a "floating" buffer zone that prohibited protesters from coming within eight feet of a patient entering or exiting an abortion clinic.

On Tuesday, the anti-abortion group Alliance Defending Freedom sued to challenge New Hampshire's new buffer zone law, which allows individual clinics to set up their own buffer zones up to 25 feet around the premises.

‘‘Americans have the freedom to talk to whomever they please on public sidewalks,’’ ADF Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman said in a statement. ‘‘That includes peaceful pro-life advocates who just want to offer information and help to women who would like it. The Supreme Court recently affirmed this vital freedom, which has been an essential part of American life since the nation’s founding. New Hampshire’s law suffers from the same unconstitutional problems as the one the Supreme Court struck down.’’

MORE: Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Crumble Around The Country

Sadly, this gives the anti-choice space invaders more opportunity to harass pro-choice women. Why is it always anti-choice zealots who are harassing pro-choice women? I've never seen or heard any anti-choicers waving signs or shouting GIVE ME YOUR BABY or LET ME HELP YOU. Why is that? No offers to help - just harassment during a very difficult time in a woman's life.


it doesn't. SCOTUS ruled the laws where too broad and that the states can still set up buffer zones but the laws need to be more narrow.

This wasnt a win for the pro-life crowd.
Glad to see it.

Either every place of business gets to have "buffer zones" or no one. Equal protection under the law.

See how easy that is?

i don't disagree. although i don't like the idea of women wading through activists to get their medical care i do agree with this ruling, just as i agree with the rulings that struck down laws preventing people from protesting funerals.

dont worry, they will pass laws like Ny city did where these scum can be arrested

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