Space Invaders: Abortion Clinic 'Buffer Zones' Fall Across The Country

i don't disagree. although i don't like the idea of women wading through activists to get their medical care i do agree with this ruling, just as i agree with the rulings that struck down laws preventing people from protesting funerals.

Large groups can still be restricted, and if they block access they can be arrested. The target of the law, and the people covered by the decision are peaceful "sidewalk counselors" who try to talk to people entering the clinic.

So, what exactly are the "sidewalk counselors" trying to do? Offering to take an unwanted baby? Offering financial support? These so-called "sidewalk counselors" should not be allowed to get in the face of a woman seeking an abortion unless they have something to offer other than harassment and trying to shame the woman.

They have the right up to a certain point. We are likely to see many assault charges leveled against these people in the future. Just touching someone under these circumstances will warrant an assault and battery charge.
Should I give up on this thread? It's obvious why righties are ignoring it.
Why do you hate free speech?
Why do you disagree with a 9-0 decision?

It isn't a matter of hating free speech - it's a matter of the people making the 9-0 decision having their VERY OWN POLICE FORCE - with a buffer zone. That is supreme hypocrisy in my opinion.


High Court Hypocrisy: The Supreme Court banned a buffer zone around abortion clinics, but left its own intact.

Supreme Court's Abortion 'Buffer Zones' Decision's Irony - Business Insider

Supreme Court Police - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Should I give up on this thread? It's obvious why righties are ignoring it.
Why do you hate free speech?
Why do you disagree with a 9-0 decision?

It isn't a matter of hating free speech - it's a matter of the people making the 9-0 decision having their VERY OWN POLICE FORCE - with a buffer zone.
I see.
You're only happy with, and accept the legitimacy of, the court when it makes decisions you like.
The Reality Of Abortion Clinics Without Buffer Zones

It's been just over two weeks since the Supreme Court struck down Massachusetts' abortion clinic buffer zones, which required protesters to stay at least 35 feet away from clinic entrances and walkways.

On Saturday, B.D. Colen, a Pulitzer prize-winning reporter who's worked at Newsday and the Washington Post, visited the Planned Parenthood on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston to document the scene outside the clinic now that there is no buffer zone.

The yellow line on the pavement, which used to keep anti-abortion protesters at a distance from patients, is no longer enforceable. Protesters are free to get up close and personal with patients -- whether the patients want it or not.

"Anti-choice folks were able to harass people right up to the entrance, which they couldn't do in the past," he said. Colen, who teaches documentary photography at MIT, estimated the crowd to be around 75 people, and noted there were more Planned Parenthood escorts than usual.

In a statement given to The Huffington Post, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts President Martha Walz said that after the Supreme Court decision, more than 300 people applied to become clinic escorts.

"Thanks to the Supreme Court, we are back to a world where women seeking health care face a gauntlet of harassment just to see their doctor," she wrote. "Once again, protesters aggressively pursue patients, chasing them down the sidewalk, leading some patients to step into traffic to get away from the protesters who relentlessly harass women. This is not the quiet conversation the Supreme Court seemed to think is the norm. Aggressive harassment is the norm."

MORE: The Reality Of Abortion Clinics Without Buffer Zones

Why should women be forced to "face a gauntlet of harassment just to see their doctor" - "leading some patients to step into traffic to get away from the protesters"? This is wrong! Really wrong!
The Reality Of Abortion Clinics Without Buffer Zones

It's been just over two weeks since the Supreme Court struck down Massachusetts' abortion clinic buffer zones, which required protesters to stay at least 35 feet away from clinic entrances and walkways.

On Saturday, B.D. Colen, a Pulitzer prize-winning reporter who's worked at Newsday and the Washington Post, visited the Planned Parenthood on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston to document the scene outside the clinic now that there is no buffer zone.

The yellow line on the pavement, which used to keep anti-abortion protesters at a distance from patients, is no longer enforceable. Protesters are free to get up close and personal with patients -- whether the patients want it or not.

"Anti-choice folks were able to harass people right up to the entrance, which they couldn't do in the past," he said. Colen, who teaches documentary photography at MIT, estimated the crowd to be around 75 people, and noted there were more Planned Parenthood escorts than usual.

In a statement given to The Huffington Post, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts President Martha Walz said that after the Supreme Court decision, more than 300 people applied to become clinic escorts.

"Thanks to the Supreme Court, we are back to a world where women seeking health care face a gauntlet of harassment just to see their doctor," she wrote. "Once again, protesters aggressively pursue patients, chasing them down the sidewalk, leading some patients to step into traffic to get away from the protesters who relentlessly harass women. This is not the quiet conversation the Supreme Court seemed to think is the norm. Aggressive harassment is the norm."

MORE: The Reality Of Abortion Clinics Without Buffer Zones

Why should women be forced to "face a gauntlet of harassment just to see their doctor" - "leading some patients to step into traffic to get away from the protesters"? This is wrong! Really wrong!

Protesters are free to get up close and personal with patients -- whether the patients want it or not.

Damn that pesky Constitution!
Why should women be forced to "face a gauntlet of harassment just to see their doctor" - "leading some patients to step into traffic to get away from the protesters"? This is wrong! Really wrong!
The SCotUS disagrees with you, 9-0.

This means that even Ginsburg disagrees with you.

You have no idea how embarassed you should be.
Sister Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun, had this to say on Bill Moyers' show in November of 2004:

I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is.​

MORE: NOW with Bill Moyers. Transcript. November 12, 2004 | PBS

Bring old Joan in here. I can slap her silly if she thinks that pro lifers don't give a rats ass on what happens to a child after birth.

Fuck her. What a pompous bitch. And a lousy catholic as well.
Two weeks after the Supreme Court ruled that Massachusetts' protective buffer zone around abortion clinics violates the free speech rights of protesters, four other buffer zones around the country have already disappeared or been challenged in court.

The City Council of Portland, Maine, repealed its 39-foot buffer zone around a women's health clinic this week, and the cities of Burlington, Vermont, and Madison, Wisconsin, have stopped enforcing their buffer zones. In Burlington, people had been legally prohibited from protesting within 35 feet of the clinic, and Madison had a "floating" buffer zone that prohibited protesters from coming within eight feet of a patient entering or exiting an abortion clinic.

On Tuesday, the anti-abortion group Alliance Defending Freedom sued to challenge New Hampshire's new buffer zone law, which allows individual clinics to set up their own buffer zones up to 25 feet around the premises.

‘‘Americans have the freedom to talk to whomever they please on public sidewalks,’’ ADF Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman said in a statement. ‘‘That includes peaceful pro-life advocates who just want to offer information and help to women who would like it. The Supreme Court recently affirmed this vital freedom, which has been an essential part of American life since the nation’s founding. New Hampshire’s law suffers from the same unconstitutional problems as the one the Supreme Court struck down.’’

MORE: Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Crumble Around The Country

Sadly, this gives the anti-choice space invaders more opportunity to harass pro-choice women. Why is it always anti-choice zealots who are harassing pro-choice women? I've never seen or heard any anti-choicers waving signs or shouting GIVE ME YOUR BABY or LET ME HELP YOU. Why is that? No offers to help - just harassment during a very difficult time in a woman's life.


I suppose there is really no difference between them and the WBC to be honest. If we can't impose a buffer zone for these assholes, why should an abortion clinic be any different?

Westboro Baptist Church wins Supreme Court ruling: The right decision? - The Week

The fact the ruling comes as a surprise to anyone, or anyone trying to use it as a war on women is ridiculous IMO given the WBC ruling.
I really lost it when I read that the BLM had actually set up a free speech zone. I mother trucking freaked out big time.

That's how the left thinks these days. They aren't liberal they are bloody government goons.
The Reality Of Abortion Clinics Without Buffer Zones

It's been just over two weeks since the Supreme Court struck down Massachusetts' abortion clinic buffer zones, which required protesters to stay at least 35 feet away from clinic entrances and walkways.

On Saturday, B.D. Colen, a Pulitzer prize-winning reporter who's worked at Newsday and the Washington Post, visited the Planned Parenthood on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston to document the scene outside the clinic now that there is no buffer zone.

The yellow line on the pavement, which used to keep anti-abortion protesters at a distance from patients, is no longer enforceable. Protesters are free to get up close and personal with patients -- whether the patients want it or not.

"Anti-choice folks were able to harass people right up to the entrance, which they couldn't do in the past," he said. Colen, who teaches documentary photography at MIT, estimated the crowd to be around 75 people, and noted there were more Planned Parenthood escorts than usual.

In a statement given to The Huffington Post, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts President Martha Walz said that after the Supreme Court decision, more than 300 people applied to become clinic escorts.

"Thanks to the Supreme Court, we are back to a world where women seeking health care face a gauntlet of harassment just to see their doctor," she wrote. "Once again, protesters aggressively pursue patients, chasing them down the sidewalk, leading some patients to step into traffic to get away from the protesters who relentlessly harass women. This is not the quiet conversation the Supreme Court seemed to think is the norm. Aggressive harassment is the norm."

MORE: The Reality Of Abortion Clinics Without Buffer Zones

Why should women be forced to "face a gauntlet of harassment just to see their doctor" - "leading some patients to step into traffic to get away from the protesters"? This is wrong! Really wrong!

If the protestors are harrassing they can be charged for doing so. Why are you posting lies?
Oh, so you're a negger. Too bad, too sad. Most adults have grown out of that.

Only for people who deserve it. I also pos rep people who deserve it, you fake indian douchebag.

Fake Indian douchebag? How would you know? You degrade your message by resorting to childish personal attacks. But, hey, you're a negger...

And you are a pussy shitposter, so all you deserve, and all you get is derision, pity and scorn.
A long time ago I walked what left wingers are saying is a gauntlet. It's not. People praying for your soul. My husband and I were on the verge of breaking up. It was a big deal. I found out I was pregnant right smack dab in the middle of wanting to leave him. I did leave him in the end. But not that day. I almost aborted her.

Her name is Danielle. She is drop dead gorgeous and a complete joy in my life. I am so glad that those people outside of Morgentaler's clinic were there and made me think about what I was ready to do that day. All they did was ask me to pray with them.

Now other women went in. I understand their horrid choice. This is not a pretty day and you have to not condemn these women but wonder what has brought them to this point. I just hope and pray that there are those on the outside who pray for the souls walking into those clinics and maybe just maybe one will turn around like me.
Two weeks after the Supreme Court ruled that Massachusetts' protective buffer zone around abortion clinics violates the free speech rights of protesters, four other buffer zones around the country have already disappeared or been challenged in court.

The City Council of Portland, Maine, repealed its 39-foot buffer zone around a women's health clinic this week, and the cities of Burlington, Vermont, and Madison, Wisconsin, have stopped enforcing their buffer zones. In Burlington, people had been legally prohibited from protesting within 35 feet of the clinic, and Madison had a "floating" buffer zone that prohibited protesters from coming within eight feet of a patient entering or exiting an abortion clinic.

On Tuesday, the anti-abortion group Alliance Defending Freedom sued to challenge New Hampshire's new buffer zone law, which allows individual clinics to set up their own buffer zones up to 25 feet around the premises.

‘‘Americans have the freedom to talk to whomever they please on public sidewalks,’’ ADF Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman said in a statement. ‘‘That includes peaceful pro-life advocates who just want to offer information and help to women who would like it. The Supreme Court recently affirmed this vital freedom, which has been an essential part of American life since the nation’s founding. New Hampshire’s law suffers from the same unconstitutional problems as the one the Supreme Court struck down.’’

MORE: Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Crumble Around The Country

Sadly, this gives the anti-choice space invaders more opportunity to harass pro-choice women. Why is it always anti-choice zealots who are harassing pro-choice women? I've never seen or heard any anti-choicers waving signs or shouting GIVE ME YOUR BABY or LET ME HELP YOU. Why is that? No offers to help - just harassment during a very difficult time in a woman's life.


We could simply burn the clinics down. That would be my preference.

Anyway, you shouldn't gripe because we know that people like you don't appreciate the 1st amendment unless it suits your own selfish purposes. For example: A Berkeley titty parade.
Two weeks after the Supreme Court ruled that Massachusetts' protective buffer zone around abortion clinics violates the free speech rights of protesters, four other buffer zones around the country have already disappeared or been challenged in court.

The City Council of Portland, Maine, repealed its 39-foot buffer zone around a women's health clinic this week, and the cities of Burlington, Vermont, and Madison, Wisconsin, have stopped enforcing their buffer zones. In Burlington, people had been legally prohibited from protesting within 35 feet of the clinic, and Madison had a "floating" buffer zone that prohibited protesters from coming within eight feet of a patient entering or exiting an abortion clinic.

On Tuesday, the anti-abortion group Alliance Defending Freedom sued to challenge New Hampshire's new buffer zone law, which allows individual clinics to set up their own buffer zones up to 25 feet around the premises.

‘‘Americans have the freedom to talk to whomever they please on public sidewalks,’’ ADF Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman said in a statement. ‘‘That includes peaceful pro-life advocates who just want to offer information and help to women who would like it. The Supreme Court recently affirmed this vital freedom, which has been an essential part of American life since the nation’s founding. New Hampshire’s law suffers from the same unconstitutional problems as the one the Supreme Court struck down.’’

MORE: Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Crumble Around The Country

Sadly, this gives the anti-choice space invaders more opportunity to harass pro-choice women. Why is it always anti-choice zealots who are harassing pro-choice women? I've never seen or heard any anti-choicers waving signs or shouting GIVE ME YOUR BABY or LET ME HELP YOU. Why is that? No offers to help - just harassment during a very difficult time in a woman's life.


We could simply burn the clinics down. That would be my preference.

Anyway, you shouldn't gripe because we know that people like you don't appreciate the 1st amendment unless it suits your own selfish purposes. For example: A Berkeley titty parade.

Well, let's at least be fair about it. End the buffer zone at the Supreme Court and take away their police force.
Why should women be forced to "face a gauntlet of harassment just to see their doctor" - "leading some patients to step into traffic to get away from the protesters"? This is wrong! Really wrong!
The SCotUS disagrees with you, 9-0.

This means that even Ginsburg disagrees with you.

You have no idea how embarassed you should be.

You have no idea what this ruling does....which is basically nothing.
Two weeks after the Supreme Court ruled that Massachusetts' protective buffer zone around abortion clinics violates the free speech rights of protesters, four other buffer zones around the country have already disappeared or been challenged in court.

The City Council of Portland, Maine, repealed its 39-foot buffer zone around a women's health clinic this week, and the cities of Burlington, Vermont, and Madison, Wisconsin, have stopped enforcing their buffer zones. In Burlington, people had been legally prohibited from protesting within 35 feet of the clinic, and Madison had a "floating" buffer zone that prohibited protesters from coming within eight feet of a patient entering or exiting an abortion clinic.

On Tuesday, the anti-abortion group Alliance Defending Freedom sued to challenge New Hampshire's new buffer zone law, which allows individual clinics to set up their own buffer zones up to 25 feet around the premises.

‘‘Americans have the freedom to talk to whomever they please on public sidewalks,’’ ADF Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman said in a statement. ‘‘That includes peaceful pro-life advocates who just want to offer information and help to women who would like it. The Supreme Court recently affirmed this vital freedom, which has been an essential part of American life since the nation’s founding. New Hampshire’s law suffers from the same unconstitutional problems as the one the Supreme Court struck down.’’

MORE: Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Crumble Around The Country

Sadly, this gives the anti-choice space invaders more opportunity to harass pro-choice women. Why is it always anti-choice zealots who are harassing pro-choice women? I've never seen or heard any anti-choicers waving signs or shouting GIVE ME YOUR BABY or LET ME HELP YOU. Why is that? No offers to help - just harassment during a very difficult time in a woman's life.


We could simply burn the clinics down. That would be my preference.

Anyway, you shouldn't gripe because we know that people like you don't appreciate the 1st amendment unless it suits your own selfish purposes. For example: A Berkeley titty parade.

Well, let's at least be fair about it. End the buffer zone at the Supreme Court and take away their police force.

I completely agree with your statement. I'd do that in a heartbeat if I could.

These people need to understand that they're vulnerable. Well stated sir.

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