
Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Mind-numbing, just mind-numbing. It is what the left in America has wrought.

The left ruins everything it touches.

Poor Sandy Sellers. The adjunct professor of mediation and negotiation at Georgetown University Law Center found herself in a jam that even she wasn’t able to negotiate her way out of. Momentarily forgetting that she’s a white person in 2021 America, Sellers told the truth. Specifically, she told the truth about the poor academic performance of her black students.
“You know what? I hate to say this, I end up having this angst every semester, that a lot of my lower ones are blacks,” Sellers said in a Zoom chat with her Georgetown colleague Professor David Batson. “It happens almost every semester, and it’s like, oh, come on. You know, we get some really good ones, but there are also usually some of them that are just plain at the bottom. It drives me crazy.”
Sellers wasn’t saying she was pleased that a lot of her lowest-scoring students are black. In fact, she made it clear that the situation distresses her. She was merely copping to the truth of it.
Well, you can’t do that anymore. Where did she think she was, Nazi Germany?
When news of the Zoom call got out, Sellers was immediately terminated. In a series of press releases (because one is not nearly enough to address this genocidal atrocity), the university condemned her words as “reprehensible,” “hurtful,” “harmful,” and “racist.”
Not “wrong,” though. For some odd reason the university didn’t say the statements were wrong. Or inaccurate. Or any other synonym for wrong.
The “law school” also suspended Professor Batson indefinitely for the crime of hearing the statements. Yes, it’s now a fireable offense to merely hear someone speak the truth about black academic performance. The university failed to say whether it thinks Batson should’ve stabbed his eardrums after hearing Sellers’ remarks, or whether he should’ve socked the webcam Popeye-style hoping the punch would travel through the ether and knock the racist vermin out cold.
The Georgetown Black Law Students Association called on the university to retroactively change the grades of all of Sellers’ previous black students, declaring that “These racist statements reveal not only Sellers’ beliefs about Black students in her classes, but also how her racist thoughts have translated to racist actions. Professor Sellers’ bias has impacted the grades of Black students in her classes historically, in her own words.”
So Sellers’ stated disappointment that many of her black students score low is what caused her black students to score low, even though they had already scored low before she expressed her disappointment at their low scores.
Georgetown Law: proudly producing the next generation of scat-singing jury-bamboozling Johnnie Cochran BS artists.
“It also has an effect over time on our mental health,” Wright said. “You start to absorb and believe those lies.”
Yes, the black students’ test scores were “lies,” because there’s no way the descendants of traffic light inventors could possibly score low on a test. So therefore the low test scores were caused by the mental health issues of black students who absorbed the lie that they did poorly on a test and that lie is what retroactively caused them to produce the low test scores that prompted the lie that traveled back in time to before the test was taken, depressing their mental state and making them score low.


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