Speak up, are you a D, R, I or other?

Declare how you vote and why!

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Let's be honest (for a change) and declare with political party we identify with or, if we don't explain why we don't and what we believe.

Poll to follow:

Well, I would like to be a plutocrat. But I will never make enough money.

So, being the blue collar type of guy I am, I declare I am a Populist. (we used to have quite a few of them.)

I did and still am registered as a Republican. But the Republicans took me off their fund raising list because i kept disagreeing with them. I registered as a Republican to vote for McCain in the 2000 race. I knew then that if George Bush got appointed.....I mean elected, that we were in a bunch of trouble.

McCain pussed out that year. He could have beat Bush. Wonder what deal was made to get McCain to back out?
Let's be honest (for a change) and declare with political party we identify with or, if we don't explain why we don't and what we believe.

Poll to follow:

Well, I would like to be a plutocrat. But I will never make enough money.

So, being the blue collar type of guy I am, I declare I am a Populist. (we used to have quite a few of them.)

I did and still am registered as a Republican. But the Republicans took me off their fund raising list because i kept disagreeing with them. I registered as a Republican to vote for McCain in the 2000 race. I knew then that if George Bush got appointed.....I mean elected, that we were in a bunch of trouble.

McCain pussed out that year. He could have beat Bush. Wonder what deal was made to get McCain to back out?

thank god he never got passed the position he is
I'm registered Libertarian. It sickens me to see both the Democrat Party and Republican Party lie to America about how they will downsize government and cut government spending. George W. Bush and establishment Republicans ran on downsizing government, yet they gave us the largest increase of government since Lyndon B. Johnson. Democrats are even worse, this regime we have now is the worst ever.

Republicans had the audacity to give us this egregious violation of our constitution with the Anti-Patriot act, yeah, I know the real name of that act, but refuse to call it that, and Democrats went right along with it. The name of that act...implying that if you did not agree with it, you are not patriotic.

The village idiot we have occupying the White House was against needless wiretapping, then look what administration gets caught with a massive expansion of wiretapping, uhh....NSA scandal. Why didn't the Democrat Party when they had control of the House, Senate and Presidency repeal the Anti-Patriot Act?

The problem is, both of these parties are loaded with America-hating progressives whose goal is a socialist utopia. The slight bit of hope is the growing Libertarian movement in the Republican Party, and how they are upsetting the establishment Republican progressives. I loved seeing Rand Paul hand Chris Christie's ass to him. I sure would like to see Ron Paul get back in office.

Right! Time to dump both those parties. Before they destroy America beyond repair. Convincing partisan cheerleaders is a very heavy lift though.
Let's be honest (for a change) and declare with political party we identify with or, if we don't explain why we don't and what we believe.

Poll to follow:

I have been, and will continue to be, a supporter of the GOP ticket, regardless of who is on it, and that is because I feel they are more fiscally responsible than Democrats, and in spite of the fact that they may be too liberal for how I see prosperity in America, to be accomplished..
Straight ticket democrat. Republicans are for the very wealthy and corporations period. During election time I ask people what's a republican ever done for you? They were against social security and they're the reason we don't have a national health care system even like nations we defeated in WW2, Japan and Germany. Truman tried for national health care and guess who was against him? Republicans!! Use the bully pulpit on t.v. to tell how these rats even signed a no raise tax pledge to some guy that runs a think tank (Norquist) including boner himself, the guy that always says "the american people", yeah like he really cares about the American people in between drinks. I'm angry at Obama for not playing hardball with these rats from day one, always reaching across the aisle and compromising. Screw it Barry, play hardball. Start the investigation into bush and cheney's treasonous actions. There's no statute of limitations for murder and treason. Use the bully pulpit on tv to tell the people how these weasels like ryan conspired to ruin your presidency since the day of your inauguration. You've got nothing to lose. Time is running out and these guys have by now proven that they'd rather see America sink into the ocean than see you in the white house.
Since the 14th has been brought up, consider this in terms of Boehner's failure to call for an up or down vote on the CR:

That's where Section 4 of the 14th Amendment comes in: "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law ... shall not be questioned."

Let's see how those who support what the H. of the Rep. is doing and are strict constitutionalists spin this.

Is BOEHNER REQUIRED TO...or is that BECAUSE Dingy Harry REID and OBAMA Demand it?

Boehner doesn't WORK for either of those two ASSHOLES.

BOEHNER is speaking for US...(And about GodDAMNED TIME)

When I see dingy used with Harry Reid I know who the poster listens to. A professional disc jockey with no college or military experience and who can't even control his own weight or drug addictions, similar to....Glen Beck. These are the guys who you take marching orders from.
Let's be honest (for a change) and declare with political party we identify with or, if we don't explain why we don't and what we believe.

Poll to follow:

True Liberalism is an ideology that neither of the major parties embrace. My ideology is liberal. My political leanings are with the Democrats because they get closer to it.
Since the 14th has been brought up, consider this in terms of Boehner's failure to call for an up or down vote on the CR:

That's where Section 4 of the 14th Amendment comes in: "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law ... shall not be questioned."

Let's see how those who support what the H. of the Rep. is doing and are strict constitutionalists spin this.

Except raising or NOT raising the debt ceiling has absolutely NOTHING to do with repaying the debt.

Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Since the 14th has been brought up, consider this in terms of Boehner's failure to call for an up or down vote on the CR:

That's where Section 4 of the 14th Amendment comes in: "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law ... shall not be questioned."

Let's see how those who support what the H. of the Rep. is doing and are strict constitutionalists spin this.

Except raising or NOT raising the debt ceiling has absolutely NOTHING to do with repaying the debt.

Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

This is how ignorant they are of understanding simple accounting.
Since the 14th has been brought up, consider this in terms of Boehner's failure to call for an up or down vote on the CR:

That's where Section 4 of the 14th Amendment comes in: "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law ... shall not be questioned."

Let's see how those who support what the H. of the Rep. is doing and are strict constitutionalists spin this.

Is BOEHNER REQUIRED TO...or is that BECAUSE Dingy Harry REID and OBAMA Demand it?

Boehner doesn't WORK for either of those two ASSHOLES.

BOEHNER is speaking for US...(And about GodDAMNED TIME)

When I see dingy used with Harry Reid I know who the poster listens to. A professional disc jockey with no college or military experience and who can't even control his own weight or drug addictions, similar to....Glen Beck. These are the guys who you take marching orders from.
Idiot. I only follow ONE being. His name is GOD. Perhaps you've heard of him? :rolleyes:
  • Thanks
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Since the 14th has been brought up, consider this in terms of Boehner's failure to call for an up or down vote on the CR:

That's where Section 4 of the 14th Amendment comes in: "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law ... shall not be questioned."

Let's see how those who support what the H. of the Rep. is doing and are strict constitutionalists spin this.

Except raising or NOT raising the debt ceiling has absolutely NOTHING to do with repaying the debt.

Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

This is how ignorant they are of understanding simple accounting.

they are spreading the propaganda lie given to komsomol mouthpieces by their masters.
I"m a conservative.

A political party no longer represents the people. The Democrats are too extremist and the GOP is too liberal, the Libertarians are not focused enough (they are all over the map)

I doubt very much that many people on this forum know what these terms mean, and often fall back on outmoded and outlandish definitions to satisfy their own particular narrative.

I have noticed that in order for a majority of you to feel good about your own positions, you have to declare what those you disagree with think so that your own positions make sense to you.

Unless you live in someones head, you cannot possibly know what they think and to project what they say onto YOUR definition of what an ideology is strikes Me not only as ludicrous, but dishonest.

Essentially, I think many of you are dishonest and don't frequent these forums for discussion, but to satisfy some perverse need to belittle people


Examples, post 20...

Post 39...

Post 40....

Posts 60... 61... 62 (the old emotional roller coaster)

This may sum up the heart of the fuckedupedness right here:


Hard to come up with free thought when you've confined yourself to that mental prison.

I haven't checked in on the poll just because of definitions; I'd be inclined to "liberal" (meaning laissez faire government) but too many seem to wantonly disregard what the word means and conflate it with leftist. I'd be inclined to check "Green" too, although I've never joined it. I'm not a joiner and belong to no party at all. The only case where I'd join a party would be if it was necessary to vote in primary elections, which is not the case now, so I'm free of that bullshit.

I agree with Darkwind, at least about the machinations of the message board. The idea is open debate, but that's all too often polluted with an onanistic endless diarrhea of ad hominem, strawmen, argumentum ad populum and other hopelessly transparent fallacies.

Put an entry for "anti-labelist" on there and I'll check that. Because life is anything BUT black and white, and to presume everybody one meets can be summarily stuffed into a convenient little prefab box is insanity.
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I am a registered democrat. but I no longer support the democratic party in any way shape or form. of the two, I truly believe they are the worse of the two evils. I consider my self to be fiscal conservative. I think government intrusion into people lives should be minimal. I think any infringement on our constitutional rights is treason and I feel those in power who attempt to do so should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. it is totally unacceptable. SS and medicare are not entitlements. Entitlements should be short term. there are very few people who should be allowed to be on them long term. if you are in this country illegally, you get nothing. get sick, crawl back across the border and get yourself healthy. I am so sick of hard working americans being penalized and charged for all of the shit that does nothing. and I bring this up, because this ever growing entitlement crowd is nothing more them democrats buying votes. and this is why the party disgusts me, they sell out the country and people for power.

on the other hand, libs run around saying con's sold out America by outsourcing jobs. yet out of the other side of their mouth they will tell you with the other fork in their tongue, that liberals are smarter then conservatives, liberals have more money then conservatives, liberals control more businesses then conservatives. Blue states have more wealth then red states. well which is it?

the fact is, most corporations are headquartered in blue states. they are more business friendly. ie. tax breaks and legislation. more of the rich and 1% live in Blue states. again, they run those corporations and control the money. the finger liberals point at conservative should really be pointed at themselves. because they are the problem they blame everyone else for. When Bill Clinton and Al Gore called deregulation the cornerstone of their new economic prosperity, liberals stood up and cheered. today, they blame bush for policies initiated by Clinton.

Democrats and liberal policies are dangerous for America. I will never support them or any candidate who embraces them.

No liberal has ever been able to show me legislation bush signed that was responsible for the crash of the economy or the housing market.
I am a registered democrat. but I no longer support the democratic party in any way shape or form. of the two, I truly believe they are the worse of the two evils. I consider my self to be fiscal conservative. I think government intrusion into people lives should be minimal. I think any infringement on our constitutional rights is treason and I feel those in power who attempt to do so should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. it is totally unacceptable. SS and medicare are not entitlements. Entitlements should be short term. there are very few people who should be allowed to be on them long term. if you are in this country illegally, you get nothing. get sick, crawl back across the border and get yourself healthy. I am so sick of hard working americans being penalized and charged for all of the shit that does nothing. and I bring this up, because this ever growing entitlement crowd is nothing more them democrats buying votes. and this is why the party disgusts me, they sell out the country and people for power.

on the other hand, libs run around saying con's sold out America by outsourcing jobs. yet out of the other side of their mouth they will tell you with the other fork in their tongue, that liberals are smarter then conservatives, liberals have more money then conservatives, liberals control more businesses then conservatives. Blue states have more wealth then red states. well which is it?

the fact is, most corporations are headquartered in blue states. they are more business friendly. ie. tax breaks and legislation. more of the rich and 1% live in Blue states. again, they run those corporations and control the money. the finger liberals point at conservative should really be pointed at themselves. because they are the problem they blame everyone else for. When Bill Clinton and Al Gore called deregulation the cornerstone of their new economic prosperity, liberals stood up and cheered. today, they blame bush for policies initiated by Clinton.

Democrats and liberal policies are dangerous for America. I will never support them or any candidate who embraces them.

No liberal has ever been able to show me legislation bush signed that was responsible for the crash of the economy or the housing market.

^^I love the candor. Good form.
I am a registered democrat. but I no longer support the democratic party in any way shape or form. of the two, I truly believe they are the worse of the two evils. I consider my self to be fiscal conservative. I think government intrusion into people lives should be minimal. I think any infringement on our constitutional rights is treason and I feel those in power who attempt to do so should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. it is totally unacceptable. SS and medicare are not entitlements. Entitlements should be short term. there are very few people who should be allowed to be on them long term. if you are in this country illegally, you get nothing. get sick, crawl back across the border and get yourself healthy. I am so sick of hard working americans being penalized and charged for all of the shit that does nothing. and I bring this up, because this ever growing entitlement crowd is nothing more them democrats buying votes. and this is why the party disgusts me, they sell out the country and people for power.

on the other hand, libs run around saying con's sold out America by outsourcing jobs. yet out of the other side of their mouth they will tell you with the other fork in their tongue, that liberals are smarter then conservatives, liberals have more money then conservatives, liberals control more businesses then conservatives. Blue states have more wealth then red states. well which is it?

the fact is, most corporations are headquartered in blue states. they are more business friendly. ie. tax breaks and legislation. more of the rich and 1% live in Blue states. again, they run those corporations and control the money. the finger liberals point at conservative should really be pointed at themselves. because they are the problem they blame everyone else for. When Bill Clinton and Al Gore called deregulation the cornerstone of their new economic prosperity, liberals stood up and cheered. today, they blame bush for policies initiated by Clinton.

Democrats and liberal policies are dangerous for America. I will never support them or any candidate who embraces them.

No liberal has ever been able to show me legislation bush signed that was responsible for the crash of the economy or the housing market.

If you're telling the truth about actually being a registered Dem despite talking on here like a Republican, all I can say is you're not missed.
I am a registered democrat. but I no longer support the democratic party in any way shape or form. of the two, I truly believe they are the worse of the two evils. I consider my self to be fiscal conservative. I think government intrusion into people lives should be minimal. I think any infringement on our constitutional rights is treason and I feel those in power who attempt to do so should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. it is totally unacceptable. SS and medicare are not entitlements. Entitlements should be short term. there are very few people who should be allowed to be on them long term. if you are in this country illegally, you get nothing. get sick, crawl back across the border and get yourself healthy. I am so sick of hard working americans being penalized and charged for all of the shit that does nothing. and I bring this up, because this ever growing entitlement crowd is nothing more them democrats buying votes. and this is why the party disgusts me, they sell out the country and people for power.

on the other hand, libs run around saying con's sold out America by outsourcing jobs. yet out of the other side of their mouth they will tell you with the other fork in their tongue, that liberals are smarter then conservatives, liberals have more money then conservatives, liberals control more businesses then conservatives. Blue states have more wealth then red states. well which is it?

the fact is, most corporations are headquartered in blue states. they are more business friendly. ie. tax breaks and legislation. more of the rich and 1% live in Blue states. again, they run those corporations and control the money. the finger liberals point at conservative should really be pointed at themselves. because they are the problem they blame everyone else for. When Bill Clinton and Al Gore called deregulation the cornerstone of their new economic prosperity, liberals stood up and cheered. today, they blame bush for policies initiated by Clinton.

Democrats and liberal policies are dangerous for America. I will never support them or any candidate who embraces them.

No liberal has ever been able to show me legislation bush signed that was responsible for the crash of the economy or the housing market.

If you're telling the truth about actually being a registered Dem despite talking on here like a Republican, all I can say is you're not missed.

I said I was a registered democrat who can no longer support the party. the likes of ted kennedy, jerry brown, r dead, Pelosi, reid, the Cuomo's and so many more have poisoned what used to be a good message over the years. the democrats of today are nothing at all like the democrats of the 60's and before.
I am a registered democrat. but I no longer support the democratic party in any way shape or form. of the two, I truly believe they are the worse of the two evils. I consider my self to be fiscal conservative. I think government intrusion into people lives should be minimal. I think any infringement on our constitutional rights is treason and I feel those in power who attempt to do so should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. it is totally unacceptable. SS and medicare are not entitlements. Entitlements should be short term. there are very few people who should be allowed to be on them long term. if you are in this country illegally, you get nothing. get sick, crawl back across the border and get yourself healthy. I am so sick of hard working americans being penalized and charged for all of the shit that does nothing. and I bring this up, because this ever growing entitlement crowd is nothing more them democrats buying votes. and this is why the party disgusts me, they sell out the country and people for power.

on the other hand, libs run around saying con's sold out America by outsourcing jobs. yet out of the other side of their mouth they will tell you with the other fork in their tongue, that liberals are smarter then conservatives, liberals have more money then conservatives, liberals control more businesses then conservatives. Blue states have more wealth then red states. well which is it?

the fact is, most corporations are headquartered in blue states. they are more business friendly. ie. tax breaks and legislation. more of the rich and 1% live in Blue states. again, they run those corporations and control the money. the finger liberals point at conservative should really be pointed at themselves. because they are the problem they blame everyone else for. When Bill Clinton and Al Gore called deregulation the cornerstone of their new economic prosperity, liberals stood up and cheered. today, they blame bush for policies initiated by Clinton.

Democrats and liberal policies are dangerous for America. I will never support them or any candidate who embraces them.

No liberal has ever been able to show me legislation bush signed that was responsible for the crash of the economy or the housing market.

If you're telling the truth about actually being a registered Dem despite talking on here like a Republican, all I can say is you're not missed.

another thin about liberals, they claim to be the green party. when bush was president, the complaints were how dare bush want to drill for oil in America, he will destroy the environment. remember your' taunts of palin? Drill baby drill. Well under Obama we are drilling domestically more then ever. where are your environmental concerns? we are fracking and destroying water supplies and pumping toxic chemicals into the ground. Well, why all you silence? A hypocritical cat got your tongue?

How many of you liberals are actually green? how many of you have taken significant steps to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels? I'm guessing not many. Well my house is net zero. I produce more energy then I consume. and none of it fossil fuel. i'm totally electric and produce my own electricity. I use public transportation to get to work and fill my car up once a month max. I live in a very rural area but still walk or ride my bike everywhere. i'll bet none of you green liberals are hauling you groceries on foot a mile every couple of days. you're a bunch of posers. you don't put your money where your mouth is.

liberals in public will tell you, oh yes, we are pro gay rights. and the n the most liberal state in the country goes and votes gay rights down in a private poll. you don't even walk you own talk. I have to laugh, the best insult a pro gay liberal can throw out at someone is to call them a fag. whats up with that?
I am a registered democrat. but I no longer support the democratic party in any way shape or form. of the two, I truly believe they are the worse of the two evils. I consider my self to be fiscal conservative. I think government intrusion into people lives should be minimal. I think any infringement on our constitutional rights is treason and I feel those in power who attempt to do so should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. it is totally unacceptable. SS and medicare are not entitlements. Entitlements should be short term. there are very few people who should be allowed to be on them long term. if you are in this country illegally, you get nothing. get sick, crawl back across the border and get yourself healthy. I am so sick of hard working americans being penalized and charged for all of the shit that does nothing. and I bring this up, because this ever growing entitlement crowd is nothing more them democrats buying votes. and this is why the party disgusts me, they sell out the country and people for power.

on the other hand, libs run around saying con's sold out America by outsourcing jobs. yet out of the other side of their mouth they will tell you with the other fork in their tongue, that liberals are smarter then conservatives, liberals have more money then conservatives, liberals control more businesses then conservatives. Blue states have more wealth then red states. well which is it?

the fact is, most corporations are headquartered in blue states. they are more business friendly. ie. tax breaks and legislation. more of the rich and 1% live in Blue states. again, they run those corporations and control the money. the finger liberals point at conservative should really be pointed at themselves. because they are the problem they blame everyone else for. When Bill Clinton and Al Gore called deregulation the cornerstone of their new economic prosperity, liberals stood up and cheered. today, they blame bush for policies initiated by Clinton.

Democrats and liberal policies are dangerous for America. I will never support them or any candidate who embraces them.

No liberal has ever been able to show me legislation bush signed that was responsible for the crash of the economy or the housing market.

If you're telling the truth about actually being a registered Dem despite talking on here like a Republican, all I can say is you're not missed.

another thin about liberals, they claim to be the green party. when bush was president, the complaints were how dare bush want to drill for oil in America, he will destroy the environment. remember your' taunts of palin? Drill baby drill. Well under Obama we are drilling domestically more then ever. where are your environmental concerns? we are fracking and destroying water supplies and pumping toxic chemicals into the ground. Well, why all you silence? A hypocritical cat got your tongue?

How many of you liberals are actually green? how many of you have taken significant steps to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels? I'm guessing not many. Well my house is net zero. I produce more energy then I consume. and none of it fossil fuel. i'm totally electric and produce my own electricity. I use public transportation to get to work and fill my car up once a month max. I live in a very rural area but still walk or ride my bike everywhere. i'll bet none of you green liberals are hauling you groceries on foot a mile every couple of days. you're a bunch of posers. you don't put your money where your mouth is.

liberals in public will tell you, oh yes, we are pro gay rights. and the n the most liberal state in the country goes and votes gay rights down in a private poll. you don't even walk you own talk. I have to laugh, the best insult a pro gay liberal can throw out at someone is to call them a fag. whats up with that?

^I owe rep to this guy...
I'm a moderate independent. Sometimes I agree with the dems, sometimes I agree with the reps, but mostly I sit on the fence and watch them both make fools out of themselves.

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