Speaker Johnson on Thin Ice

The Biden administration can return to the policies they eliminated and that would work. Now, Johnson could have demanded that as a condition.

"WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Mike Johnson told fellow Republicans on Tuesday that sweeping changes to U.S. border policy would be their “hill to die on” in negotiations that have already grown tense as Congress considers President Joe Biden’s $110 billion package for the wars in Ukraine and Israel and other security needs."

I believe these days Will Rogers would see things reversed. His quotes:
  • “I’m not a member of any organized political party…. I’m a Democrat.”
  • “Democrats never agree on anything, that’s why they’re Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they’d be Republicans.”
I believe these days Will Rogers would see things reversed. His quotes:
  • “I’m not a member of any organized political party…. I’m a Democrat.”
  • “Democrats never agree on anything, that’s why they’re Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they’d be Republicans.”
Except the Democrats are in 100% lock-step. Republicans are the ones divided.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Mike Johnson told fellow Republicans on Tuesday that sweeping changes to U.S. border policy would be their “hill to die on” in negotiations that have already grown tense as Congress considers President Joe Biden’s $110 billion package for the wars in Ukraine and Israel and other security needs."

Well, he fooled them. He didn’t even fight
It isn’t and has never been about the southern border, otherwise they would have passed the bill that gave them almost everything they wanted on the border.
They passed a bill and sent it to the senate where Schumer has refused to bring it up for debate.
They did. HR2
They had the opportunity to pass a BIPARTISAN bill tbe Dems would have also passed that gave them almost everything.

They didn’t. Instead they put forth a bill that was sure to fail.

So either:

They don’t really want to fix it (election year, border is a critical voter issue, it would be a disaster if Biden were credited with fixing it)…

Or they are spoiled, incompetent politicians who have no clue how to work with each other and how pass anything and instead of trying….pull Political stunts and point fingers at the other side for refusing to play.

Or both.
They had the opportunity to pass a BIPARTISAN bill tbe Dems would have also passed that gave them almost everything.
Nice spin.
They didn’t. Instead they put forth a bill that was sure to fail.
WHat was so objectionable in HR2 that SChumer couldin't bring it up for debate??
So either:

They don’t really want to fix it (election year, border is a critical voter issue, it would be a disaster if Biden were credited with fixing it)…

Or they are spoiled, incompetent politicians who have no clue how to work with each other and how pass anything and instead of trying….pull Political stunts and point fingers at the other side for refusing to play.

Or both.
Same could be said of your party
If MTG tries to vacate the Speaker's position, Johnson will tell the Dems to vote for him, and he will bring the immigration bill to the floor.
Nice spin.

WHat was so objectionable in HR2 that SChumer couldin't bring it up for debate??

Too draconian.

Politics in a multi party system is about the art of negotiation and compromise to get at least some of of what each side wants. The bipartisan immigration bI’ll did that. HR2? Not at all.

If the Repubs were series about it they would be negotiating…like they did in the bill they refused. But they aren’t. It is politics so they bring up an unsupportable bill that contains NOTHING for the other side. See the difference?

Same could be said of your party
Not on this issue.
Too draconian.

Politics in a multi party system is about the art of negotiation and compromise to get at least some of of what each side wants. The bipartisan immigration bI’ll did that. HR2? Not at all.

If the Repubs were series about it they would be negotiating…like they did in the bill they refused. But they aren’t. It is politics so they bring up an unsupportable bill that contains NOTHING for the other side. See the difference?
Nope. Repubs in he House send the Senate a bill. Senate marks it up and send it back and then they negotiate.
Not on this issue.
Absolutely. Senate should have been talking to the House about their concerns. Lankford certainly didn't do that.
The will of The people, is what took place yesterday, and today. How can you even claim, otherwise? Yesterday150 plus Republican House of Representatives along with 160 plus Democrats, overwhelmingly voted to have a vote on Saturday, up or down, by each representative for the foreign aid packages.

Today, through MAJORITY VOTE of our representatives, it passed.

There is nothing nefarious about that....it is how our representation in government, is supposed to work.

And it did.
"Representative Democracy" Is a Contradiction in Terms

What the majority of ignorant know-it-all pre-owned politicians supports has nothing to do with the self-determination of us, the people. The Constitution turned politics into a spectator sport. We show up at the circus performance of these Constitutionally crowned clowns and leave quickly in disgust, demanding our money back.
I don't think I feel very strongly about anything political/geopolitical anymore, C4All. It's getting to be that I really just don't care any more. I'll offer my perspective on here once in a while now. If I feel like it. But I don't even really feel like doing that any more.

I've accepted that both theoretical sides of the party-of-one are destroying the prosperity and fabric of our country. And I don't accept that the electorate itself, collectively speaking, is even qualified to understand that this is happening, much less getting into the why and how. Now, yes, that may well sound elitist or prideful, but it's not really. It's just how I see the whole of the situation.

I got my lawn cut today. Walks and street curb edged nicely. Cars are washed. Fed the birds. Sealed the main driveway. And walked around the classic car show for about a half hour. Those are meaningful things.

Tomorrow I'm going to powerwash my siding.

But I'm not sure if my neighbors are allowed to kill me if they catch me working on a Sunday. I think I read something about that in ''the good book'' some place a long time ago.
Victim of Jemmy Madison's Madness

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