Speaking of "closed hearings".....

Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

One other point to ponder.....A point that CANNOT be refuted.........

Did you Trumpists know that almost FIFTY republican congress folks are ALSO part of these so-called "closed hearings"???

How damn "secret" are these hearings when that many GOPers can participate, ask questions, bitch-away and even have their party's legal counsel depose witnesses???

USE YOUR BRAIN (or whatever may be left of your brains.)
Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

Four men were killed in Benghazi. Whole different ball of wax when Americans die through the incompetence of our State Department run by Hitlery.

Oh and I hope your holding your breath for all those damning statements about Trumps guilt to come out. Seems to me I remember your stupid ass saying the same thing about the Mueller report.


Carry on dumbass.
"Even if there was quid pro quo with Ukraine on behalf of President Donald Trump, it is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense – even if it is a "political sin"

Take it one step further and say, "what Trump is not a crime or impeachable offense since he is a fucking idiot and doesn't know that abuse of power is a bit against our current laws...."

Now THAT would be a "fantastic defense".........but I am glad that morons.....like you....are at least admitting that a quid pro quo DID happen.........LOL
Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

Trey Gowdy used to be all in for closed hearings:


Republican Trey Gowdy defends private hearings
Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

You need help. Are they giving you placebos at the ward?

You idiots have no defense for Duh Donald, your only tool left is trolling.

Let's see your Donald sit down for 11 hours like Hillary did and face a bipartisan panel.

He won't do it.

He's a fucking coward and a traitor to this country.

And you fucking know it.
Last edited by a moderator:
Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

Benghazi hearings wern't closed off to Democrat lawmakers and it wasn't a damn star chamber like what Schiff has created. The two cases arnt even comparable with the power play Schiff is trying to create by manipulating witnesses

If it was a star chamber, then Trump would be in cuffs and frog-walked out of the White House.
Where did you get your drama queen lessons from?
Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

You need help. Are they giving you placebos at the ward?

Reported for trolling.

You idiots have no defense for Duh Donald, your only tool left is trolling.

Let's see your Donald sit down for 11 hours like Hillary did and face a bipartisan panel.

He won't do it.

He's a fucking coward and a traitor to this country.

And you fucking know it.

I could care less what you report. And yes, the OP is a biased hack and that is all his post warrants.
Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

You need help. Are they giving you placebos at the ward?

Reported for trolling.

You idiots have no defense for Duh Donald, your only tool left is trolling.

Let's see your Donald sit down for 11 hours like Hillary did and face a bipartisan panel.

He won't do it.

He's a fucking coward and a traitor to this country.

And you fucking know it.

I could care less what you report. And yes, the OP is a biased hack and that is all his post warrants.

The biased hack is in your bathroom mirror.
I've yet to see any weight or substance to any of your blatherings here.
Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

Reported for trolling.
Either address the topic and respond to the O/P or else go back to masturbating to Fox n' Friends.

Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

You need help. Are they giving you placebos at the ward?

You idiots have no defense for Duh Donald, your only tool left is trolling.

Let's see your Donald sit down for 11 hours like Hillary did and face a bipartisan panel.

He won't do it.

He's a fucking coward and a traitor to this country.

And you fucking know it.
Have the democrats asked Trump? Wonder why
Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

Benghazi hearings wern't closed off to Democrat lawmakers and it wasn't a damn star chamber like what Schiff has created. The two cases arnt even comparable with the power play Schiff is trying to create by manipulating witnesses

These hearings aren't closed to Repub lawmakers either, dope. They're open to committee members of which there are equal numbers of Dems and Repubs.

You haven't heard anything from the Repubs because it's all been damning of the President.
"Even if there was quid pro quo with Ukraine on behalf of President Donald Trump, it is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense – even if it is a "political sin"

Take it one step further and say, "what Trump is not a crime or impeachable offense since he is a fucking idiot and doesn't know that abuse of power is a bit against our current laws...."

Now THAT would be a "fantastic defense".........but I am glad that morons.....like you....are at least admitting that a quid pro quo DID happen.........LOL

"Abuse of power" is not a crime nor an impeachable offense, what part of "it is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense" don't you understand?
I'm glad that clowns like you can't count to 67 Senators voting to remove Trump, the impeachment shit show will just be a partisan pissing contest. Trump will be a shoo-in in the 2020 election thanks to the brainless democrats.
"Even if there was quid pro quo with Ukraine on behalf of President Donald Trump, it is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense – even if it is a "political sin"

Take it one step further and say, "what Trump is not a crime or impeachable offense since he is a fucking idiot and doesn't know that abuse of power is a bit against our current laws...."

Now THAT would be a "fantastic defense".........but I am glad that morons.....like you....are at least admitting that a quid pro quo DID happen.........LOL

"Abuse of power" is not a crime nor an impeachable offense, what part of "it is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense" don't you understand?
I'm glad that clowns like you can't count to 67 Senators voting to remove Trump, the impeachment shit show will just be a partisan pissing contest. Trump will be a shoo-in in the 2020 election thanks to the brainless democrats.

Only a true moron would argue that abuse of power is not impeachable.
Gee, Trump's sycophants in Congress are a bit upset........not about the Trump extortion of the Ukrainian government........but about the fact that House Dems are holding closed hearings.

Never mind that House republicans in the appropriate committees are certainly allowed to attend these "open hearings".......but given the limited IQ of Trump's 35% base, the argument sounds "good."

These closed hearings held by the Dem majority have been a bout a dozen (yielding LOTS of damaging testimony on Trump's attempts to abuse power)....and will probably wind up being a bout 15 before PUBLIC hearings are held with TV coverage.....

But the interesting bit of hypocrisy by these elected republican dimwits who are bitching about closed hearings, is their loss of memory when the Benghazi CLOSED hearings were about ONE HUNDRED and TEN.

What that medicine advertised about combating the on-set of dementia???..................lol

Benghazi hearings wern't closed off to Democrat lawmakers and it wasn't a damn star chamber like what Schiff has created. The two cases arnt even comparable with the power play Schiff is trying to create by manipulating witnesses

For the most part they weren't closed out but Trey interviewed several witnesses in secret without informing the Democrats. These hearing are not closed off to Tumpublican's on the committees either.
There should be a new law resulting from the Benghazi hearings...

It is ILLEGAL to type

Gaddafi Jewish

into any internet search engine....
"Abuse of power" is not a crime nor an impeachable offense, what part of "it is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense" don't you understand?

I guess I "don't understand" the crap you pull out of your ass, kyzr (you need to buy a vowel in your screen name)

I'm glad that clowns like you can't count to 67 Senators voting to remove Trump, the impeachment shit show will just be a partisan pissing contest. Trump will be a shoo-in in the 2020 election thanks to the brainless democrats

.....then I guess you have NOTHING to worry about......Why are you here then???
"Even if there was quid pro quo with Ukraine on behalf of President Donald Trump, it is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense – even if it is a "political sin"

Take it one step further and say, "what Trump is not a crime or impeachable offense since he is a fucking idiot and doesn't know that abuse of power is a bit against our current laws...."

Now THAT would be a "fantastic defense".........but I am glad that morons.....like you....are at least admitting that a quid pro quo DID happen.........LOL

When America was under attack on 9-11-2001 and the aftermath, Democrats and Republicans fell over themselves to support the President. When America was under attack in 2012 Republicans couldn't wait to attack the President and did so while our embassies were under attack. Over a hundred closed door hearings were conducted by the House under the very same rules House Republicans are calling "Soviet Union" style hearings.
Closed hearings and closed CLOSET DOORS = the Democrats of today, and of yesterday too....

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