Special Master Not Working Out Well For Team Trumpy

Either a convenient selective memory or you are just ignorant,
Hillary claimed she did not know it was illegal and Comey went light on her stating she meant no illegality. Right from both horses mouths you horses ass.
So it’s not like Hillary is being pulled out of the air like you do with your TDS.
You didn't already figure out that BA is an idiot?
Hillary claimed she did not know it was illegal and Comey went light on her stating she meant no illegality.
Hillary claimed she didn't know any of the emails would be considered classified by national security lawyers.

Trump doesn't get to claim he didn't know the documents were classified. It was in very bright red letters.
Hillary claimed she didn't know any of the emails would be considered classified by national security lawyers.

Trump doesn't get to claim he didn't know the documents were classified. It was in very bright red letters.

You are obviously emotionally disrurbed.
The judge will rule that they are classified. Trumps lawyers blinked when it was time to show how Trump declassified them. He lost;

Watch hippie and see the ramifications.
Your future Democratic Presidents would be screwed.
Hillary claimed she didn't know any of the emails would be considered classified by national security lawyers.

Trump doesn't get to claim he didn't know the documents were classified. It was in very bright red letters.
It’s the liberal standard “you heard her words wrong”
It’s the liberal standard “you heard her words wrong”
No. It’s literally what happened.

The server itself wasn’t illegal. Having classified information was. However, the law requires the classified information to be knowingly mishandled.

Clinton can say she didn’t knowingly mishandled classified emails because she didn’t know tue emails were classified.

Trump can’t say that. Those documents are definitely classified. It’s plain as day.
Watch hippie and see the ramifications.
Your future Democratic Presidents would be screwed.
Not if they declassify documents properly. Trump should be able to show that relevant agencies were informed of classification changes. If he can’t, what was the purpose of the “change”, except an attempt to save his a**?
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Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”

In other words, they’re saying that if they reveal that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that could subject him to legal action for stealing and holding highly classified information. Which he did. And if Trump claims he did declassify documents, then he’ll have to prove that in court, and also be subject to possible charges over failure to follow the law regarding declassification. Plus, there’s the whole perjury issue—and the issue of Trump obstructing an investigation—that comes with lying about the whole thing.

On top of this, the special master wants this whole thing wrapped up quickly. Trump objects, because that’s the last thing he wants. And finally, the special master wants to know something that’s been bothering everyone: Why is this thing in front of him instead of being dealt with by the court that issued the search warrant in the first place?

^ Not the stupidist premise I've ever seen here, but close!

100% garbage.
But there is a requirement to tell the document's owners of the declassification so that all other copies can be properly marked.
I'm intrigued. Quote the statute and CFR, with definitions... for instance the definition of the "document's owner".

Thanks in advance, I'm here to learn.
Lefties found a "Daily Kos" op-ed about the former president by somebody named Mark Summer and they think it's important enough to discuss in the political forum. Meanwhile everyone who saw the president stutter his way through a 60 Minutes "interview" wonders what the hell he was talking about with his "fly" comment. Is he worse mentally than we thought? Should we concentrate on Trump while the freaking Country goes down the drain under the "leadership" of a doddering old fool?
When you want to see just how stupid they are, just wait for a Hillary post.

They have "Proof" that HRC shot Lincoln.

They have "Proof" it was HRC and NOT Oswald.

They have "Proof" it was HRC that shot J.R.

HRC is behind Roswell.

I mean for fuck sake.
Not to piss on anyone's parade, but this is after hillury destroyed her classified information with hammers and bleachbit.

The fucking nerve... especially you skews.... I know I promised never to tell anyone that your nickname from debatebothsides was The.Forum.Fuckboy, but I just don't know if I can keep that promise anymore.
Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”

In other words, they’re saying that if they reveal that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that could subject him to legal action for stealing and holding highly classified information. Which he did. And if Trump claims he did declassify documents, then he’ll have to prove that in court, and also be subject to possible charges over failure to follow the law regarding declassification. Plus, there’s the whole perjury issue—and the issue of Trump obstructing an investigation—that comes with lying about the whole thing.

On top of this, the special master wants this whole thing wrapped up quickly. Trump objects, because that’s the last thing he wants. And finally, the special master wants to know something that’s been bothering everyone: Why is this thing in front of him instead of being dealt with by the court that issued the search warrant in the first place?

Daily kos Russia Russia Russia worked so well
Come on Donald, cough it up. After all the talk about de-classified documents your supporters are chomping at the bit for the truth.

Primary rule of a legal situation, never talk details.

You never talk about anything you might have or might not have. Nothing. Everytime you speak a word the other side is listening and preparing.

Even if he had some case demolishing evidence he will hang onto it until it needed because you don't publicly announce your battle plans.

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