Special Master Not Working Out Well For Team Trumpy

That might be because I don't care about more sensationalism. You, on other hand, are easily amused.
No, you just aren't intelligently/ informatively capable of mounting a counter argument. You never do. You spend your time trolling, not debating.
Watched half of it when I realized this guy was talking in circles. He never really said anything relevant. "Screwing the pooch?" It's the same old stupid Right-wing nonsensical circle jerk strategy. Say a whole bunch, while saying nothing.
I not at all surprised; you didn't watch it because you have no attention span.
Not only is he not spinning he is explaining the ramification of SCOTUS changing the law and all future Presidents not being able to perform their post-Presidential duties.
I not at all surprised; you didn't watch it because you have no attention span.
Not only is he not spinning he is explaining the ramification of SCOTUS changing the law and all future Presidents not being able to perform their post-Presidential duties.
Post presidential duties have nothing to do with taking classified documents home. That law hasn't changed.
Actually, they do, but you have no attention span.
What law has changed? What written law allows Trump to take clasified documents home after his presidency? Cite the statute.

This is you; Not only is he not spinning he is explaining the ramification of SCOTUS changing the law and all future Presidents not being able to perform their post-Presidential duties.
What law specifically? You can't tell us can you?

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