Special prosecutor investigating possible election fraud in Rep. Scott Taylor’s race

View attachment 209206
Just turned on Fox. Of course they’re not carrying this story or the other big one with Collins getting arrested.

Bet Hannity won’t touch either story. Ha!

Fox was reporting the crap out of the good congress critters arrest. More than msnbc! So, as usual you are telling a tall tale.
No tales, butt whisperer. I called them the way I see them. I’m not watching Fox all day.
Each time I turned it on I reported what was on.
Of course you’re a SERIOUS Fox viewer..
That makes sense with how little you know..

So the couple of times you turned on Fox, you didn't see them covering the story so you changed the channel? MSNBC wasn't carrying the story when I just turned it on. They aren't covering the story either! OMG!!!!
They’ve covered it all day, Liar.
It’s the current breaking news.
More republican criminals.
Collins, arrested for insider trading, was one of the first to support slimy Donnie’s presidency.
He figured Trump wouldn’t mind him doing anything he Trump wasn’t doing himself. Ha.
You forgot to blame Putin.
We know Trump never will. ( on Russia attacking our democracy) He’s scared shitless of his master.
Your stupidity never ceases to amaze congratulations you earned it.
View attachment 209207
Another idiot cult member not honest to admit Trump takes orders from Putin.
So what was that private meeting about?
Such biting commentary coming from the brainless hack who can’t express a thought until CNN tells what it is. Stay at the kiddies table your over your head around adults.
So you can’t tell us what trump’s hiding in that private meeting with his master Putin.
You can’t criticize him for throwing America under the bus in the PUBLIC session.
You are a full fledged member of the cult.
You don’t know anything was being hidden for all you know they talked about golf and grandkids like Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch did in their private airport meeting. He didn’t throw America under the bus just because you are stupid enough to parrot every talking point you hear doesn’t mean we all are. Knocking down your idiocy is amusing but it’s so easy it gets boring quick so you go back to your CNN shrine and part for your new talking point. It’s been fun embarrassing you even though you do most of the work yourself later numbnuts.
View attachment 209206
Just turned on Fox. Of course they’re not carrying this story or the other big one with Collins getting arrested.

Bet Hannity won’t touch either story. Ha!

Fox was reporting the crap out of the good congress critters arrest. More than msnbc! So, as usual you are telling a tall tale.
No tales, butt whisperer. I called them the way I see them. I’m not watching Fox all day.
Each time I turned it on I reported what was on.
Of course you’re a SERIOUS Fox viewer..
That makes sense with how little you know..

So the couple of times you turned on Fox, you didn't see them covering the story so you changed the channel? MSNBC wasn't carrying the story when I just turned it on. They aren't covering the story either! OMG!!!!
They’ve covered it all day, Liar.
It’s the current breaking news.
More republican criminals.

And this post is the reason why we all can safely say you're not. Are you too stupid to understand the sarcasm, or did you intentionally misrepresent it like you did my post? If that latter is true then it is you who are the liar cupcake. YOU.
We know Trump never will. ( on Russia attacking our democracy) He’s scared shitless of his master.
Your stupidity never ceases to amaze congratulations you earned it.
View attachment 209207
Another idiot cult member not honest to admit Trump takes orders from Putin.
So what was that private meeting about?
Such biting commentary coming from the brainless hack who can’t express a thought until CNN tells what it is. Stay at the kiddies table your over your head around adults.
So you can’t tell us what trump’s hiding in that private meeting with his master Putin.
You can’t criticize him for throwing America under the bus in the PUBLIC session.
You are a full fledged member of the cult.
You don’t know anything was being hidden for all you know they talked about golf and grandkids like Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch did in their private airport meeting. He didn’t throw America under the bus just because you are stupid enough to parrot every talking point you hear doesn’t mean we all are. Knocking down your idiocy is amusing but it’s so easy it gets boring quick so you go back to your CNN shrine and part for your new talking point. It’s been fun embarrassing you even though you do most of the work yourself later numbnuts.
OMG. Putin went back to Russia celebrating what he got over his poodle. I’m sure you don’t know that from your RW media.
But after committing treason in Helsinki in the public session you really really think he didn’t do something worse in private..

The whole world saw this weak weak president take the word of Putin over our intelligence agencies.. yet you’re still sticking with your alternate facts.
How sweet.
Voter ID is not necessary and will never happen. Voter suppression by republicans IS a sad fact.
If you don't want to eliminate voter fraud, what are you whining about?
Gerrymandering, voter suppression, closing polling centers, etc is the GOP’s attack on voting rights.
Republicans can’t win without cheating.
Even fat boi knows this which is why he’s had to come kicking and screaming to admit the fact Russia attacked our democracy but he still won’t admit Putin helped him win. The idiot actually said “ Putin was sad Trump won “ at one of his hillbilly/ Nuremberg rallies.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Any deplorable call him out on this lie?
Yeah right.
Here we have an allegation that a republican congressman telling his aides to FORGE signatures but you can’t come up with any data on undocumented workers committing voting fraud. Ya know when your liar in Chief lied his ass off when he said: “ 3-6 million illegals voted..
Then he wasted tax payers monies on a study run by far right republicans.
They concluded: No evidence it happened.
Did any of you deplorables call Trump out on his lie?
Of course not.
You enable the lyingest prez in history.

Yes, I personally phoned the White House and spoke with him.
Over half the posts in this thread by the OP. Most of them -- ALL of them, with the same tone on the same, exact topic...... "I am offended!!! I am outraged!! If you don't agree with me, you are _________ (fill in the blank with some noxious words)

All he's doing is screaming at every poster that visits the thread.

He forgets that, in this Country, you are innocent until proven guilty. But he doesn't care. He wants to convict any and every Republican of some heinous crime...... Mostly, the crime of being a Republican.

A dimocrap Judge (oh yes, he is) appoints a dimocrap persecutor (Ditto) to look into a Republican Congressman's STAFF because a dimocrap lost an election -- Or something.

Didn't we just go through this with the Duke LaCrosse players?

Did dimocrap scum ever apologize for that?

Don't think so.

How about Tom Delay?

How about ted Stevens?

dimocraps are getting their play out of this and I suspect they won't even get close to the Congressman and the whole thing gets forgotten.

Until dimocraps do it again.
Over half the posts in this thread by the OP. Most of them -- ALL of them, with the same tone on the same, exact topic...... "I am offended!!! I am outraged!! If you don't agree with me, you are _________ (fill in the blank with some noxious words)

All he's doing is screaming at every poster that visits the thread.

He forgets that, in this Country, you are innocent until proven guilty. But he doesn't care. He wants to convict any and every Republican of some heinous crime...... Mostly, the crime of being a Republican.

A dimocrap Judge (oh yes, he is) appoints a dimocrap persecutor (Ditto) to look into a Republican Congressman's STAFF because a dimocrap lost an election -- Or something.

Didn't we just go through this with the Duke LaCrosse players?

Did dimocrap scum ever apologize for that?

Don't think so.

How about Tom Delay?

How about ted Stevens?

dimocraps are getting their play out of this and I suspect they won't even get close to the Congressman and the whole thing gets forgotten.

Until dimocraps do it again.
Thanks for that commentary, Sean.

Like Manafort and Gates are innocent?
Gates is singing big time with Mueller too against your Russian whore.
Reagan used to have the most corrupt administration, most officials indicted or convicted. Your fuhrer will bypass that dubious record by 2020.
View attachment 209217
Your stupidity never ceases to amaze congratulations you earned it.
View attachment 209207
Another idiot cult member not honest to admit Trump takes orders from Putin.
So what was that private meeting about?
Such biting commentary coming from the brainless hack who can’t express a thought until CNN tells what it is. Stay at the kiddies table your over your head around adults.
So you can’t tell us what trump’s hiding in that private meeting with his master Putin.
You can’t criticize him for throwing America under the bus in the PUBLIC session.
You are a full fledged member of the cult.
You don’t know anything was being hidden for all you know they talked about golf and grandkids like Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch did in their private airport meeting. He didn’t throw America under the bus just because you are stupid enough to parrot every talking point you hear doesn’t mean we all are. Knocking down your idiocy is amusing but it’s so easy it gets boring quick so you go back to your CNN shrine and part for your new talking point. It’s been fun embarrassing you even though you do most of the work yourself later numbnuts.
OMG. Putin went back to Russia celebrating what he got over his poodle. I’m sure you don’t know that from your RW media.
But after committing treason in Helsinki in the public session you really really think he didn’t do something worse in private..

The whole world saw this weak weak president take the word of Putin over our intelligence agencies.. yet you’re still sticking with your alternate facts.
How sweet.


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