Specific question to Liberals

That is your opinion, not mine. But you still didn't answer my questions, like where is this Liberal from Massachusetts on this board, you are yakking about?

Ahh yes that tired canard, in the threads on Wisconsin and the Republicans doing it, when the Libs were asked if they were from Wisconsin and thus personally effected by the law, the resounding answer was NO, but we are here to protest a lost RIGHT.

The word for you on this issue is HYPOCRITE, LYING TWOFACED DIPSHIT.

So you just admitted there were no liberals here from Massachusetts. Just what I thought. You are just a whining little con-turd making up one lie after another. Get back in the basement Troll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

So the only defense you have for Liberals whining about Wisconsin when Republicans did it and not whining about mass. when Democrats did it is to deflect?The only troll here is you.
Feel free to list the rights that unions either give or protect from being violated.

Freedom of Speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition, right not to be discriminated against, etc etc.

1. Your right to negotiate contracts
2. Your right to be protected from corporate power graps, like when they want to lower your wage in favor of higher profits to keep for the executives, or if they want to lay you off in favor of higher profits

Do you want anymore

LOL - Are you kidding me?

Freedom of speech, the only group that legally can not violate your freedom of speech is the government. You have NO right to freedom of speech at a job. NONE

Freedom of Petition - Same thing

Discrimination - LOL Legally companies can't discriminate and those laws are enforced by the government, not unions.

You have no right to negotiate contracts. You don't have to sign a contract PERIOD

You have no right to be protected from "corporate power grabs"

Sure , list more it just exposes your ignorance of your rights.

The fact that you LOL'd at my post just shows YOUR ignorance.

The fact that you said you don't have freedom of speech ANYWHERE in private society (including inside the workforce) shows how little you know of freedom and rights.

Sure, you can't yell "FIRE!!" at an airport. That's not what we are talking about though. We are talking about corporate, predatory practices that go against the workers.

Same with all the other rights. You think just because the law says you cant discriminate that means no corporation discriminates? Wow. Speechless

"Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere."

- Martin Luther King Jr.
Freedom of Speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition, right not to be discriminated against, etc etc.

1. Your right to negotiate contracts
2. Your right to be protected from corporate power graps, like when they want to lower your wage in favor of higher profits to keep for the executives, or if they want to lay you off in favor of higher profits

Do you want anymore

LOL - Are you kidding me?

Freedom of speech, the only group that legally can not violate your freedom of speech is the government. You have NO right to freedom of speech at a job. NONE

Freedom of Petition - Same thing

Discrimination - LOL Legally companies can't discriminate and those laws are enforced by the government, not unions.

You have no right to negotiate contracts. You don't have to sign a contract PERIOD

You have no right to be protected from "corporate power grabs"

Sure , list more it just exposes your ignorance of your rights.

A Union will protect you against getting fired if you speak out against your company. ;)

So Luissa, you whined about the Wisconsin law when the big bad Republicans did it.... How about when the Dems in Massachusetts do it cat got your tongue?
The hypocrites were shipping their scum hordes into Wisconsin by the bus loads. Why not Massachussets?

Have a reference saying the no one is being bused into Massachusetts? Are you a Greyhound driver or another lying con-turd wizard rubbing my magic balls?
Freedom of Speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition, right not to be discriminated against, etc etc.

1. Your right to negotiate contracts
2. Your right to be protected from corporate power graps, like when they want to lower your wage in favor of higher profits to keep for the executives, or if they want to lay you off in favor of higher profits

Do you want anymore

LOL - Are you kidding me?

Freedom of speech, the only group that legally can not violate your freedom of speech is the government. You have NO right to freedom of speech at a job. NONE

Freedom of Petition - Same thing

Discrimination - LOL Legally companies can't discriminate and those laws are enforced by the government, not unions.

You have no right to negotiate contracts. You don't have to sign a contract PERIOD

You have no right to be protected from "corporate power grabs"

Sure , list more it just exposes your ignorance of your rights.

The fact that you LOL'd at my post just shows YOUR ignorance.

The fact that you said you don't have freedom of speech ANYWHERE in private society (including inside the workforce) shows how little you know of freedom and rights.

Sure, you can't yell "FIRE!!" at an airport. That's not what we are talking about though. We are talking about corporate, predatory practices that go against the workers.

Same with all the other rights. You think just because the law says you cant discriminate that means no corporation discriminates? Wow. Speechless

"Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

That isn't what I said at all you idiot.

If you're discriminated against, the courts have a remedy for you. The unions are unnecessary, and there isn't a person here who truly thinks they are.

I believe the entire discrimination issue is bullshit anyway. If I own a business, it's MY property. I should be able to hire, and serve whomever I want.

Same with your free speech bullshit. If I own a company you're damn right I have the right to limit what you can and can't say on MY property.
The hypocrites were shipping their scum hordes into Wisconsin by the bus loads. Why not Massachussets?

Have a reference saying the no one is being bused into Massachusetts? Are you a Greyhound driver or another lying con-turd wizard rubbing my magic balls?

Lol, don't be so dense. Did you see MSNBC or CNN show a month's worth of coverage on idiotic antics in Massachussetts like you did in Wisconsin or not?
Ahh yes that tired canard, in the threads on Wisconsin and the Republicans doing it, when the Libs were asked if they were from Wisconsin and thus personally effected by the law, the resounding answer was NO, but we are here to protest a lost RIGHT.

The word for you on this issue is HYPOCRITE, LYING TWOFACED DIPSHIT.

So you just admitted there were no liberals here from Massachusetts. Just what I thought. You are just a whining little con-turd making up one lie after another. Get back in the basement Troll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:

So the only defense you have for Liberals whining about Wisconsin when Republicans did it and not whining about mass. when Democrats did it is to deflect?The only troll here is you.

You haven't proved your case, you only lied about it using a strawman. This thread is a joke, no proof, only accusations,...no facts, only lies. Keep Trolling whiner! Your best defense is your childish stupidity.

You said no one complained. Here whiner, caught up in your lies again.................

LOL - Are you kidding me?

Freedom of speech, the only group that legally can not violate your freedom of speech is the government. You have NO right to freedom of speech at a job. NONE

Freedom of Petition - Same thing

Discrimination - LOL Legally companies can't discriminate and those laws are enforced by the government, not unions.

You have no right to negotiate contracts. You don't have to sign a contract PERIOD

You have no right to be protected from "corporate power grabs"

Sure , list more it just exposes your ignorance of your rights.

The fact that you LOL'd at my post just shows YOUR ignorance.

The fact that you said you don't have freedom of speech ANYWHERE in private society (including inside the workforce) shows how little you know of freedom and rights.

Sure, you can't yell "FIRE!!" at an airport. That's not what we are talking about though. We are talking about corporate, predatory practices that go against the workers.

Same with all the other rights. You think just because the law says you cant discriminate that means no corporation discriminates? Wow. Speechless

"Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

That isn't what I said at all you idiot.

If you're discriminated against, the courts have a remedy for you. The unions are unnecessary, and there isn't a person here who truly thinks they are.

I believe the entire discrimination issue is bullshit anyway. If I own a business, it's MY property. I should be able to hire, and serve whomever I want.

Same with your free speech bullshit. If I own a company you're damn right I have the right to limit what you can and can't say on MY property.

Calling me an idiot isn't going to make you right. I'm sorry to break it to you. This is a political debate, not an ego contest

You have forgotten that a lot of the courts are run by corporate lawyers. Another thing you forgot, the jury has to decide whether you are guilty or not. The jury will not always rule in what is considered the truth. There is plenty of proof in history to show that. So unions are necessary. The fact that no one here thinks they are doesn't make your argument more right. Argumentum ad populum

And actually if you own a business, it's NOT your property. In order to have a business, you have to hire workers to produce for you. Doing business is a collective thing. Businesses aren't run by one person. They are run by communities of people. You may have more money than the rest of the workers, but that doesn't give you a say in whether you can fire them and put them out on the street just because they have different skin color.

You see, when you own a house and you don't like having black people in your house, that's one thing. But when you own a HUGE corporation, with so much power and so much influence, it is a totally different story to tell people to "get out, your black/Hispanic/Asian."

You see, corporations have so much power and influence that they have the power to control governments. So in a way, a corporation telling you to get out is kind of similar to the government telling you to get out. You could do that with anybody, and you can influence communities by practicing discrimination. That is not fair to the PEOPLE. And they have a right to speak out against this. Whether it's YOU or someone else who is in charge of the corporation.

I rest my case.
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You were all so OUTRAGED that Wisconsin Republicans were working to eliminate collective Bargaining. Why not a peep when Massachusetts does it?

Because that is not what Mass. is doing.

They are eliminating collective bargaining for copays and deductibles only...

The plan, which now goes to the State Senate, gives local officials the ability of municipal governments to set copayments and deductibles for municipal workers. Only the amount of yearly premiums paid by workers would be on the negotiation table for public workers.

Massachusetts Dems Pass Bill to ‘Eliminate Collective Bargaining as We Know It’ - Working In These Times
You were all so OUTRAGED that Wisconsin Republicans were working to eliminate collective Bargaining. Why not a peep when Massachusetts does it?

Because that is not what Mass. is doing.

They are eliminating collective bargaining for copays and deductibles only...

The plan, which now goes to the State Senate, gives local officials the ability of municipal governments to set copayments and deductibles for municipal workers. Only the amount of yearly premiums paid by workers would be on the negotiation table for public workers.

Well actually it is what they are doing, one step at a time, you're own article says so...

“This basically eliminates collective bargaining as we know it "says SEIU Local 888 Bruce Boccardy who represents 200 public bargaining units throughout Massachusetts. “This is the first step in a long process to eliminating collective bargaining for public employees in the state of Massachusetts."

The threat of layoffs if collectively bargaining rights weren’t trimmed seems to match similar rhetoric coming from Governor Scott Walker (R-Wis.).

The big difference: The rhetoric is coming from a Democrat."
You were all so OUTRAGED that Wisconsin Republicans were working to eliminate collective Bargaining. Why not a peep when Massachusetts does it?

I think they've taken it far in Ohio but we aren't hearing a lot at the moment. In November things may heat up again because a fight to repeal the bill passed here will be on the ballot.

The unions are pretty confident.

Not sure if Mass voters have the same options as we do. I hope so.
You were all so OUTRAGED that Wisconsin Republicans were working to eliminate collective Bargaining. Why not a peep when Massachusetts does it?

Because that is not what Mass. is doing.

They are eliminating collective bargaining for copays and deductibles only...

The plan, which now goes to the State Senate, gives local officials the ability of municipal governments to set copayments and deductibles for municipal workers. Only the amount of yearly premiums paid by workers would be on the negotiation table for public workers.

Well actually it is what they are doing, one step at a time, you're own article says so...

“This basically eliminates collective bargaining as we know it "says SEIU Local 888 Bruce Boccardy who represents 200 public bargaining units throughout Massachusetts. “This is the first step in a long process to eliminating collective bargaining for public employees in the state of Massachusetts."

The threat of layoffs if collectively bargaining rights weren’t trimmed seems to match similar rhetoric coming from Governor Scott Walker (R-Wis.).

The big difference: The rhetoric is coming from a Democrat."

Like I said, only the copays and deductibles.

Not union busting.

Nice try though. You guys have so little going for you, I feel kind of bad for you.
Let's see... Unions aren't necessary... OK. Let's just wait and see. When your job keeps dropping in "value" for no other reason than you employer wanting more of the "pie" and the rest of your industry follows suit and the next thing you know, you are one of the "working poor" that none of you Conservatives EVER want to acknowledge(it's either those Deadbeats or those poor, embattled Rich Folk,,, nothing in between), then you can thank those states' legislators for screwing you over.

Because make no mistake. As Union pay scales go, so do non-union pay scales. I find it so damned amusing how you guys are willing to kiss "the man's" ass, pay their outrageous Health Care Premiums that they no longer pay the lion's share of, See your wages stagnate, see your opportunities diminish, see them gain more money and power and still plead poverty when it comes to taxation and the all holy "job creation" you speak of.... and still nod your heads like drones about unions.

AS pointed out, there is a huge difference between Wisconsin and Massachusetts, and no... it's not just Red vs. Blue(as you numbnuts think everything is). It has to do with the scope and scale of the attack against employees. I love the way you guys paint union members as "thugs", but I find it funny that when REASONABLE concessions are mandated... you nary hear a peep. Not because it's a "DEM" state, but because they aren't demanding much.

Of course the Unions are going to bluster about it, of course they may call for picketing. That's their job.. to get the best deal they can for their members.

Why didn't I speak out against it? This was the first I heard... I do have a life away from the message board, ya know? I have a full time Job that requires me to work 2 out of 3 weekends, I have a lovely wife and 2 kids. Maybe you have nothing better to do than slam liberals, but I have much better things to do than slam Conservatives. Maybe that's why you guys are so obsessed! Hell, you're lonely and Glenn Beck and the boys of FOX and AM radio are your only friends.

It's sad, really.
Because liberals are inconsistent and partisan.

But that doesn’t undermine or negate the serious issue of destroying collective bargaining rights.

There is no "right" to collective bargaining.
Better to destroy a non-existent right than the budget of any state.

Lol, a lot of the people on this website make me laugh.

Their's no "right" to negotiate contracts with your employers? Really???

I've seen even Republicans speak out against this nonsense.

That's as far from anything I wrote as what I've seen. You can't read. You can't write. You can't think. Of course you're a lefty.
Umm that was just one question.

Mass did it too?
They took away the ability of the unions to pick which health insurance plans the cities, etc., would offer its employees.

In the end the unions were okay with it so I'm not exactly sure why we are supposed to be outraged.
Umm that was just one question.

Mass did it too?
They took away the ability of the unions to pick which health insurance plans the cities, etc., would offer its employees.

In the end the unions were okay with it so I'm not exactly sure why we are supposed to be outraged.

So iow just what WI did.
Thanks for clarifying. Why are you supposed to be outraged? I dunno.
The fact that you LOL'd at my post just shows YOUR ignorance.

The fact that you said you don't have freedom of speech ANYWHERE in private society (including inside the workforce) shows how little you know of freedom and rights.

Sure, you can't yell "FIRE!!" at an airport. That's not what we are talking about though. We are talking about corporate, predatory practices that go against the workers.

Same with all the other rights. You think just because the law says you cant discriminate that means no corporation discriminates? Wow. Speechless

"Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

That isn't what I said at all you idiot.

If you're discriminated against, the courts have a remedy for you. The unions are unnecessary, and there isn't a person here who truly thinks they are.

I believe the entire discrimination issue is bullshit anyway. If I own a business, it's MY property. I should be able to hire, and serve whomever I want.

Same with your free speech bullshit. If I own a company you're damn right I have the right to limit what you can and can't say on MY property.

Calling me an idiot isn't going to make you right. I'm sorry to break it to you. This is a political debate, not an ego contest

You have forgotten that a lot of the courts are run by corporate lawyers. Another thing you forgot, the jury has to decide whether you are guilty or not. The jury will not always rule in what is considered the truth. There is plenty of proof in history to show that. So unions are necessary. The fact that no one here thinks they are doesn't make your argument more right. Argumentum ad populum

And actually if you own a business, it's NOT your property. In order to have a business, you have to hire workers to produce for you. Doing business is a collective thing. Businesses aren't run by one person. They are run by communities of people. You may have more money than the rest of the workers, but that doesn't give you a say in whether you can fire them and put them out on the street just because they have different skin color.
You see, when you own a house and you don't like having black people in your house, that's one thing. But when you own a HUGE corporation, with so much power and so much influence, it is a totally different story to tell people to "get out, your black/Hispanic/Asian."

You see, corporations have so much power and influence that they have the power to control governments. So in a way, a corporation telling you to get out is kind of similar to the government telling you to get out. You could do that with anybody, and you can influence communities by practicing discrimination. That is not fair to the PEOPLE. And they have a right to speak out against this. Whether it's YOU or someone else who is in charge of the corporation.

I rest my case.
WTF are you talking about?........I'm a former business OWNER. I owned the business and the property it sat on, not my employees. It was MY money, MY credit, My reputation, MY families well being on the line. I made the rules. I fired anybody who broke the rules. It was my right. I needed zero reason whatsover to fire or let someone go. It was solely MY call.

Your above statement is some of the most ridiculous shit i've seen on this board.
The fact that you LOL'd at my post just shows YOUR ignorance.

The fact that you said you don't have freedom of speech ANYWHERE in private society (including inside the workforce) shows how little you know of freedom and rights.

Sure, you can't yell "FIRE!!" at an airport. That's not what we are talking about though. We are talking about corporate, predatory practices that go against the workers.

Same with all the other rights. You think just because the law says you cant discriminate that means no corporation discriminates? Wow. Speechless

"Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere."

- Martin Luther King Jr.

That isn't what I said at all you idiot.

If you're discriminated against, the courts have a remedy for you. The unions are unnecessary, and there isn't a person here who truly thinks they are.

I believe the entire discrimination issue is bullshit anyway. If I own a business, it's MY property. I should be able to hire, and serve whomever I want.

Same with your free speech bullshit. If I own a company you're damn right I have the right to limit what you can and can't say on MY property.

Calling me an idiot isn't going to make you right. I'm sorry to break it to you. This is a political debate, not an ego contest

You have forgotten that a lot of the courts are run by corporate lawyers. Another thing you forgot, the jury has to decide whether you are guilty or not. The jury will not always rule in what is considered the truth. There is plenty of proof in history to show that. So unions are necessary. The fact that no one here thinks they are doesn't make your argument more right. Argumentum ad populum

And actually if you own a business, it's NOT your property. In order to have a business, you have to hire workers to produce for you. Doing business is a collective thing. Businesses aren't run by one person. They are run by communities of people. You may have more money than the rest of the workers, but that doesn't give you a say in whether you can fire them and put them out on the street just because they have different skin color.

You see, when you own a house and you don't like having black people in your house, that's one thing. But when you own a HUGE corporation, with so much power and so much influence, it is a totally different story to tell people to "get out, your black/Hispanic/Asian."

You see, corporations have so much power and influence that they have the power to control governments. So in a way, a corporation telling you to get out is kind of similar to the government telling you to get out. You could do that with anybody, and you can influence communities by practicing discrimination. That is not fair to the PEOPLE. And they have a right to speak out against this. Whether it's YOU or someone else who is in charge of the corporation.

I rest my case.

BAHAHAHAHA. If you're my employee, that is ALL you are, you are NOT my business partner. You don't share in the investment taken to open the business, why should you share in the rewards? The ONLY thing I owe you is a paycheck for work done. If you want more, go open your own business.

PS - You know how you know a business isn't a collective effort? I can choose to shut the doors and tell you to fuck off, the most you can do is choose to quit and tell me to fuck off.
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Because liberals are a bunch of insane hypocrites who care about one thing: POWER. It doesn't matter what they have to do, no low is too low for gutter rats aka leftists to sink to so long as they retain power.

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