Speculations abound regarding the Mueller report and Trump's tax returns


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)
1. The dems will never see Trump's IRS tax returns, period. The Law is on Trump's side.
2. The unredacted Mueller report will never be seen because that is the LAW, period.
3. The USSC will always rule in favor of the current LAW.

Nat's whiny OPs are devoid of any new ideas, just the same shit recycled every day, WTF??

How about pushing some new democrat policy initiatives?
How about pushing some new democrat policy initiatives?

Well, eternal moron.....THAT would be like rearranging the furniture in your living room while the rest of the house is on FIRE.


(BTW, look up the fucking IRS law yourself and keep on hoping that a judge is just as ignorant of the law as you are......)
1. The dems will never see Trump's IRS tax returns, period. The Law is on Trump's side.
2. The unredacted Mueller report will never be seen because that is the LAW, period.
3. The USSC will always rule in favor of the current LAW.

Nat's whiny OPs are devoid of any new ideas, just the same shit recycled every day, WTF??

How about pushing some new democrat policy initiatives?

Thanks for the thread's bump......You know, like a moth to flame..........there you are....LMAO).
"You seem confused, Mr. Mulvaney.

When the law says the IRS “shall” provide tax returns upon the request of the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, it doesn’t mean:

Unless the President fears it, Tweets about it, Or his lawyer complains about it.

Shall means shall." - Pencil Neck Schiff to Chief Of Staff Marvelous Mick Mulvaney
"You seem confused, Mr. Mulvaney.

When the law says the IRS “shall” provide tax returns upon the request of the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, it doesn’t mean:

Unless the President fears it, Tweets about it, Or his lawyer complains about it.

Shall means shall." - Pencil Neck Schiff to Chief Of Staff Marvelous Mick Mulvaney

Should be a fun time in the courts until this bullshit issue is decided...

Trump's lawyer: Tax returns request oversteps Congress bounds
"....Trump's legal team has argued Congress cannot force the IRS to hand over the tax returns without a legislative reason and that Congress was overstepping its bounds by acting as law enforcement.

On Sunday, Sekulow dismissed any notion the request had any policy value and characterized it as weaponizing the president's personal finances. He also pointed out that several House Democrats have not made public their taxes and that it's illegal for Congress to disclose people's tax returns, including public officials', without their consent."
How about pushing some new democrat policy initiatives?

Well, eternal moron.....THAT would be like rearranging the furniture in your living room while the rest of the house is on FIRE.


(BTW, look up the fucking IRS law yourself and keep on hoping that a judge is just as ignorant of the law as you are......)

You base an OP on speculations? How about something newsworthy or solid, or is that beyond you?
1. The dems will never see Trump's IRS tax returns, period. The Law is on Trump's side.
2. The unredacted Mueller report will never be seen because that is the LAW, period.
3. The USSC will always rule in favor of the current LAW.

Nat's whiny OPs are devoid of any new ideas, just the same shit recycled every day, WTF??

How about pushing some new democrat policy initiatives?

Thanks for the thread's bump......You know, like a moth to flame..........there you are....LMAO).

You can't fix Stupid.....as trumpettes daily prove.
I think Trumpybear should make it a 2020 campaign issue.

Vote for me. I'll keep it secret!
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)

Maybe the democrats should push to abolish the IRS if they don't think the IRS is doing their job...
On Sunday, Sekulow dismissed any notion the request had any policy value and characterized it as weaponizing the president's personal finances. He also pointed out that several House Democrats have not made public their taxes and that it's illegal for Congress to disclose people's tax returns, including public officials', without their consent."

.....and THAT, faithful Trump ass licker, is WHY it will be a judge's decision.......In ALL previous such requested court rulings, the judge found for the plaintiff........Best of luck.....LOL
Speculations abound regarding the Mueller report and Trump's tax returns

MORE LEFTIST SHITHEAD PROPAGANDA. No one gives a flying fuck about Mueller, his report or Trump's taxes. Just goes to show how bankrupt they are going into this election cycle.

VOTE FOR US! WE ARE AFTER TRUMP'S TAX RETURNS! (the implication there of course being that there's actually something there worth seeing, which of course there MUST BE because Donald didn't come running with them when the Dims demanded them turned over.)

TRANSLATION: Democrats: Donald! Please give us more material to rife through trying to find something new for our media to build a "scandal" around for the election! Damned Trump just does not play the fool's fool loser game very well like the regular GOP.

Isn't it a "never ending witch hunt"? Did republicans ever look at Barry Hussein's tax returns? Hell, they never even got a look at his birth certificate.
On Sunday, Sekulow dismissed any notion the request had any policy value and characterized it as weaponizing the president's personal finances. He also pointed out that several House Democrats have not made public their taxes and that it's illegal for Congress to disclose people's tax returns, including public officials', without their consent."

.....and THAT, faithful Trump ass licker, is WHY it will be a judge's decision.......In ALL previous such requested court rulings, the judge found for the plaintiff........Best of luck.....LOL

You must be one of those low IQ dims.
What part of "Trump will never give his tax returns" don't you understand?
Maybe Trump can get one of those "Contempt of Congress" medals like Holder, huh??
No one gives a flying fuck about Mueller, his report or Trump's taxes. Just goes to show how bankrupt they are going into this election cycle.

Want to join me in calling the above moron an ASSHOLE????..................LMAO

Poll: Three-Quarters Want Full Mueller Report Made Public
Poll Finds Overwhelming Majority Of Americans Want Full Mueller ...

Americans want Mueller's report released and approve of his work.
Poll: 84 percent want Mueller report made public | TheHill
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What part of "Trump will never give his tax returns" don't you understand?

Moron......It is NOT up to the orange buffoon......It is up to a court judge to COMPEL the IRS to release those tax returns.....The charlatan has NOTHING to say about it if a judge orders the release based on EXISTING LAW.
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)
For guy who claims to be innocent and has bragged about how he never lies you'd think he would want the world to see just how good a person he is by showing everyone his tax returns and the report from Mueller that he says makes him innocent.

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