Speculations abound regarding the Mueller report and Trump's tax returns

"You seem confused, Mr. Mulvaney.

When the law says the IRS “shall” provide tax returns upon the request of the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, it doesn’t mean:

Unless the President fears it, Tweets about it, Or his lawyer complains about it.

Shall means shall." - Pencil Neck Schiff to Chief Of Staff Marvelous Mick Mulvaney
Read the 4th Amendment, numskull:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

What's the probably cause?
Most have moved on since there never was collusion, obstruction. Lib media is still deeply distraught and must make up more lies and move goal posta around to keep their psychotic rabid viewers appeased.
Trump......having promised to release his tax returns during the campaign.....CLEARLY lied to the simple minded who voted for him........So, unless you joined the mindless Trump CULT.......others will wonder WHY the orange buffoon not only LIES but has chosen to keep even his base from learning who the fucker really is...where he gets his money and how much is he milking the tax payers ........tax returns for 2017 and 2018 will shed some light on his "emolument" scamming.

Can you picture the political ads during the upcoming campaign???

These dumb SOBs really relieved trump when he said he was going to release his income tax returns and then they beleived him when he said he was under audit.....then they believed him when he said he had not business or plans to do business in Russia.

trump sits in his orange office and laughs at these stupid SOBs that believed all the lies he handed them in the campaign and in his months in office. He comments to Ivanka, before he sacks her, "These have to be the stupidest people in the world! But they keep voting for me!"
its in his orange office and laughs at these stupid SOBs that believed all the lies he handed them in the campaign and in his months in office. He comments to Ivanka, before he sacks her, "These have to be the stupidest people in the world! But they keep voting for me!"

If you want to know WHY??????

On Sunday, Sekulow dismissed any notion the request had any policy value and characterized it as weaponizing the president's personal finances. He also pointed out that several House Democrats have not made public their taxes and that it's illegal for Congress to disclose people's tax returns, including public officials', without their consent."

.....and THAT, faithful Trump ass licker, is WHY it will be a judge's decision.......In ALL previous such requested court rulings, the judge found for the plaintiff........Best of luck.....LOL
He is right, look up the law
What part of "Trump will never give his tax returns" don't you understand?

Moron......It is NOT up to the orange buffoon......It is up to a court judge to COMPEL the IRS to release those tax returns.....The charlatan has NOTHING to say about it if a judge orders the release based on EXISTING LAW.
Partially correct. Congress can request them, but they cannot publish, or release them without trumps consent
Doesn't this stuff ever get old?
You know this is the most important issue of the day. It's just the left and right's way of keeping the public's mind focusing on this rather than see what they are trying to cover up.
You'd think this daily cat-fighting, rumor-mongering and "we've got him/her this time" stuff would get boring after a while. They just keep going and going and going. Full speed, all the time.

I get the partisan needling and insults but that was passed up long ago. The Rule of Law be damned, making laws on the fly, leaking info, misinformation, it is all over a line, just wrong on many levels.
You really think that the USSC will compel Trump to release his tax returns?

Well, YES......except for the THREE STOOGES.....Thomas, Gor-SUCKS and Kavanaugh the perv.
USSC cannot compel someone to give up their privacy.

Also, this whole drive for trumps taxes also constitute unreasonable search and seizure. What they are attempting to do violates several laws.
USSC cannot compel someone to give up their privacy.

Also, this whole drive for trumps taxes also constitute unreasonable search and seizure. What they are attempting to do violates several laws.

Naaaaahhhh.....Look up what happened during the Teapot Dome Scandal....which prompted the IRS Code 6103(f).
Has Trump been indicted?

Ask a grown up.......Do you indict BEFORE an investigation or do you indict AFTER an investigation.....

Walk around your block and find someone to ask...you know, someone with a 5th grade education or a bit more.....
Since an indictment is simply a formal accusation, the indictment comes before the investigation.
Since an indictment is simply a formal accusation, the indictment comes before the investigation.

Don't flaunt your ignorance......An INDICTMENT follows a grand jury INVESTIGATION.......ergo, which comes first?
USSC cannot compel someone to give up their privacy.

Also, this whole drive for trumps taxes also constitute unreasonable search and seizure. What they are attempting to do violates several laws.

Naaaaahhhh.....Look up what happened during the Teapot Dome Scandal....which prompted the IRS Code 6103(f).
While I dont know much about teapot dome, what I have read indicates there was evidence to warrant an investigation. What is happening now is they are wanting to look at someone's personal records to see if they can find something to investigate.

Also, 6103 was enacted in 1976, and protects people from congressional release of tax information, unless consent is given.
Since an indictment is simply a formal accusation, the indictment comes before the investigation.

Don't flaunt your ignorance......An INDICTMENT follows a grand jury INVESTIGATION.......ergo, which comes first?
You are correct, however, it still is in the law that you must have a reason to investigate. In other words, there has to be something there to warrant the investigation.

They cant simply investigate hoping to find criminal activity.
What part of "Trump will never give his tax returns" don't you understand?

Moron......It is NOT up to the orange buffoon......It is up to a court judge to COMPEL the IRS to release those tax returns.....The charlatan has NOTHING to say about it if a judge orders the release based on EXISTING LAW.

The odds of Democrats getting their hands on Trump's tax returns are slim to none. The law requires that the congress has a valid legislative reason to get the returns, and they don't. Anyone with a positive IQ knows why the Democrats want the tax returns, and it has nothing to do with a valid legislative agenda.
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)

Well, if speculations abound....
Can we call trump the Nixon of the 21st century?....except Nixon was smart.....
What is Barr hiding?

We need the Mueller Report released.

What is Trump hiding in his taxes?

We need them released to Congress.

Trump sure is hiding a LOT huh?

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