Speculations abound regarding the Mueller report and Trump's tax returns

The campaign ads against Trump will be fun to watch.

Yeah, they're going to be a 'hoot'... :p

Ok, it's true:

- Our running Hillary was a disaster
- Our Coup attempt against Trump failed
- Mueller failed to establish evidence to Impeach the President
- We wasted 3+ years and millions of tax payer dollars
- Trump had the best economic and employment success in decades
- We could not pass a basic Anti-Semitism bill
- We have embraced anti-Semitism
- We are trying to make it legal to kill newborn babies
- We are trying to make it legal for illegals to vote
- We want to jack up your taxes and return to Obama-era failed economic policies
- We want to force single-payer 1-size-fits-all Medicare-4-All and make having any other plan illegal
- We want to make eating meat illegal
- We want to upgrade/rebuild every building in America
- We want to abandon fossil fuel and nuclear energy usage
- We want to outlaw the internal combustion engine, putting millions of Americans out of work
- We want to make green high speed trains that end air travel
- We plan on doing this using NON-existing technology
- This will cost more money that exists physically on the planet and will turn us into Venezuela
- We want to force all Americans to join a union
- We want to control content of Fox News and any other conservative media we can not simply destroy
- We want to make Civility towards Conservatives illegal and promote violent intolerance to anyone who opposes our agenda
- We want to abolish ICE ... and the 'Blue Klux Klan' in Chicago

....but the 'Orange Man' is BAD!

We've seen this movie before, in 2016, Trump can't win, the MSM, the FBI and DOJ, and the never-Trumpers will give the dems a landslide:

OOOoooops, did you forget how the 2018 midterms went a bit away from the orange buffoons' policies ???

It hasn't dawned to the Trump ass kissers how a vast majority of sane Americans have had enough of the clown....LOL

(Like an aging movie star, Trump and his cult STILL bring up the "old days")
We've seen this movie before, in 2016, Trump can't win, the MSM, the FBI and DOJ, and the never-Trumpers will give the dems a landslide:

OOOoooops, did you forget how the 2018 midterms went a bit away from the orange buffoons' policies ???

It hasn't dawned to the Trump ass kissers how a vast majority of sane Americans have had enough of the clown....LOL

(Like an aging movie star, Trump and his cult STILL bring up the "old days")

Still hasn't dawned on you that 2020 is going to be a runaway for Trump has it idiot? See, in a national election with all eyes on you morons after the illegal "ballot harvesting" and blatant vote fraud committed by Dems in 2018, ou have no chance. Never mind that your field is full of morons. The economy keeps rolling along, record low unemployment, Trump's support among lacks and Hispanics has more than doubled, leaving you NO path to victory other than trying to cheat again. Though watching you cry for another 6 years may be morbidly entertaining.
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)

Maybe the democrats should push to abolish the IRS if they don't think the IRS is doing their job...

Why would the Democrats want to abolish the IRS when they managed to do something with the IRS that Richard Nixon attempted to do and failed...namely...using the IRS to target their political enemies!

There's hardly anything the Dems don't want to tinker with to give them strategic advantage.. Packing the SupCt. Getting rid of Electoral college, making Puerto Rico, Guam, and DC states...

They not only LOVE to use the IRS to abuse conservative orgs, but they've progressed to making the FBI and Intel Agencies part of their team.. At least the high level political appointees.. Aint a thing THEY LIKE about America.. Kinda like Beverly Hillbillies remodeling their Hollywood Mansion to look more like their old shack..
In all honesty, my dear Trump ass kissers, I actually hope that Trump vehemently REFUSES to expose his tax returns.....

NOTHING would be more damaging to this wanna-be dictators and his cult members than to have all other voters outside of his cult hear over and over and over again that

a. Trump LIED when he said he would release his returns

b. Trump bullshitted everyone when he stated that he would have transparency in his administration

c. Trump has a LOT to hide and that his returns would clearly expose his lies, corruption and possible fraud.

The campaign ads against Trump will be fun to watch.

Trump hasn't lied about releasing his returns. He always qualified it by adding when they are not under audit or IRS review.. You asshats don't realize that a Trump tax return is 1/2 an 18 wheeler load. If that's ALL Democrats plan on doing as a HIGHEST priority for the next 2 years, your party is pretty much doomed.. It's rotting from inside also if you haven't noticed.

You MIGHT want to get YOUR party healthier and FOCUSED ON THE PEOPLE"S WORK -- if you want to win any more elections...
Most have moved on since there never was collusion, obstruction. Lib media is still deeply distraught and must make up more lies and move goal posta around to keep their psychotic rabid viewers appeased.

Also to try and gloss over that they've been lying nonstop for 2 1/2 years.

That's a damn shame.

The media got caught with their pants down and they know their credibility is shot. Somehow, that doesn't seem to even slow some of them down.
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An appeal to our most liberal users/abusers:

Please dial back the fevered hatred for an hour or so. Excessive heat is not good for computers and you really don't want to have people's various tablets catching fire on their laps. Who knows - the next victim might be a fellow panty-waist liberal.
Liberals I'm going to regret this but I'm going to give you a piece of advice that you should heed if you want to win in 2020:

Run on something other than hating Trump.
You MIGHT want to get YOUR party healthier and FOCUSED ON THE PEOPLE"S WORK -- if you want to win any more elections...

Sure.......Lets get democrats to tell coal miners and typewriter manufacturers that their jobs are ALL coming back....LOL
You MIGHT want to get YOUR party healthier and FOCUSED ON THE PEOPLE"S WORK -- if you want to win any more elections...

Sure.......Lets get democrats to tell coal miners and typewriter manufacturers that their jobs are ALL coming back....LOL

You really have no idea what Congress is there for -- do you? Think this is all a WWF match-up... Probably because your PARTY and media has "governing" as such a low priority.. That doesn't play well at election time. And even the reality impaired conspiracy left should probably figure this out sooner -- rather than never...
Liberals I'm going to regret this but I'm going to give you a piece of advice that you should heed if you want to win in 2020:

Run on something other than hating Trump.

True......to some extent.......But you must cut out the cancer of xenophobia, cronyism, racism, demagoguery, corruption, perpetual lies, and despotic policies (like Trump saying we have bad judges who follow bad laws when they disagree with the clown)........before you worry about the face lift.
You really have no idea what Congress is there for -- do you?[/SIZE][/B]

Well, YES I do.......

A major Constitutional check on the executive branch in Washington, D.C. is congressional oversight: the power to investigate and oversee the executive branch, usually carried out by congressional committees. .
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)

Whats next willl you demand a investigation into how much he farts or the chemical content of his turds.
You could investigate. His sex life again and his kids again do his taxes for the last 50 years and now yoir wanting to investigate the investigators and their boss.
I mean seriouly pull your head out of your own ass
Whats next willl you demand a investigation into how much he farts or the chemical content of his turds.
You could investigate. His sex life again and his kids again do his taxes for the last 50 years and now yoir wanting to investigate the investigators and their boss.
I mean seriouly pull your head out of your own ass

What a waste of space and air.............but you must hear that a lot.....
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)

Whats next willl you demand a investigation into how much he farts or the chemical content of his turds.
You could investigate. His sex life again and his kids again do his taxes for the last 50 years and now yoir wanting to investigate the investigators and their boss.
I mean seriouly pull your head out of your own ass
Talk about being butt hurt this morons in bad shape
You really have no idea what Congress is there for -- do you?[/SIZE][/B]

Well, YES I do.......

A major Constitutional check on the executive branch in Washington, D.C. is congressional oversight: the power to investigate and oversee the executive branch, usually carried out by congressional committees. .
Congress is a check on the Administration. It's not a check on Trump personally. He has the same rights as every other American, which means the government needs evidence of a crime (probably cause) and a warrant from a judge before it can go rifling through his personal papers.
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Congress is a check on the Administration. It's not a check on Trump personally. He has the same rights as every other American, which means the government needs evidence of a crime (probably cause) and a warrant from a judge before it can go rifling through his personal papers.

So, a fuckhead.....like you......can actually SEPARATE Trump personally from the Trump administration???

Asking and DEMANDING Obama's birth certificate was simply on attack on his administration?

(Go change your stinky diaper.....lol)
Congress is a check on the Administration. It's not a check on Trump personally. He has the same rights as every other American, which means the government needs evidence of a crime (probably cause) and a warrant from a judge before it can go rifling through his personal papers.

So, a fuckhead.....like you......can actually SEPARATE Trump personally from the Trump administration???

Asking and DEMANDING Obama's birth certificate was simply on attack on his administration?

(Go change your stinky diaper.....lol)
When did Congress demand Obama's birth certificate?

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