Speculations abound regarding the Mueller report and Trump's tax returns

You really have no idea what Congress is there for -- do you?[/SIZE][/B]

Well, YES I do.......

A major Constitutional check on the executive branch in Washington, D.C. is congressional oversight: the power to investigate and oversee the executive branch, usually carried out by congressional committees. .

Those are investigations of AGENCY actions or Exec Orders -- NOT meant to be used as never ending presidential PERSONAL harassment and Witchhunts.. So you failed badly here because you quoted stuff you DID NOT UNDERSTAND..

But WORSE -- you missed the FUNCTIONAL ROLE of what Congress is SUPPOSED to doing and FIXING... Your tribe isn't interested in the people's business at all. They are OBSESSED with losing an election and they want revenge.. NOTHING vital to interests of the nation and the voters is getting done BECAUSE your tribe is on the warpath..

And the ONLY things they interested in changing are the electoral college, statehood for DC.. Expanding the sup ct and big ass socialist programs for the Congress to ABUSE AND MISMANAGE...

ALL those things are for the benefit of the DEM party GRABBING POWER... NOT the nation or it's people...
Whats next willl you demand a investigation into how much he farts or the chemical content of his turds.
You could investigate. His sex life again and his kids again do his taxes for the last 50 years and now yoir wanting to investigate the investigators and their boss.
I mean seriouly pull your head out of your own ass

What a waste of space and air.............but you must hear that a lot.....
Only when people talk about delusional conspiracy theorists like you

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