Speculations abound regarding the Mueller report and Trump's tax returns

The odds of Democrats getting their hands on Trump's tax returns are slim to none. The law requires that the congress has a valid legislative reason to get the returns, and they don't. Anyone with a positive IQ knows why the Democrats want the tax returns, and it has nothing to do with a valid legislative agenda.

When you make a campaign promise (I will release my tax returns) and THEN refuse to fulfill that promise, that makes you exactly WHAT????

(The orange clown cannot blame congress for breaking his promise.)
USSC cannot compel someone to give up their privacy.

Also, this whole drive for trumps taxes also constitute unreasonable search and seizure. What they are attempting to do violates several laws.

Naaaaahhhh.....Look up what happened during the Teapot Dome Scandal....which prompted the IRS Code 6103(f).
The House effectively delegates its oversight responsibilities to its committees which can issue subpoenasfor documents or testimony from the executive branch. In the matter of tax returns, the law could not be more clear (see Code sec. 6103(f)): Upon written request by either the Chairman of either the Ways and Means Committee or the Senate Finance Committee, the Treasury Secretary “shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.” The Committee may share these tax returns and related information with the full House, assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so.

Congress gave itself the right to review any return or return information in 1924, in the aftermath of two controversies. One was the Teapot Dome scandal, where senior officials in the Harding Administration granted public oil field leases in exchange for bribes. The other involved allegations that Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon continued to own many business interests while serving in government. Some believed the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the precursor to the IRS, showed favoritism to the secretary and his businesses.
The odds of Democrats getting their hands on Trump's tax returns are slim to none. The law requires that the congress has a valid legislative reason to get the returns, and they don't. Anyone with a positive IQ knows why the Democrats want the tax returns, and it has nothing to do with a valid legislative agenda.

When you make a campaign promise (I will release my tax returns) and THEN refuse to fulfill that promise, that makes you exactly WHAT????

(The orange clown cannot blame congress for breaking his promise.)
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

What does that make you?
Since an indictment is simply a formal accusation, the indictment comes before the investigation.

Don't flaunt your ignorance......An INDICTMENT follows a grand jury INVESTIGATION.......ergo, which comes first?
You are correct, however, it still is in the law that you must have a reason to investigate. In other words, there has to be something there to warrant the investigation.

They cant simply investigate hoping to find criminal activity.
Dims believe simply being a Republican is sufficient justification.
What is Barr hiding?

We need the Mueller Report released.

What is Trump hiding in his taxes?

We need them released to Congress.

Trump sure is hiding a LOT huh?
You want it released. You don't need it except in the sense that a heroin addict needs a fix.
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Hey little fuckhead....was the above a CAMPAIGN PROMISE???...................yes or no?

Compare Obama's mistake to:




Go change your draper and go to bed....moron.........LMAO
to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear

Yup... The LAWS ARE crystal clear.. Special counsel reports are a product to ONE end customer in the Fed govt -- that would be the heads of DOJ... Grand juries, intel reports and INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE TO BE PROTECTED... EVEN --- from Congress.

And tax returns from a president who's BEEN in office for over 2 years is NOT CONGRESSIONAL oversight, it's harassment and overreach.. The Exec branch does not OVERSEE the Sup CT or Congress. And neither of two can explore any crimes by a President BEFORE he took office unless there is grounds for impeachment already discovered WHILE IN office...

Glad you realize the laws are crystal clear... Most everywhere but in YOUR head and on CNN and MSNBC.... Sucks to be you....
And tax returns from a president who's BEEN in office for over 2 years is NOT CONGRESSIONAL oversight, it's harassme

Do, dimwits.....like you....."think" that during the previous 2 years those weak-spined and self-serving republicans in congress would have had the balls to challenge the orange charlatan???

In the upcoming 2 years, you'll soon get a painful education of how the mighty Nixon....after a powerful win in 1972.....was brought down to eternal INFAMY.
And tax returns from a president who's BEEN in office for over 2 years is NOT CONGRESSIONAL oversight, it's harassme

Do, dimwits.....like you....."think" that during the previous 2 years those weak-spined and self-serving republicans in congress would have had the balls to challenge the orange charlatan???

In the upcoming 2 years, you'll soon get a painful education of how the mighty Nixon....after a powerful win in 1972.....was brought down to eternal INFAMY.

:laughing0301: See? You don't EVEN CARE about the legality and neither do the asswits you listen to in the media. YOU just want revenge...

I'm GONNA GET a painful education in the next 2 years? Ain't happening... If you were me, you'd be smart enough to wait til after 2020 shapes up to make those dictatorial edicts of yours.. I think you're probably gonna get tired of eating just crow....
USSC cannot compel someone to give up their privacy.

Also, this whole drive for trumps taxes also constitute unreasonable search and seizure. What they are attempting to do violates several laws.

Naaaaahhhh.....Look up what happened during the Teapot Dome Scandal....which prompted the IRS Code 6103(f).
The House effectively delegates its oversight responsibilities to its committees which can issue subpoenasfor documents or testimony from the executive branch. In the matter of tax returns, the law could not be more clear (see Code sec. 6103(f)): Upon written request by either the Chairman of either the Ways and Means Committee or the Senate Finance Committee, the Treasury Secretary “shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request.” The Committee may share these tax returns and related information with the full House, assuming there is a legitimate purpose for doing so.

Congress gave itself the right to review any return or return information in 1924, in the aftermath of two controversies. One was the Teapot Dome scandal, where senior officials in the Harding Administration granted public oil field leases in exchange for bribes. The other involved allegations that Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon continued to own many business interests while serving in government. Some believed the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the precursor to the IRS, showed favoritism to the secretary and his businesses.

You've been lied to and misled by your media insurgents for about 3 years now.. They've made complete fools of your asses and you're STILL sucking up their shit and asking for more...

You missed this part -- because YOU DID NOT READ the section you quoted....

(f)Disclosure to Committees of Congress
Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless suchtaxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

THIS DOES NOT APPLY to the President or any of the Supreme Ct NOR chief officers of the Executive branch. And the moron twits leading this Inquisition in Congress would have their ASSES INDICTED if any slight details of those tax documents were to leak to the press or public or others in CONGRESS outside of that committee.. Man -- I'd like to see that happen...
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)

Have you all seen the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray and the lovely Andre McDowell? Well Nate4900 is Ned Ryerson and every damn day he tries to sell us all another life insurance policy wrapped up like Russian Collusion.

For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)

Maybe the democrats should push to abolish the IRS if they don't think the IRS is doing their job...

Why would the Democrats want to abolish the IRS when they managed to do something with the IRS that Richard Nixon attempted to do and failed...namely...using the IRS to target their political enemies!
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Hey little fuckhead....was the above a CAMPAIGN PROMISE???...................yes or no?

Compare Obama's mistake to:




Go change your draper and go to bed....moron.........LMAO
It wasn't a "mistake." It was a flat out lie.
What part of "Trump will never give his tax returns" don't you understand?

Moron......It is NOT up to the orange buffoon......It is up to a court judge to COMPEL the IRS to release those tax returns.....The charlatan has NOTHING to say about it if a judge orders the release based on EXISTING LAW.

There is no existing law that a POTUS must release his tax returns. Therefore the IRS does not have to respond and a court fight will go all the
way to the SCOTUS.

In addition...The House only has oversight of constitutional laws being applied properly/legally. The House is over reaching on that one and SCOTUS will
strike down their request. ALSO, the only other exception is in the event that a law has been broken. The Mueller report found that there was no
crime committed.
In all honesty, my dear Trump ass kissers, I actually hope that Trump vehemently REFUSES to expose his tax returns.....

NOTHING would be more damaging to this wanna-be dictators and his cult members than to have all other voters outside of his cult hear over and over and over again that

a. Trump LIED when he said he would release his returns

b. Trump bullshitted everyone when he stated that he would have transparency in his administration

c. Trump has a LOT to hide and that his returns would clearly expose his lies, corruption and possible fraud.

The campaign ads against Trump will be fun to watch.
We've seen this movie before, in 2016, Trump can't win, the MSM, the FBI and DOJ, and the never-Trumpers will give the dems a landslide:

"Speculations abound regarding the Mueller report and Trump's tax returns'

'Speculations'? No.....

False Narratives
False Accusations

...but NO 'Speculation'.

Mueller's comment in Barr's report made it clear:

--- "Russian Collusion Could NOT Be Established'

A Prosecutor's / Special Counsel's Job is (or at least Mueller's was) to ESTABLISH GUILT.

After 3 years, 2 investigations, and 1 exposed coup attempt (+1 exposed collaboration to protect Hillary from indictment for proven crimes ANF over half a million fake news articles about non-existent collusion'), Mueller FAILED to substantiate the claims made against the President, he FAILED to establish collusion, he FAILED to prove guilt.

Americans are 'Innocent until proven guilty' and the absence of proof of guilt = INNOCENT!

Mueller, the Obama administration co-conspiratorial failed coup traitors, Democrats, snowflakes FAILED to affect the President's removal from office...and it is a sore bitter pill to swallow.
In all honesty, my dear Trump ass kissers, I actually hope that Trump vehemently REFUSES to expose his tax returns.....

NOTHING would be more damaging to this wanna-be dictators and his cult members than to have all other voters outside of his cult hear over and over and over again that

a. Trump LIED when he said he would release his returns

b. Trump bullshitted everyone when he stated that he would have transparency in his administration

c. Trump has a LOT to hide and that his returns would clearly expose his lies, corruption and possible fraud.

The campaign ads against Trump will be fun to watch.
:CryingCow: :abgg2q.jpg:

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