Speculations abound regarding the Mueller report and Trump's tax returns

No one gives a flying fuck about Mueller, his report or Trump's taxes. Just goes to show how bankrupt they are going into this election cycle.

Want to join me in calling the above moron an ASSHOLE????..................LMAO

Poll: Three-Quarters Want Full Mueller Report Made Public
Poll Finds Overwhelming Majority Of Americans Want Full Mueller ...

Americans want Mueller's report released and approve of his work.
Poll: 84 percent want Mueller report made public | TheHill


Call me what you want. I'd still fall right through the boards into your gaping orifice as you present the above propaganda from the very forces out hoping to try to stop Trump! I'm surprised that npr and CNN polls didn't conclude that 124% of respondents want these reports! No one IN THE REAL WORLD gives a flying crap about any of your hair-brained desperate straw grabbing.

NEWS FLASH for you, idiot: We already GOT the Mueller report. It cleared Trump of everything. And you already tried STEALING one of his tax returns, and it ended up showing he MORE than paid his fair taxes! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You clueless dumb bastards are a scream!

Better start working on a reason why we should vote democrat than just trying to make Trump look bad! I mean, in your own admission, the guy does stuff EVERY DAY that makes him look bad to you and would kill most political careers, yet he's STRONGER NOW THAN EVER.

Whatcha gonna do, toadbrain, when Trumpamania runs rampant all over you (again in 2020?)!

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"You seem confused, Mr. Mulvaney.

When the law says the IRS “shall” provide tax returns upon the request of the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, it doesn’t mean:

Unless the President fears it, Tweets about it, Or his lawyer complains about it.

Shall means shall." - Pencil Neck Schiff to Chief Of Staff Marvelous Mick Mulvaney

Quote the rest of the law. Go ahead. Don't just take a snippet from it.

I know for a fact that the law deals with people under criminal suspicion of law-breaking, not a fishing expedition. Not investigating without a crime to investigate.

Has Trump been indicted?

The scum in Congress aren't gonna see his Tax returns. Period. It just ain't gonna happen.

Take a pill or whatever you have to do but it just ain't gonna happen.
What part of "Trump will never give his tax returns" don't you understand?

Moron......It is NOT up to the orange buffoon......It is up to a court judge to COMPEL the IRS to release those tax returns.....The charlatan has NOTHING to say about it if a judge orders the release based on EXISTING LAW.

You really think that the USSC will compel Trump to release his tax returns? I'll take that bet.
You'll be making these whiny threads for many years to come. Don't get bored....
For guy who claims to be innocent and has bragged about how he never lies you'd think he would want the world to see just how good a person he is by showing everyone his tax returns and the report from Mueller that he says makes him innocent.

However, Trump (bless his orange heart) is giving democrats a GREAT GIFT..........

Every democrat in the primary will keep repeating at every speech, at every political ad and at every interview...


Gotta love it
Trump turns over his taxes, Congress is not allowed to disclose what is in the taxes for obvious privacy reasons. That said, I am sure that the Democrats will find way to illegally “leak” information.
For guy who claims to be innocent and has bragged about how he never lies you'd think he would want the world to see just how good a person he is by showing everyone his tax returns and the report from Mueller that he says makes him innocent.

However, Trump (bless his orange heart) is giving democrats a GREAT GIFT..........

Yeah, he has another big "gift" comin' right for you, just like in 2020. :auiqs.jpg:


The toadie still going on with his hard left source fake news propaganda! :auiqs.jpg:

Try it this way pin-brain, 2016 proved your polls don't mean shit and worse, IT DOESN'T MATTER what people want! You:
  1. Already GOT the Mueller report. All you're entitled to.
  2. Your not entitled to his tax returns at all.
You idiots are like whining babies who when you lose a board game want to change the rules more in your favor.

You asses even want to change the nations founder's election laws so that the fix will be permanently in for you! :lmao:

You jerks just never get tired of riding court with MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT, do you?
You really think that the USSC will compel Trump to release his tax returns?

Well, YES......except for the THREE STOOGES.....Thomas, Gor-SUCKS and Kavanaugh the perv.
You jerks just never get tired of riding court with MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT, do you?

Lest you're tired of calling this moron an ASSHOLE.....Here's another great opportunity....LOL

Trump is losing so much in court that allies are getting tired of it -


Why are all your "sources" hard left wing anti-Trump hate groups? Don't any good news sources print the news? You've said 27,000 times how Trump is failing, falling apart, about to have his world handed to him, and a week later, a month later, a YEAR later, you still ain't got NOTHING.

trumo express.jpg
Has Trump been indicted?

Ask a grown up.......Do you indict BEFORE an investigation or do you indict AFTER an investigation.....

Walk around your block and find someone to ask...you know, someone with a 5th grade education or a bit more.....
Trump......having promised to release his tax returns during the campaign.....CLEARLY lied to the simple minded who voted for him........So, unless you joined the mindless Trump CULT.......others will wonder WHY the orange buffoon not only LIES but has chosen to keep even his base from learning who the fucker really is...where he gets his money and how much is he milking the tax payers ........tax returns for 2017 and 2018 will shed some light on his "emolument" scamming.

Can you picture the political ads during the upcoming campaign???
Add Alito and Roberts, and that as they say is that...

In other words even those TWO are no longer "judges" but Trump STOOGES????..............Naughty, naughty LMAO
1. The dems will never see Trump's IRS tax returns, period. The Law is on Trump's side.
2. The unredacted Mueller report will never be seen because that is the LAW, period.
3. The USSC will always rule in favor of the current LAW.

Nat's whiny OPs are devoid of any new ideas, just the same shit recycled every day, WTF??

How about pushing some new democrat policy initiatives?

Only a small minority has unfounded speculations.
But they don't have the power, and most importantly, the law on their side.
For SOME members of congress to review the UNREDACTED Mueller report and for a review of Trump's tax returns, the laws and precedents are crystal clear.......Congress WILL eventually have access to both issues AFTER a court of jurisdiction has the opportunity to rule on the access.

However, for both the above issues, it is speculated that given the partisan loyalty by both the current DOJ and Treasury departments, it will take about a YEAR for a court to issue a ruling.

Now, the gambit for Trump and his acolytes boils down to STALL as long as possible while perpetually making the claim that it;s all a never-ending "witch hunt."

But another way of looking at this from the democrats' side during the upcoming campaign for the WH, will be the inevitable mantra......"WHAT IS TRUMP HIDING???"

So, it will be a highly and ultra-partisan issue as to how voters will look at the need for transparency or the need for Trump's "privacy" concerns as the argument lingers in the public discourse over the next year and a half of campaigning.

(Bear in mind that in the background, there will ALSO be the investigations and possible indictments by the SDNY, the Ag of NYS, grand juries in D.C. and Virginia, etc.)

It’s nice to see that going into the election all the Dems have are recycling all the debunked Fake News stories of the last two years: “Collusion”, tax returns, and 25th Amendment fantasies.
Doesn't this stuff ever get old?
You know this is the most important issue of the day. It's just the left and right's way of keeping the public's mind focusing on this rather than see what they are trying to cover up.
You'd think this daily cat-fighting, rumor-mongering and "we've got him/her this time" stuff would get boring after a while. They just keep going and going and going. Full speed, all the time.
What part of "Trump will never give his tax returns" don't you understand?

Moron......It is NOT up to the orange buffoon......It is up to a court judge to COMPEL the IRS to release those tax returns.....The charlatan has NOTHING to say about it if a judge orders the release based on EXISTING LAW.

Wrong again asshole. Tax documents were legally found to be PERSONAL documents decades ago. Meaning idiots like you and Schitt for brains have ZERO right to them. You have NO legal basis to seek them out, and NO hope of ever getting them. Notice also Natalie's lack of outage that Sanders, Beta, and every other Dem in the race has yet to release ANY of their returns. Cry us a river you hypocrite.

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