spending $10 Million on MLK day

And stupid shits like you bought every word out of Obama's mouth no questions ask. Nothing is funnier than those who accuse other's of doing exactly what they have done.

yeah, thats why I didnt vote for him - you dumbass
Yeah making a claim that can't be verified is really easy shit for brains.

I'll bet you 10K .. then show you my voting record in a court of law, when you lose you pay all costs

ready asshat ?
Presidential ballots are secret dumbass your name is not on them.

Open Records Policy
Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to access government records; and an officer for public information and the officer’s agent may not ask why you want them. All government information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought.

Rights of Requestors
You have the right to:

  • Prompt access to information that is not confidential or otherwise protected;
  • Receive treatment equal to all other requestors, including accommodation in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements;
  • Receive certain kinds of information without exceptions, like the voting record of public officials, and other information;
  • Receive a written statement of estimated charges, when charges will exceed $40, in advance of work being started and opportunity to modify the request in response to the itemized statement;
  • Choose whether to inspect the requested information (most often at no charge), receive copies of the information or both;
  • A waiver or reduction of charges if the governmental body determines that access to the information primarily benefits the general public;
  • Receive a copy of the communication from the governmental body asking the Office of the Attorney General for a ruling on whether the information can be withheld under one of the accepted exceptions, or if the communication discloses the requested information, a redacted copy;
  • Lodge a written complaint about overcharges for public information with the Office of the Attorney General. Complaints of other possible violations may be filed with the county or district attorney of the county where the governmental body, other than a state agency, is located. If the complaint is against the county or district attorney, the complaint must be filed with the Office of the Attorney General.
Responsibilities of Governmental Bodies
None of that changes the fact that no personal information about a voter is on the ballot that one's vote is cast on.
I’ve recently been reading some of Dr. King’s speeches for inspiration, and really to remind myself that part of what makes us great as a country is the people who fight for the best of who we are.
The word is "relegated" not "regulated" you whiny and semi-literate twat.

Oh great, now the jealousy is driving you to be the grammar police. Sucks to be you.

Because Trump gets to play golf in a far better course which he owns

Just becase he owns it does not do a thing to change the cost of the trip, a cost that the American taxpayer is paying.

than some poor bastard who has "barely made the top 10% richest in America" and ceaselessly whines about it (even if we were to believe you)

You are the one that is been up my ass for days just because I make more money than you. Get over, get off your fat ass and do something about your situation.

, and you can only play minature golf on some seedy seaside resort, is not reason to begrudge those far more successful than yourself their pleasures.

The word is "miniature", if you going to be a grammar nazi, you better get your own house in order you dumb fuck

It is not easy to be a failure in life, I get that.

Yet you have done it so well. At least you worked hard at being a failure, I suppose that is something.

why would you begrudge working people keeping more of their money rahter than giving it to the government?

WTF is wrong with you?

It is spelled "rather", dumb fuck.

I do not begrudge anyone keeping their money, but what I do begrudge is the government spending my childrens and grandchildrens money so that the fucking POTUS can fly to Florida for a round of golf.

Why do you not care about the future of this country? Why is all that matters in the whole fucking world to you is that you get 40 extra bucks a week? Is money all that fucking matters to you?
A question for the Trump zealots. Tom Price had to resign for using spending taxpayer money for his personal travels.

How is that any different than the POTUS flying to Florida for the day to golf?

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