Spider Man Stan Lee Swears Hillary Clinton Lied to FEC (Lee admits to felony)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Something for the NEXT Republican president to have his AG investigate FULLY.....

Start at about the 4 minute mark. Stan Lee admits to laundering a 100K check to Hillary's campaign. He swore under oath that he gave no money, yet Hillary lied about that in four false FEC reports, the last of which was after she was given a conciliation and immunity agreement and agreed to file an accurate report. She had him as her largest donor, rather than the 1.2 mil given by Peter Paul and his companies. That 1.2 number was what the FBI presented in court during the criminal trial of David Rosen, Hillary's sacrificial campaign finance director. I...

This is the stink that follows that demon duo of Clintons.... They just can't keep themselves from doing whatever it takes to achieve power and control. That's really what Clinton Foundation is. Billy Jeff realized how ineffective and incompetent the Govt is that he managed -- so he's out creating his own "shadow govt" in his image. It's got a State Dept and a Commerce Dept and an Energy Dept... It's all there. He's been playing Prez for about 12 years now.

Wants to do it from the WhiteHouse again...

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