Spike Protein's mRNA Jabs "ARE" Carcinogens


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024
Carcinogen - a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.

Then there are the bloody “spike protein” stabs that 270 million Americans rushed out to get the second they became available, though not one single clinical study proved them safe or effective. That’s because they are the polar opposite, as they are ineffective and dangerous. In fact, Dr. Charles Hoffe, a British Columbian medical doctor, ran PET/CT scans on cancer patients who had received thePfizer mRNA booster shot just eight days prior, and what he found will blow your mind.

Dr. Hoffe discovered the rapid progression of T-cell lymphoma, a dramatic increase of gastrointestinal lesions, and a turbo-effect of spreading of cells in the lymph nodes under the arms near the armpits. Also known as turbo-cancer, the cause is spike proteins clinging to the inner walls of blood vessels, depositing in vital organs and coming together to form strange rubbery white clots throughout the human body and brain.

In other words, spike proteins from mRNA jabs are carcinogens that literally feed cancer, propelling it to multiply exponentially to invade the rest of the body. Meanwhile, spike protein turn OFF genes that fight cancer, so the injected people are burning the candle at both ends.

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Carcinogen - a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.

Then there are the bloody “spike protein” stabs that 270 million Americans rushed out to get the second they became available, though not one single clinical study proved them safe or effective. That’s because they are the polar opposite, as they are ineffective and dangerous. In fact, Dr. Charles Hoffe, a British Columbian medical doctor, ran PET/CT scans on cancer patients who had received the Pfizer mRNA booster shot just eight days prior, and what he found will blow your mind.

Dr. Hoffe discovered the rapid progression of T-cell lymphoma, a dramatic increase of gastrointestinal lesions, and a turbo-effect of spreading of cells in the lymph nodes under the arms near the armpits. Also known as turbo-cancer, the cause is spike proteins clinging to the inner walls of blood vessels, depositing in vital organs and coming together to form strange, fibrous, rubbery white clots throughout the human body and brain.

In other words, spike proteins from mRNA jabs are carcinogens that literally feed cancer, propelling it to multiply exponentially to invade the rest of the body. Meanwhile, spike protein turn OFF genes that fight cancer, so the injected people are burning the candle at both ends.

That explains the turbo cancers

Oh an Bill must be destroyed!

That explains the turbo cancers

Oh an Bill must be destroyed!
A lot of that is true, but all of sudden, some claiming masks are harmful is untrue. They have been apart of Muslim cultural attire for centuries. Americans were forced to wear them, so they falsely claim them to be unsafe.

Makes you wonder how safe is underwear...
A lot of that is true, but all of sudden, some claiming masks are harmful is untrue. They have been apart of Muslim cultural attire for centuries. Americans were forced to wear them, so they falsely claim them to be unsafe.

Makes you wonder how safe is underwear...
I'm a textile guy
Always wash your new garments before ya wear em ...trust me
I'm a textile guy
Always wash your new garments before ya wear em ...trust me
I know some people who never wash and wear.

They like new ones only. The hypothesis could be that old ones are not as "safe and effective" as new underwear. Hmmm...
aha... that is a possible theoretic conclusion that may still require further analysis that would eventually be categorized as misinformation.
It's the truth

Like your plastic water bottle leaching poison into the water it contains your skin will absorb residue of chemicals used in the dying and finishing process

After finished goods are sent to cutting rooms to be turned into garment no one washes the finished product
A lot of that is true, but all of sudden, some claiming masks are harmful is untrue. They have been apart of Muslim cultural attire for centuries. Americans were forced to wear them, so they falsely claim them to be unsafe.
Delete that .
All the Racists and Rednecks will insist that this is the reason our friendly and lovable Moslem pals have gone crazy .

It's the truth

Like your plastic water bottle leaching poison into the water it contains your skin will absorb residue of chemicals used in the dying and finishing process

After finished goods are sent to cutting rooms to be turned into garment no one washes the finished product
well, you have a point.
spike proteins from mRNA jabs are carcinogens
that literally feed cancer, propelling it to multiply exponentially
to invade the rest of the body.

That's so wicked and demonic to vaccinate humans with a aeronautic bioweapon that:
1. causes cancer
2. feeds cancer
3. multiplies cancer exponentially
4. turns off the gene in the body that fights cancer

so sad that we had to live in a time when America's federal government
would partner with big Pharma to do this much genocide to a nation of people
aha... that is a possible theoretic conclusion that may still require further analysis that would eventually be categorized as misinformation.
When the scam began, I put on an N95 mask, sat down at my desk with my trusty pulse-oximeter and did a series of tests at time intervals.

97% without the mask, and every 10 minutes I tested. It dropped a bit at a time. At 30 minutes I couldn't stand it anymore and took the mask off. I was down to 92%.

Fundamentally, such a mask is a blockage of the airway. All first responders know that the first step in emergencies is to make sure the airway is not blocked.
Carcinogen - a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.

Then there are the bloody “spike protein” stabs that 270 million Americans rushed out to get the second they became available, though not one single clinical study proved them safe or effective. That’s because they are the polar opposite, as they are ineffective and dangerous. In fact, Dr. Charles Hoffe, a British Columbian medical doctor, ran PET/CT scans on cancer patients who had received thePfizer mRNA booster shot just eight days prior, and what he found will blow your mind.

Dr. Hoffe discovered the rapid progression of T-cell lymphoma, a dramatic increase of gastrointestinal lesions, and a turbo-effect of spreading of cells in the lymph nodes under the arms near the armpits. Also known as turbo-cancer, the cause is spike proteins clinging to the inner walls of blood vessels, depositing in vital organs and coming together to form strange rubbery white clots throughout the human body and brain.

In other words, spike proteins from mRNA jabs are carcinogens that literally feed cancer, propelling it to multiply exponentially to invade the rest of the body. Meanwhile, spike protein turn OFF genes that fight cancer, so the injected people are burning the candle at both ends.

Good post. As someone who knows the media and government are habitual and perpetual liars, I knew something was amiss the moment they and big Pharma insisted that we get the Fauci/Gates, experimental jab. I never got it and never second-guessed my decision. What are we? Lab rats?

I feel badly for the folks who were duped into getting it and the problems they'll likely have over the course of their future lives.
Good post. As someone who knows the media and government are habitual and perpetual liars, I knew something was amiss the moment they and big Pharma insisted that we get the Fauci/Gates, experimental jab. I never got it and never second-guessed my decision. What are we? Lab rats?

I feel badly for the folks who were duped into getting it and the problems they'll likely have over the course of their future lives.
Some times I feel bad for them some times I don't.

I don't feel bad for them when they cuss and disrespect God. Other times I feel really bad for most of them.
Some times I feel bad for them some times I don't.

I don't feel bad for them when they cuss and disrespect God. Other times I feel really bad for most of them.
I don't feel badly for the ones who jumped on the bandwagon with zeal and called for bad things to happen to those of us who knew we were being played. But I truly feel badly for the ignorant masses who sincerely believed the lies they were being told. They thought they were doing the right thing based on the sly verbiage of the “authorities” and “experts” and other Pied Pipers.
I don't feel badly for the ones who jumped on the bandwagon with zeal and called for bad things to happen to those of us who knew we were being played. But I truly feel badly for the ignorant masses who sincerely believed the lies they were being told. They thought they were doing the right thing based on the sly verbiage of the “authorities” and “experts” and other Pied Pipers.
Good point in that the vaccinated ones wanted the unvaccinated people to risk death and dying as they teased them, bullied them, and harassed them about getting those deadly COVID shots. No matter what their medical history was, no matter how immunologically compromising it would be, and no matter what what types of wavers they had; the vaccinated behaved like zombies wanting everyone to get that clot shot just because they made a very poor decision to get it.

On the other hand we still have to have compassion on them because they got tricked into making a life-altering non-investigated, no second opinion, and no researched decision to get injected. They essentially allowed themselves to be made a fool out of by the federal government. They still deserve our compassion and love. 👩‍❤️‍👨
Back in 2021 and 2022 we were warning people about SV40 in those COVID-19 vaccines, and the vaccinated people refused to listen to the truth. At that time they were acting like they were getting marijuana injected into their arms, and they really-really wanted it. We were like nooooo... its a trick, don't do it. They also made a "political decision" to get injected with that deadly poison because Biden was the speaker, mandator, and the face of everyone getting the covid vaccine. They had switched Faucci out and replaced him with Joe Biden. Anything Biden said do, they were wiling to do even if it meant them opting to commit suicide/death.

Now we see the democrats Biden tricked into getting COVID vaccines; lining up to see Trump at his rallies. The democrats will be at the ones at the United States Capitol Building in 2024 if Trump is cheated out of his win.

SV40, a DNA Altering, Carcinogenic Contaminant, found in Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccines​

Back in 2021 and 2022 we were warning people about SV40 in those COVID-19 vaccines, and the vaccinated people refused to listen to the truth. At that time they were acting like they were getting marijuana injected into their arms, and they really-really wanted it. We were like nooooo... its a trick, don't do it. They also made a "political decision" to get injected with that deadly poison because Biden was the speaker, mandator, and the face of everyone getting the covid vaccine. They had switched Faucci out and replaced him with Joe Biden. Anything Biden said do, they were wiling to do even if it meant them opting to commit suicide/death.

Now we see the democrats Biden tricked into getting COVID vaccines; lining up to see Trump at his rallies. The democrats will be at the ones at the United States Capitol Building in 2024 if Trump is cheated out of his win.

SV40, a DNA Altering, Carcinogenic Contaminant, found in Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccines​

Unfortunately, Trump pushed that vaccine into the forefront and still hasn't apologized to this day. It was one of the few things I had against him. I'm hoping he comes to his senses and realizes that he, too, was duped into believing the vaccine was a good idea.
Unfortunately, Trump pushed that vaccine into the forefront and still hasn't apologized to this day. It was one of the few things I had against him. I'm hoping he comes to his senses and realizes that he, too, was duped into believing the vaccine was a good idea.
Trump thought they were going to make a nice clean life-saving vaccine, so he pushed for them to do so with "Operation Warp Speed." That's all Trump pushed for. He never pushed for this COVID-19 vaccine liquid death in a vial. It was a bait and switch!

They baited Trump into putting up federal dollars for a vaccine to be made... however, they switched to using the deadly vials they had made back in 2018.
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