Spin this, PoliticalChic & RW nutters!

OH! They will!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGNiXGX2nLU]Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) - YouTube[/ame]

Tell me again how much quantitative easing, Reagan employed to get the stock market to grow, Catcher? This stock market is almost completely driven by Fed. money being pumped into the economy at almost 0% interest rates. Every time that the Fed. even HINTS that QE might be halted the market goes into a nosedive. You're building an economy on a foundation made of sand. At the first sign of that easy money drying up Wall Street is going to run for cover.

Why even waste board space with this nonsense?
The main concern with the recession and recovery is that this time the amount of capital leaving the nations of the world to be put into offshore bank accounts, thus causing instability in the markets.
Why even waste board space with this nonsense?

People who are economically inept like Wry, post this type of stuff on a regular basis. They have absolutely no idea about the fundamental workings of the stock market, the fed, etc...they see a number that makes Obama look good, without even a hint of the hinge pins of such "success" and they run with it.

I think you did a good enough job exposing this waste for what it is.
No need. Post #3 should clue you in. If it doesn't, you're more inept than previously observed.

Tell me again how much quantitative easing, Reagan employed to get the stock market to grow, Catcher? This stock market is almost completely driven by Fed. money being pumped into the economy at almost 0% interest rates. Every time that the Fed. even HINTS that QE might be halted the market goes into a nosedive. You're building an economy on a foundation made of sand. At the first sign of that easy money drying up Wall Street is going to run for cover.

Why even waste board space with this nonsense?

What he said.... ^

Everyone here that has a functioning brain knows it.
Why even waste board space with this nonsense?

People who are economically inept like Wry, post this type of stuff on a regular basis. They have absolutely no idea about the fundamental workings of the stock market, the fed, etc...they see a number that makes Obama look good, without even a hint of the hinge pins of such "success" and they run with it.

I think you did a good enough job exposing this waste for what it is.

It is one of many historical records going back to your Messiah Ronald Reagan and to Obama along with the the Bushes and Clinton. Of course there is more to the story than this one article but you'll never let a moment pass without posting an ad hominem attack. As I posted, the dumber ones always default to personal attacks.

How's housing doing? Values are returning to pre-Bush Great Recession values.

Construction in the SF Bay Area is booming if one opens their eyes to the large cranes putting up structures. The new section of the Bay Bridge opens next weekend thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; so two will the fourth bore connecting the East Bay to SF open in December and dozens of other investments in our regions infrastructure.

By the way, what lasing benefit to RR's buildup of our military do we have; we know it increased our national debt. It sure as hell didn't prevent 911?"

Hiring in the SF Bay Area is brisk.

All shopping malls and strip malls are filled with cars, not only on weekends but everyday.
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I credit Paul Volcker with the recovery during Reagan, Bernanke is leaving cause Oblama says he not da bomb, even though his middle name is Shalom.
Why even waste board space with this nonsense?

People who are economically inept like Wry, post this type of stuff on a regular basis. They have absolutely no idea about the fundamental workings of the stock market, the fed, etc...they see a number that makes Obama look good, without even a hint of the hinge pins of such "success" and they run with it.

I think you did a good enough job exposing this waste for what it is.

It is one of many historical records going back to your Messiah Ronald Reagan and to Obama along with the the Bushes and Clinton. Of course there is more to the story than this one article but you'll never let a moment pass without posting an ad hominem attack. As I posted, the dumber ones always default to personal attacks.

How's housing doing? Values are returning to pre-Bush Great Recession values.

Construction in the SF Bay Area is booming if one opens their eyes to the large cranes putting up structures. The new section of the Bay Bridge opens next weekend thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; so two will the fourth bore connecting the East Bay to SF open in December and dozens of other investments in our regions infrastructure.

By the way, what lasing benefit to RR's buildup of our military have; we know it increased our national debt. It sure as hell didn't prevent 911?"

Hiring in the SF Bay Area is brisk.

All shopping malls and strip malls are filled with cars, not only on weekends but everyday.

I would love to see San Fran again. I was there in 1973 and saw Hank Arron play in Candlestick Park.
I realize that these facts completely escape you. Hence the use of economically inept. If you dont think that pumping 85 billions dollars a month into market sectors plays no role, then you are the perfect candidate to repeat the claims in the article you cite.

Interestingly, there is an overall trend within those "grapihs" or shall we say info-graphics. That trend tells the biggest tale of them all. And it doesn't in anyway, shape or form merit hyperpartisanship such as that you wish it does.

You're, in short, clamoring in favor of the very policies that have caused recession after recession in our country. Of course, if you can score a few imaginary partisan points, all that is really of no consequence.
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Tell me again how much quantitative easing, Reagan employed to get the stock market to grow, Catcher? This stock market is almost completely driven by Fed. money being pumped into the economy at almost 0% interest rates. Every time that the Fed. even HINTS that QE might be halted the market goes into a nosedive. You're building an economy on a foundation made of sand. At the first sign of that easy money drying up Wall Street is going to run for cover.

Why even waste board space with this nonsense?

Almost eveything in the economy is based on a foundation of sand. The only real exception is production of products that are created in this country with natural resources available in this country. Everything else is based on whims, trends, schemes, fraud and corruption.
It's already spun. How do the left wingers get away with rants against corporate wealth and at the same time brag about left wing administrations that seem to be promoting corporate wealth? The stock market will always rally in spite of left wing policies. That's why pensions are invested in corporate wealth instead of government programs. If Hussein would allow America to prosper without crazy energy policies and restrictions that paralyze small businesses the Black population might not be in double digit unemployment.
I realize that these facts completely escape you. Hence the use of economically inept. If you dont think that pumping 85 billions dollars a month into market sectors plays no role, then you are the perfect candidate to repeat the claims in the article you cite.

Interestingly, there is an overall trend within those "grapihs" or shall we say info-graphics. That trend tells the biggest tale of them all. And it doesn't in anyway, shape or form merit hyperpartisanship such as that you wish it does.

You're, in short, clamoring in favor of the very policies that have caused recession after recession in our country. Of course, if you can score a few imaginary partisan points, all that is really of no consequence.

There is also a historical record of today's naysayers claiming Obama has worsened the Great Recession he inherited form Bush. Do you deny that too? You accusing anyone of hyper-partisanship is a classic pot kettle comment.

The economy is on the mend and our recovery would have been greater if the Republican leadership had worked with the twice elected president than against him. Do you deny that too?

Housing is in recovery, do you deny that this helps millions of Americans too?

Do you deny Reagan increased the national debt by building swords, and Obama by building plowshares? Or is that two abstract for you?

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