Spin this, PoliticalChic & RW nutters!

Do you deny Reagan increased the national debt by building swords, and Obama by building plowshares? Or is that two abstract for you?
Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says - CNN.com
U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan have killed far more people than the United States has acknowledged, have traumatized innocent residents and largely been ineffective, according to a new study released Tuesday.
The study by Stanford Law School and New York University's School of Law calls for a re-evaluation of the practice, saying the number of "high-level" targets killed as a percentage of total casualties is extremely low -- about 2%.​
Interesting definition of "building plowshares" you have there.

Obama Supporters Know His Drone War Is Indefensible - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Apparently, not all of Obama's supporters have figured that out yet.

soooo, your point here is what? that the market gains are to be celebrated? and obama is the bomb?

you do realize what a hack that makes you, and yours...right?

How many times do I need to remind you of the fact that in a 4.5% UE, 3.2% gdp economy bush got creamed when the market set a record in October of 2007 at 14,000? I posted umpteen articles, NY Times, Wapo etc. a litany of, 'the rich get richer', 'the poor get poorer', theres nothing but 'McJobs' , while the fat cats light cigars with 100 dollar bills, 'middle class losing ground'.....

Meanwhile in an economy who's recession ended a full 4 years ago, a 7.4% UE, near record low LPR, 1.7% gdp, sky high black unemployment, PBS' Paul Salmon reported that the unemployment rate is 95 percent for black HS drop outs..... BUT, the market is up, so its time to celebrate and laud Obama?

how the hell does that compute? ..:eusa_eh:

Oh wait, I get it; you're a hypocrite of such humongous proportions reality is a show you watch on MTV....never-mind.
For those IGNORANT cock suckers in here pretending the shit stain kenyan in the white house has ANYTHING to do with the stock market. It is ALL FED MONEY being PUMPED into it called "QUANTITATIVE EASING," and it won't LAST FOREVER.

Can the Fed Cause a Stock Market Crash?

Stock markets shudder at prospect of 'easy money era' ending

A Federal Reserve program that buys bonds to spur economic growth could begin tapering off soon. The stock markets' reaction shows how important 'QUANTITATIVE EASING' became.

I wonder what real conservatives feel when they read your stupid and vulgar comments.

I don't support the vulgar stuff.

But in the facts of the matter, he's dead on. The economy is being artificially propped up.

That it fools people like you does not mean it's sustainable, or that it's an accomplishment worthy of praise.

It's like climbing higher on a cracked ladder. When it breaks, it's going to hurt even worse.
There is also a historical record of today's naysayers claiming Obama has worsened the Great Recession he inherited form Bush. Do you deny that too? You accusing anyone of hyper-partisanship is a classic pot kettle comment.
He has. Simply by expanding and ramping up previously perilous monetary policies that caused "the great recession" in the first place. Although, I didn't really expect him to change that...or change anything for that matter. What you're saying is a recovery, is artificially induced by the federal reserves actions. Actions that can not be maintained, adn once they are tapered and stopped, will result in yet another, deeper reversal in "recovery". That's a fact. No, that's an opinion.

No, it is not. There is a bigger bubble being created that will inevitably burst. When that occurs, all these "gains" artificially induced will come crashing down. Republicans have nothing to do with it, and frankly neither does Obama. BOTH like the federal reserves policies. Answer this: Why does the Fed exist?

Housing,by your own articles admission, is in a state of artificial flux. Form your own link, wry:

Do you understand what this means? Let me try to break it down for the inept ont he subject. Artificially low interest rates creaate artificial demand, when those rates are moved up, that will be the end of the trend of "recovery". Mortgage rates are already rising due to...wait for it....wait for it...the federal reserve indicating that it will back off its QE policies. Which are what keep this "recovery" moving. It's not a sustainable course of action. They know it. You should too. But alas....

What you say has a grain of truth, but, the less foreclosed properties, the less empty houses and neighborhoods = greater consumer spending and less crime. Simply looking at one index and projecting your bias isn't science and isn't convincing. Yes, I posted one index in the OP, but there are many more aspects to the economy than that one. Keep in mind we can both find 'economists' to support our biases.

Do you deny Reagan increased the national debt by building swords, and Obama by building plowshares? Or is that two abstract for you?

Why woudl I deny facts? Reagan increased the debt. Obama is increasing the debt. Neither action is good for the american people. COntrary to dulardish assertions.

If both actions kept us from the abyss, the debt is the lesser of the consequences. Keep in mind a nation is not an individual - real or corporate - and we will (hopefully) elect adults to Congress who work for the nation and not themselves or their owners.
I hope you're not saying Democrats are for the people.
Is the Stock Market good or Evil?

uing the hackasuras ryecather meter-

democrat in office= good ( unless he needs to bash them for an election, then they are bad then good)

rep.= bad...always

As posted on page one: "The dumb ones will try, and use all of the usual pejoratives to describe me and the source of the link as: Commies, Marxists, Socialists, libtards, dumbocrat, etc.

Thanks to daveboy, Nero, CrusaderFrank, Whitehall and 007 for proving me correct.
Is the Stock Market good or Evil?

uing the hackasuras ryecather meter-

democrat in office= good ( unless he needs to bash them for an election, then they are bad then good)

rep.= bad...always

As posted on page one: "The dumb ones will try, and use all of the usual pejoratives to describe me and the source of the link as: Commies, Marxists, Socialists, libtards, dumbocrat, etc.

Thanks to daveboy, Nero, CrusaderFrank, Whitehall and 007 for proving me correct.

I asked if you believed the stock market was good or evil, Freddo
The President has little to do with the performance of the stock market, so the OP has little significance. The deregulation of the 80's, which started in the Carter administration and gained full momentum under Reagan, played a part in the subsequent boom, but a boom was already due and would have happened anyway. The reason? The simple ebb and flow of developed economies. Likewise, Bush had about as much to do with the housing crash as Obama has had in its recovery: next to nothing.

Nothing to spin, OP, nothing to spin.
The President has little to do with the performance of the stock market, so the OP has little significance. The deregulation of the 80's, which started in the Carter administration and gained full momentum under Reagan, played a part in the subsequent boom, but a boom was already due and would have happened anyway. The reason? The simple ebb and flow of developed economies. Likewise, Bush had about as much to do with the housing crash as Obama has had in its recovery: next to nothing.

Nothing to spin, OP, nothing to spin.

Gee, ya think. But what of all the posts over the first four years of President Obama's Administration where the right wing blamed him and Nancy Pelosi for all of our economic ills. Your post suggests the POTUS is irrelevant. Do you believe that to be true?
uing the hackasuras ryecather meter-

democrat in office= good ( unless he needs to bash them for an election, then they are bad then good)

rep.= bad...always

As posted on page one: "The dumb ones will try, and use all of the usual pejoratives to describe me and the source of the link as: Commies, Marxists, Socialists, libtards, dumbocrat, etc.

Thanks to daveboy, Nero, CrusaderFrank, Whitehall and 007 for proving me correct.

I asked if you believed the stock market was good or evil, Freddo

Only an ignoramus would ask such a question. So I'm not surprised you would post such a stupid question. The answer to your stupid question is this: The Stock Market is Amoral.

Damn you're dumb. Do you post in drag as Stephanie or Willow Tree?
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The President has little to do with the performance of the stock market, so the OP has little significance. The deregulation of the 80's, which started in the Carter administration and gained full momentum under Reagan, played a part in the subsequent boom, but a boom was already due and would have happened anyway. The reason? The simple ebb and flow of developed economies. Likewise, Bush had about as much to do with the housing crash as Obama has had in its recovery: next to nothing.

Nothing to spin, OP, nothing to spin.

Gee, ya think. But what of all the posts over the first four years of President Obama's Administration where the right wing blamed him and Nancy Pelosi for all of our economic ills. Your post suggests the POTUS is irrelevant. Do you believe that to be true?

THe effect politicians have on the Stock Market is a secondary effect of policy and decision (or indecision). They cannot make it go up and down by imposing their will..

The net result of INDECISIVE action, regulation, taxation and new requirements on capital ventures will build a weakling of a stock market.. There's not much market muscle left to play with at this point...

The idea is NOT to directly insert the current Admin directly in the path of the economy at every turn. If that continues.. The market will be based largely on how much money the corporations can stuff in the bank....
Is the Stock Market good or Evil?

uing the hackasuras ryecather meter-

democrat in office= good ( unless he needs to bash them for an election, then they are bad then good)

rep.= bad...always

As posted on page one: "The dumb ones will try, and use all of the usual pejoratives to describe me and the source of the link as: Commies, Marxists, Socialists, libtards, dumbocrat, etc.

Thanks to daveboy, Nero, CrusaderFrank, Whitehall and 007 for proving me correct.
I just pointed out your hypocrisy. :lol:

You really are thin-skinned, aren't you?
The President has little to do with the performance of the stock market, so the OP has little significance. The deregulation of the 80's, which started in the Carter administration and gained full momentum under Reagan, played a part in the subsequent boom, but a boom was already due and would have happened anyway. The reason? The simple ebb and flow of developed economies. Likewise, Bush had about as much to do with the housing crash as Obama has had in its recovery: next to nothing.

Nothing to spin, OP, nothing to spin.

Gee, ya think. But what of all the posts over the first four years of President Obama's Administration where the right wing blamed him and Nancy Pelosi for all of our economic ills. Your post suggests the POTUS is irrelevant. Do you believe that to be true?
You so DESPERATELY want it all to be Bush's fault, with none sticking to Obama. :lol:
As posted on page one: "The dumb ones will try, and use all of the usual pejoratives to describe me and the source of the link as: Commies, Marxists, Socialists, libtards, dumbocrat, etc.

Thanks to daveboy, Nero, CrusaderFrank, Whitehall and 007 for proving me correct.

I asked if you believed the stock market was good or evil, Freddo

Only an ignoramus would ask such a question. So I'm not surprised you would post such a stupid question. The answer to your stupid question is this: The Stock Market is Amoral.

Damn you're dumb. Do you post in drag as Stephanie or Willow Tree?
There's some more of that hypocrisy that makes you lash out emotionally when it's pointed out. :lol:
Wow. A passel of ignorant, meaningless posts by daveman. What a surprise. But then, Daveman is just another of the mentally ill on this board. Typical congenital idiot. Not your fault, daveman. Just bad luck. Look up congenital. You may be able to understand.
One has to remember that congenital idiots, like Daveman, can not actually discuss anything. Well beyond their limited capability. They just attack, and do a little copy and paste work. And the cool thing is, CONGENITAL IDIOTS are fully capable of believing what they want to believe. Makes life much easier for them. Poor guy.
If it isn't the board's George Costanza! What are you today...an architect...or are you still pretending to be an economist?

You know what I love about you? You're always whining about "personal attacks"...yet you make posts like that one! And what's REALLY amazing is that you don't see the hypocrisy in what you do! You truly are one of the great schmucks posting here.
All of Obama's stock market success is due to QE.

Reagan did initiate deficit spending/stimulus on a strong basis, which every prez has done since-- save for Clinton.

I don't know a lot about economics under Clinton. It seemed pretty good. The budget was balanced wasn't it? How'd he do all that? CRA and the end of Glass-Steagal are a black eye tho, which help contribute to the woes we have today.

I don't think you can easily scorecard a prez across their tenure. Too many external factors, luck and effects that take a long time to play out.

Tell me again how much quantitative easing, Reagan employed to get the stock market to grow, Catcher? This stock market is almost completely driven by Fed. money being pumped into the economy at almost 0% interest rates. Every time that the Fed. even HINTS that QE might be halted the market goes into a nosedive. You're building an economy on a foundation made of sand. At the first sign of that easy money drying up Wall Street is going to run for cover.

Why even waste board space with this nonsense?

It doesn't matter if it's not true, any chance to take a hit on the greatest president we have had in the 20th and 21st century liberals with do it. No lie is to outrageous in their mind to spew against Reagan.

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