Spineless, sissy liberals throw tantrums in front of a professor who defends customes

Sorry bodecea, but it's only liberals doing this. Show me conservatives on campus shouting down gay rights people, demanding they be punished for exercising free speech.

Ben Carson said he'd send the feds to campuses to look for liberal viewpoints and shut them down.

And that bit of outright Stalinism didn't draw a peep of condemnation from Carson's fans.
Yep, the young woman is playing the victim. And nobody cares, except for the perpetual-victim conservatives, who were all ordered to have a meltdown over it, and who are all ecstatic to have another reason to play the victim.

Remember conservatives, you don't constantly get laughed at because of political correctness You get laughed at for being morons and ethical cripples. Whining about how mean the liberals are for laughing at you just shows us how we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should therefore keep punching there.
Libtards are the clowns, their whole existence is a joke.
Sorry bodecea, but it's only liberals doing this. Show me conservatives on campus shouting down gay rights people, demanding they be punished for exercising free speech.

Ben Carson said he'd send the feds to campuses to look for liberal viewpoints and shut them down.

And that bit of outright Stalinism didn't draw a peep of condemnation from Carson's fans.
While obuthole actually does that and silence from the commie left.
Sorry bodecea, but it's only liberals doing this. Show me conservatives on campus shouting down gay rights people, demanding they be punished for exercising free speech.

Ben Carson said he'd send the feds to campuses to look for liberal viewpoints and shut them down.

And that bit of outright Stalinism didn't draw a peep of condemnation from Carson's fans.
Can you provide evidence for this statement?

Withholding taxpayer support does not = stopping free speech.
Because liberals are fascist, limp wristed, spineless pansies who are somehow adults, but need "safe spaces" from halloween costumes because they are such mentally ill pansies.

Student screams at professor for allowing offensive Halloween costumes
Young adults sometimes are so full of themselves and their "righteous cause" they cannot see that it is best to allow all to express themselves even if you don't agree with them. Sad but true.

Young people?
Because liberals are fascist, limp wristed, spineless pansies who are somehow adults, but need "safe spaces" from halloween costumes because they are such mentally ill pansies.

Student screams at professor for allowing offensive Halloween costumes
Young adults sometimes are so full of themselves and their "righteous cause" they cannot see that it is best to allow all to express themselves even if you don't agree with them. Sad but true.
Conservatives are only too happy to let liberals freely speak. Let them prove they're idiots.i

If someone gets offended at another person's use of free speech, the problem is with the one claiming to be offended not the one exercising their rights.

If someone gets offended at another person's use of free speech, the problem is with the one claiming to be offended not the one exercising their rights.
In a reasonable world, yes.

But these are people who want to punish, intimidate and ultimately control.

It's not about being "offended".

Their being offended usually results in action to get the ability of the person saying what offended them taken away.
Yep, the young woman is playing the victim. And nobody cares, except for the perpetual-victim conservatives, who were all ordered to have a meltdown over it, and who are all ecstatic to have another reason to play the victim.

Remember conservatives, you don't constantly get laughed at because of political correctness You get laughed at for being morons and ethical cripples. Whining about how mean the liberals are for laughing at you just shows us how we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should therefore keep punching there.
I was wondering when a libtard would come in here and blame conservatives for the ridiculous behavior of a libtard thug.

Take a hike, idiot.
Yep, the young woman is playing the victim. And nobody cares, except for the perpetual-victim conservatives, who were all ordered to have a meltdown over it, and who are all ecstatic to have another reason to play the victim.

Remember conservatives, you don't constantly get laughed at because of political correctness You get laughed at for being morons and ethical cripples. Whining about how mean the liberals are for laughing at you just shows us how we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should therefore keep punching there.
Let me debug that:

"Yep, the young woman is playing the victim. And nobody cares, except for the perpetual-victim liberals, who were all ordered to have a meltdown over it, and who are all ecstatic to have another reason to play the victim.

Remember liberals, you don't constantly get laughed at because of political correctness. You get laughed at for being morons and ethical cripples. Whining about how mean the conservatives are for laughing at you just shows us how we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should therefore keep punching there."

Now that makes sense in our dimension. You're welcome :thup:.
Yep, the young woman is playing the victim. And nobody cares, except for the perpetual-victim conservatives, who were all ordered to have a meltdown over it, and who are all ecstatic to have another reason to play the victim.

Remember conservatives, you don't constantly get laughed at because of political correctness You get laughed at for being morons and ethical cripples. Whining about how mean the liberals are for laughing at you just shows us how we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should therefore keep punching there.
Let me debug that:

"Yep, the young woman is playing the victim. And nobody cares, except for the perpetual-victim liberals, who were all ordered to have a meltdown over it, and who are all ecstatic to have another reason to play the victim.

Remember liberals, you don't constantly get laughed at because of political correctness. You get laughed at for being morons and ethical cripples. Whining about how mean the conservatives are for laughing at you just shows us how we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should therefore keep punching there."

Now that makes sense in our dimension. You're welcome :thup:.
I can't swear to this, but I do think it's possible that the Regressive Left is so consumed by PC that it truly doesn't see it.

In other words, it's possible they're being honest when they say it doesn't exist. A great example of why partisan ideology is such a fascinating amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study for me. Zealots, True Believers (either end of the political spectrum) can talk themselves into (or out of) some pretty amazing things.

On the other hand, I must also admit that it's possible they do know how pervasive and destructive - but politically advantageous - PC is and they will do or say anything to protect a tactic that has been so successful for them for so long. Interestingly, we do see more and more honest liberals admitting this has all gone too far.

Fascinating, huh?

She's not a liberal. Liberals don't beat on people over things like this.

She might like to think she is....but it isn't the case.

She's a far left loon who is attempting to force her opinion to the top.

It's what extremists do.

She obviously gives liberals a bad name.
Sorry bodecea, but it's only liberals doing this. Show me conservatives on campus shouting down gay rights people, demanding they be punished for exercising free speech.

Ben Carson said he'd send the feds to campuses to look for liberal viewpoints and shut them down.

And that bit of outright Stalinism didn't draw a peep of condemnation from Carson's fans.

Link please.

If someone gets offended at another person's use of free speech, the problem is with the one claiming to be offended not the one exercising their rights.
In a reasonable world, yes.

But these are people who want to punish, intimidate and ultimately control.

It's not about being "offended".

Their being offended usually results in action to get the ability of the person saying what offended them taken away.
...or punished in some other way, precisely.

They know that creates an intimidation factor for them in the future.

She's not a liberal. Liberals don't beat on people over things like this.

She might like to think she is....but it isn't the case.

She's a far left loon who is attempting to force her opinion to the top.

It's what extremists do.

She obviously gives liberals a bad name.

There are people who lean left, there are liberals, and then there's the Regressive Left.
Because liberals are fascist, limp wristed, spineless pansies who are somehow adults, but need "safe spaces" from halloween costumes because they are such mentally ill pansies.

Student screams at professor for allowing offensive Halloween costumes
Liberals have created thousands of up-tight, spoiled, assholes that can't seem to live with people who are different from them. If you don't tow the party line or act politically-correct at all times, these little monsters do everything they can to make life miserable for you. One of them is our president. Another is the Democrat frontrunner. It's no small wonder that there are so many shootings on our college campuses, because there are thousands of people going to school that can't get along with anyone unless they're exactly like them.

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