Spineless, sissy liberals throw tantrums in front of a professor who defends customes

Let's watch overprivileged students shrieking and whining like 3 year olds because they are upset over supposedly insensitive Halloween costumes.

ha ha ha ha
Spineless....??? Its you morons who whine the most, cry the most and complain the most, if anyone is spineless its you nuts
Spineless....??? Its you morons who whine the most, cry the most and complain the most, if anyone is spineless its you nuts

Interesting how you call stating facts you don't like as crying the most. There is a difference between saying something is wrong and saying someone shouldn't do it because that person doesn't like it. The left is the latter.
There are people who lean left, there are liberals, and then there's the Regressive Left.
I think it is fairly safe to say that the far regressive left is essentially the Marxist left, to include openly Marxist ideologues, those subscribing to neoMArxist cultural dogmas like 'gender war feminism', and the idiots who have no clue that the views they espouse are essentially watered down Marxism.
Spineless....??? Its you morons who whine the most, cry the most and complain the most, if anyone is spineless its you nuts

Spineless might not be the right term. The professor was probably the one scared there because he was being screamed at by someone much younger who seemed to be on the verge of violence.

But that woman is an asshole and a petty tyrant.
What's even more frightening to these little wimps is the professor's name "CHRISTakis".
That alone is good for a lawsuit.
Because liberals are fascist, limp wristed, spineless pansies who are somehow adults, but need "safe spaces" from halloween costumes because they are such mentally ill pansies.

Student screams at professor for allowing offensive Halloween costumes
Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Nowhere in the linked article is anyone identified as 'liberal,' or 'representative' of 'liberals.'

You're right of course, pretty much all of these students here in the video would self-identify as conservative Republicans.
Because liberals are fascist, limp wristed, spineless pansies who are somehow adults, but need "safe spaces" from halloween costumes because they are such mentally ill pansies.

Student screams at professor for allowing offensive Halloween costumes
The way (tolerant... cough, cough... ahem), liberals operate...

By the way, this unhinged girl should be monitored by the university, she was very close there to becoming violent. You can easily envision a future news story about female Yale student going on campus rampage.
The university owes it to all students and faculty to maintain a safe place for all.
If I was an aging liberal, I would be embarrassed that conservatives are the only ones carrying the banner of free speech today. Who would have believed the ideology that started the concept Free University so that opposing ideas can be taught in college has now come up with Political Correctness to suppress dissenting views.

Remember the old TV PSA re. drugs with the egg frying ? Just substitute the word "drugs" with "college education".
Because liberals are fascist, limp wristed, spineless pansies who are somehow adults, but need "safe spaces" from halloween costumes because they are such mentally ill pansies.

Student screams at professor for allowing offensive Halloween costumes

How is this one professor responsible for the costumes people wear on Halloween? They are yelling at him because he would "let" people wear whatever they want?

Seems like these ferals should be kicked out of school for being so intolerant and vulgar.
If they become this unhinged about the possibility of having to endure the sight of a few Halloween costumes, imagine the meltdown and violence that will erupt if they come across a Christmas tree on campus !
Check out all perpetually offended conservatives here, so butthurt over a college student. They spend their days looking for these reasons to be offended, and they always find them.

That's no way to live. They should act like liberals. We don't spend our days searching the internet to justify weeping in rage over some who-gives-a-shit nonsense, so we're much happier, and much saner.
Check out all perpetually offended conservatives here, so butthurt over a college student. They spend their days looking for these reasons to be offended, and they always find them.

That's no way to live. They should act like liberals. We don't spend our days searching the internet to justify weeping in rage over some who-gives-a-shit nonsense, so we're much happier, and much saner.

"Butthurt" ? Ummm, no we are laughing our asses off at these little pampered ass affirmative action students who probably have never had the experience of anyone publicly disagreeing with them.
It's funnier than hell when you have a group of liberals pissed at liberals who are not being liberal enough.
They're almost as pathetic as you :lol:.
Because liberals are fascist, limp wristed, spineless pansies who are somehow adults, but need "safe spaces" from halloween costumes because they are such mentally ill pansies.

Student screams at professor for allowing offensive Halloween costumes
Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Nowhere in the linked article is anyone identified as 'liberal,' or 'representative' of 'liberals.'
It's Yale, the home of liberals. No conservative would act so pansie-assed!
Liberal university faculty and administrators brought this on to themselves. The president of Missouri University had to resign over a bogus charge of racism and not responding to it. They created these liberal monsters. I'm laughing at them.

She's not a liberal. Liberals don't beat on people over things like this.

She might like to think she is....but it isn't the case.

She's a far left loon who is attempting to force her opinion to the top.

It's what extremists do.

She obviously gives liberals a bad name.
She is doing what liberals do...force their ideology on others or destroy those who resist.

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