SPIRITS, Angels, The Holy Ghost, Demons!!!! Do they exist?

Do you believe a Spirit world exists in addition to the physical universe?

  • Yes, I believe a Spirit world exists.

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • No, I do not believe there is any such thing as Spirit beings.

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • I don't know but keep an open mind.

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
The verdict is still out on the Ghost thread as to whether such beings described or defined as ghosts exist. The poll has been pretty evenly split between believers and non believers with another group unsure but keeping an open mind.

Within that discussion was a more spiritual point of view as to whether there is a spirit world at all: angels, demons, the Holy Spirit, etc. The Bible clearly refers to such beings as well as each of us possessing a spiritual body as well as a tangible, mortal, earthly one.

So are you a believer? Or not? Or you don't know but keep an open mind? Do you want there to be? Do you want there to be no such thing? Why?

Again, if we could keep this discussion civil, it would be much appreciated.
I'm open minded. As I've mentioned on the board before... one of my hobbies is ghosthunting. Frankly, I've had some experiences that I just cannot explain. I have video of things I cannot explain. If I hadn't been there, if I hadn't been the one filming, or in shot, I would not believe it. But the rational side of my brain greatly outweighs the emotional side and, even though I've been there... I still just don't quite believe it. But.... my house is 500 years old and things happen here that I cannot explain either. Weird... and spooky!! LOL
On ghostly beings, I have not experienced one, but I believe that a lot of people who are completely credible and not given to hallucinations or making up stories have also experienced something that seemed to them to be a 'ghost'. So I have a completely open mind and tend to lean toward the theory that some phenomenon such as that does exist.

As for the 'religious' spiritual world, I am a believer. I believe there are spirit beings all around us and I believe I have felt their presence. Were these once people who walked on Earth? In one or two cases, yes, I think they were. Were they all? I don't know. If we go by the Biblical illustations, many were not.

I do believe we have spiritual bodies and there is life after death.
I think that most people who "see" ghost believe they saw something and are not lying about it. I also believe that there are those who make up stories because it pats the bills, like the guys you see on TV and some on Coast to Coast.
I've never seen anything, but have heard things that i can't explain. My kids though (they're all adults) talk about see ghosts or spirits in an old house we lived in years ago. I can't say for sure because i've never seen anything, but i believe they did. They say some people are more susceptable to seeing them than others. I do believe there are spirits and demons...and angels that guide us.
I think that most people who "see" ghost believe they saw something and are not lying about it. I also believe that there are those who make up stories because it pats the bills, like the guys you see on TV and some on Coast to Coast.

You don't believe Ghost Hunters is real? Some of my favorite USMB friends would be crushed to even suggest such a thing. I honestly don't know. CG up there has been in on some more scientific ghost hunting projects and can probably speak to that better than me, though I don't know if she can get that particular TV program in the U.K.

As for Coast to Coast, I don't know. I have to admit some of the stuff they feature I take with a huge grain of salt and some I don't buy at all. But there have also been a few on that show who were so credible that I was at least intrigued if not a full fledged believer.

But again, do you believe in angels? Demons? The Holy Spirit? That when our earthly bodies die that we live on in spiritual bodies?
I'm Closed Minded.

Live TODAY, least you die tomorrow: BECAUSE THIS IS IT.
Your point of view is shared by many dear and special people Samson. I wonder though how you can be so sure when there are so many seemingly credible people who disagree with you?

I've never seen the Northern Lights or a moose in the wild, but I believe they exist.
Your point of view is shared by many dear and special people Samson. I wonder though how you can be so sure when there are so many seemingly credible people who disagree with you?

I've never seen the Northern Lights or a moose in the wild, but I believe they exist.

Have you ever seen Big Foot?

What about Lepercauns?


Hell, I don't just walk around believing whatever people haven't seen exists. There's gotta be SOME place I draw the line, and I draw the line with measurable and reproduceable data.
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I do think there are multiple dimensions..and some of the "String Theory" makes sense. But that's also probably outside the way we percieve things at the moment.

I do think there are multiple dimensions..and some of the "String Theory" makes sense. But that's also probably outside the way we percieve things at the moment.

You are in the dimension where "I" does NOT come before "E" even after "C."


I do think there are multiple dimensions..and some of the "String Theory" makes sense. But that's also probably outside the way we percieve things at the moment.

To Samson no, I haven't seen Big Foot nor leprechauns nor an extra terrestrial being though I tend to believe in the latter and would really REALLY like to see a real UFO and/or extra terrestrial being -- safely of course.

And Sallow, could you explain the "String Theory" please?

I do think there are multiple dimensions..and some of the "String Theory" makes sense. But that's also probably outside the way we percieve things at the moment.

To Samson no, I haven't seen Big Foot nor leprechauns nor an extra terrestrial being though I tend to believe in the latter and would really REALLY like to see a real UFO and/or extra terrestrial being -- safely of course.

And Sallow, could you explain the "String Theory" please?

Your desire to see a UFO isn't surprising since so many seem to visit NM.


Roswell is A Funky Town.
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It is true that UFOs and E.T.s have provided a lucrative and really fun cottage industry for Roswell NM.

But awhile back, I was contracted by State Farm Insurance to do property and safety inspections on all their farm and ranch properties in New Mexico. Hombre took some time off adjusting to help me with that and we spent months traveling around the state looking at, measuring buildings, taking photographs, etc. on rural properties. And that took me into that area northwest of Roswell where the space ship was reported to have crashed. I ran into old timers out there, all quite advanced in age now, who were there at the time. And to a man, they are ALL believers that what happened out there was no weather balloon or any other explanable earthly phenomenon.

So again I don't know. But I keep an open mind.

I HAVE experienced the spirit world, however, so for me that is a no brainer. I am a believer.
It is true that UFOs and E.T.s have provided a lucrative and really fun cottage industry for Roswell NM.

But awhile back, I was contracted by State Farm Insurance to do property and safety inspections on all their farm and ranch properties in New Mexico. Hombre took some time off adjusting to help me with that and we spent months traveling around the state looking at, measuring buildings, taking photographs, etc. on rural properties. And that took me into that area northwest of Roswell where the space ship was reported to have crashed. I ran into old timers out there, all quite advanced in age now, who were there at the time. And to a man, they are ALL believers that what happened out there was no weather balloon or any other explanable earthly phenomenon.

So again I don't know. But I keep an open mind.

I HAVE experienced the spirit world, however, so for me that is a no brainer. I am a believer.


OK, OK....what did you experience, Foxy, and how much tequilla were you drinking at the time............


PS: Were you wearing a bra?
I have never seen ghosts nor do I know any credible people who have.
I even spent a couple of nights in cemeteries. Nothing just bugs.
Not unless you are talking about Ethyelated spirits.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXXdFsRcfsU"]a parade![/ame]

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