Spiritual teachings


The Complete Golden Dawn

This is one of my favorite grimoires... for anyone interested in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn...

http://www.golden-dawn-canada.com/pdf/Israel Regardie - The Complete Golden Dawn (Black Brick).pdf

If you'd rather skip the long intro, the actual teachings begin on page 64 of 717.
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The Lesser Key of Solomon

The Lemegaton
Clavicula Salamonis Regis

Book 1: Ars Goetia
"The first book, or Part, which is a Book concerning the Spirits of Evil, and which is termed THE GOETIA OF SOLOMON, sheweth forth his manner of binding these spirits for use in things divers. And hereby did he acquire great renown."

Book 2: Ars Theurgia Goetia
"The Second Book is one which treateth of Spirits mingled of Good and Evil Natures, the which is entitled the THEURGIA GOETIA, or the Magical Wisdom of the Spirits Aerial, wherof some do abide, but certain do wonder and abide not."

Book 3: Ars Paulina
"The Third Book, called ARS PAULINA, or the ART PAULINE, treateth of the Spirits allotted into every degree of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac; and also of the Signs, and of the Planets in the Signs, as well as of the Hours."

Book 4: Ars Almadel
"The Fourth Book, called the ARS ALMADEL SALAMONIS, or the ART ALMADEL OF SOLOMON, concerneth those spirits which be set over the Quaternary of the Altitudes.

The last mentioned Books, ART PAULINE and the ART ALMADEL, do relate unto Good Spirits alone, whose knowledge is to be attained through seeking unto the divine. These two Books can also be classed together unto the Name of the First and the Second Parts of the Book THEURGIA OF SOLOMON."

Book 5: Ars Notoria
"The Fifth Book of the Lemegaton is one of prayers and orations. The which did Solomon the wise did use upon the Altar in the Temple. The which is called Ars Nova, the which was revealed unto Solomon by that Holy Angel of God called Michael; and he also received many brief Notes written with the Finger of God, which were declared to him by the said Angel with clasps of Thunder, without which Notes King Solomon would had never attained his Great Wisdom, for by them in short time he gained knowledge of all Arts and Sciences both Good and Bad, from these notes it is called the NOTERARY ART, etc."

Some modern translations:

The Lesser Key of Solomon Goetia The Book of Evil Spirits Contains Two Hundred Diagrams and ...




Ars Notoria the Notory Art of Solomon


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You want a free book. It is called the Holy Bible. All of the spiritualism you need (and all of the answers to life) can be found in that book. Visit one of your local churches, they will be happy to give you one if you don't already have it.

I said in post 4 that I was disenchanted with the bible in the 1960's while attending bible classes, because I could not accept that God would throw anyone into hellfire. But I found the teachings of Silver Birch uplifting and comforting. You might like to follow the link in post 4 to see what I mean..

You loved man first and that led to your abandonment of Jesus, the way, the truth, and the light.

Right now you're being fooled by demons and thinking it's spiritualism. Demons that want you to go to hell.

Try reading some of the book, 'Christ in you' the last link I posted, post 59. See if a Christian would argue with any of it. I consider it a modern day revelation from the spirit world.
You want a free book. It is called the Holy Bible. All of the spiritualism you need (and all of the answers to life) can be found in that book. Visit one of your local churches, they will be happy to give you one if you don't already have it.

I said in post 4 that I was disenchanted with the bible in the 1960's while attending bible classes, because I could not accept that God would throw anyone into hellfire. But I found the teachings of Silver Birch uplifting and comforting. You might like to follow the link in post 4 to see what I mean..

You loved man first and that led to your abandonment of Jesus, the way, the truth, and the light.

Right now you're being fooled by demons and thinking it's spiritualism. Demons that want you to go to hell.

Try reading some of the book, 'Christ in you' the last link I posted, post 59. See if a Christian would argue with any of it. I consider it a modern day revelation from the spirit world.

I didn't even need to read the book. We already know that angels don't give revelations. Ghosts don't exist because humans go straight to Heaven or Hell.

Thus, any revelations from the Spirit World are from demons.
You want a free book. It is called the Holy Bible. All of the spiritualism you need (and all of the answers to life) can be found in that book. Visit one of your local churches, they will be happy to give you one if you don't already have it.

I said in post 4 that I was disenchanted with the bible in the 1960's while attending bible classes, because I could not accept that God would throw anyone into hellfire. But I found the teachings of Silver Birch uplifting and comforting. You might like to follow the link in post 4 to see what I mean..

You loved man first and that led to your abandonment of Jesus, the way, the truth, and the light.

Right now you're being fooled by demons and thinking it's spiritualism. Demons that want you to go to hell.

Try reading some of the book, 'Christ in you' the last link I posted, post 59. See if a Christian would argue with any of it. I consider it a modern day revelation from the spirit world.

I didn't even need to read the book. We already know that angels don't give revelations. Ghosts don't exists. Therefore, any revelations from the Spirit World are from demons.

I have been psychically open to the spirit world, and if there were demons stalking us, I would have known about it. What I actually got was evidence of survival from my relatives, who were there to comfort me.

You have been told a doctrine, but I have many years of personal experience in spiritualist churches.
" See if a Christian would argue with any of it."

Right away the lies start:

1) God has no personality.
2) God is infinitely meek and lowly
3) God and man are one
You want a free book. It is called the Holy Bible. All of the spiritualism you need (and all of the answers to life) can be found in that book. Visit one of your local churches, they will be happy to give you one if you don't already have it.

I said in post 4 that I was disenchanted with the bible in the 1960's while attending bible classes, because I could not accept that God would throw anyone into hellfire. But I found the teachings of Silver Birch uplifting and comforting. You might like to follow the link in post 4 to see what I mean..

You loved man first and that led to your abandonment of Jesus, the way, the truth, and the light.

Right now you're being fooled by demons and thinking it's spiritualism. Demons that want you to go to hell.

Try reading some of the book, 'Christ in you' the last link I posted, post 59. See if a Christian would argue with any of it. I consider it a modern day revelation from the spirit world.

I didn't even need to read the book. We already know that angels don't give revelations. Ghosts don't exists. Therefore, any revelations from the Spirit World are from demons.

I have been psychically open to the spirit world, and if there were demons stalking us, I would have known about it. What I actually got was evidence of survival from my relatives, who were there to comfort me.
You have been told a doctrine, but I have many years of personal experience in spiritualist churches.

Would demons want you to know that they're demons?
No way. It's way better to wait until you are in Hell to let you know.

You spent all those years with demons.
Hey look if you wanna argue religion, there are hundreds of other topics here that were created just for that.

This could become a very interesting occult archive.
I said in post 4 that I was disenchanted with the bible in the 1960's while attending bible classes, because I could not accept that God would throw anyone into hellfire. But I found the teachings of Silver Birch uplifting and comforting. You might like to follow the link in post 4 to see what I mean..

You loved man first and that led to your abandonment of Jesus, the way, the truth, and the light.

Right now you're being fooled by demons and thinking it's spiritualism. Demons that want you to go to hell.

Try reading some of the book, 'Christ in you' the last link I posted, post 59. See if a Christian would argue with any of it. I consider it a modern day revelation from the spirit world.

I didn't even need to read the book. We already know that angels don't give revelations. Ghosts don't exists. Therefore, any revelations from the Spirit World are from demons.

I have been psychically open to the spirit world, and if there were demons stalking us, I would have known about it. What I actually got was evidence of survival from my relatives, who were there to comfort me.
You have been told a doctrine, but I have many years of personal experience in spiritualist churches.

Would demons want you to know that they're demons?
No way. It's way better to wait until you are in Hell to let you know.

You spent all those years with demons.

Your world must be frightening if you think we are surrounded by demons, and are subject to their abuse.
I, on the other hand believe that whatever evil beings may exist in other dimensions, they cannot master us. Because we cannot be separated from God unless we allow it to happen ourselves.
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Hey look if you wanna argue religion, there are hundreds of other topics here that were created just for that.

This could become a very interesting occult archive.

And thanks for your contribution. But I welcome maxgrit as some discussion will keep the thread alive.
Back to the book, demonic for sure.

4) Remember, nothing is yours unless you take and possess.
5) Bible is valueless.
6) God requires outflow from great central life.
7) Scripture has false imaginings
8) Evil is friendly
9) Evil has a beneficience purpose
You loved man first and that led to your abandonment of Jesus, the way, the truth, and the light.

Right now you're being fooled by demons and thinking it's spiritualism. Demons that want you to go to hell.

Try reading some of the book, 'Christ in you' the last link I posted, post 59. See if a Christian would argue with any of it. I consider it a modern day revelation from the spirit world.

I didn't even need to read the book. We already know that angels don't give revelations. Ghosts don't exists. Therefore, any revelations from the Spirit World are from demons.

I have been psychically open to the spirit world, and if there were demons stalking us, I would have known about it. What I actually got was evidence of survival from my relatives, who were there to comfort me.
You have been told a doctrine, but I have many years of personal experience in spiritualist churches.

Would demons want you to know that they're demons?
No way. It's way better to wait until you are in Hell to let you know.

You spent all those years with demons.

Your world must be frightening if you think we are surrounded by demons, and are subject to their abuse.
I, on the other hand believe that whatever evil beings may exist in other dimensions, they cannot master us. Because we cannot be separated from God unless we allow it to happen ourselves.

God's on my side so it's pretty decent.

Demons hate me a lot. They will attack me if they are able.
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Try reading some of the book, 'Christ in you' the last link I posted, post 59. See if a Christian would argue with any of it. I consider it a modern day revelation from the spirit world.

I didn't even need to read the book. We already know that angels don't give revelations. Ghosts don't exists. Therefore, any revelations from the Spirit World are from demons.

I have been psychically open to the spirit world, and if there were demons stalking us, I would have known about it. What I actually got was evidence of survival from my relatives, who were there to comfort me.
You have been told a doctrine, but I have many years of personal experience in spiritualist churches.

Would demons want you to know that they're demons?
No way. It's way better to wait until you are in Hell to let you know.

You spent all those years with demons.

Your world must be frightening if you think we are surrounded by demons, and are subject to their abuse.
I, on the other hand believe that whatever evil beings may exist in other dimensions, they cannot master us. Because we cannot be separated from God unless we allow it to happen ourselves.

God's on my side so it's pretty decent.

Demons hate me a lot. They will attack me if they are able.

You have encountered demons?
Anyways, I posted because I wanted to warn you. You are messing with demons.

A big clue is that they're lying to you about God and Jesus Christ. They are only pretending to worship Jesus Christ.
I didn't even need to read the book. We already know that angels don't give revelations. Ghosts don't exists. Therefore, any revelations from the Spirit World are from demons.

I have been psychically open to the spirit world, and if there were demons stalking us, I would have known about it. What I actually got was evidence of survival from my relatives, who were there to comfort me.
You have been told a doctrine, but I have many years of personal experience in spiritualist churches.

Would demons want you to know that they're demons?
No way. It's way better to wait until you are in Hell to let you know.

You spent all those years with demons.

Your world must be frightening if you think we are surrounded by demons, and are subject to their abuse.
I, on the other hand believe that whatever evil beings may exist in other dimensions, they cannot master us. Because we cannot be separated from God unless we allow it to happen ourselves.

God's on my side so it's pretty decent.

Demons hate me a lot. They will attack me if they are able.

You have encountered demons?

Anyways, I posted because I wanted to warn you. You are messing with demons.

A big clue is that they're lying to you about God and Jesus Christ. They are only pretending to worship Jesus Christ.

Like I say, that is not my experience, and I was subjected to psychic experiences from my youth. I was disturbed by feelings, and after wasting time talking to psychiatrists for two years I started going to a spiritualist church in the 1970's. After some time a medium told me my aura was open to the spirit world and on another occasion another medium told me my etheric body was loose. I had a lot of spiritual healing and eventually learned how to channel psychic energy through my own chakras and heal myself.

The point is that if demons were patrolling the earth looking for victims they would have found me when I was open to the spirit world. But I encountered no such beings, and instead had a lot of uplifting experiences.

The book' Christ in you' says the following. " We worship God through Jesus Christ. There is no other way, and there never has been, except in name" I cannot see a demon saying those words.
Anyways, I posted because I wanted to warn you. You are messing with demons.

A big clue is that they're lying to you about God and Jesus Christ. They are only pretending to worship Jesus Christ.

Like I say, that is not my experience, and I was subjected to psychic experiences from my youth. I was disturbed by feelings, and after wasting time talking to psychiatrists for two years I started going to a spiritualist church in the 1970's. After some time a medium told me my aura was open to the spirit world and on another occasion another medium told me my etheric body was loose. I had a lot of spiritual healing and eventually learned how to channel psychic energy through my own chakras and heal myself.

The point is that if demons were patrolling the earth looking for victims they would have found me when I was open to the spirit world. But I encountered no such beings, and instead had a lot of uplifting experiences.

The book' Christ in you' says the following. " We worship God through Jesus Christ. There is no other way, and there never has been, except in name" I cannot see a demon saying those words.

Demons are tricky. I can tell you that one fucker tried to hold me down twice. First time, I was fighting it, but it wouldn't go away. I commanded it in Jesus Christ's name. It went away for one day.

Then it came back and no matter what I say, it wouldn't let me go. I was struggling and trying to command it in Jesus's name. Fucker didn't listen. Again I commanded it to go away. Fucker didn't listen to that command either.

Suddenly, God said, "Leave him alone." God's voice is thunderous and powerful, like thousands of thunders speaking from a storm. It was very beautiful and pleasant to hear.

"The book' Christ in you' says the following. " We worship God through Jesus Christ. There is no other way, and there never has been, except in name" I cannot see a demon saying those words."

You have good experiences now because you are already caught. They just waiting. When you die you will go to Hell. They will torment you a lot at that time.

The book is full of lies. Don't trust anything it says. Demons are vicious evil liars.

I showed you some of the lies in that book.
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I take it this demon was an invisible being you could not see? Did it say anything? You say it held you down, could you feel hands on you?

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